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* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file ring_buffer.hpp Resizing ring buffer implementation. */
#include "alloc_type.hpp"
#include "bitmath_func.hpp"
* Self-resizing ring-buffer
* Insertion of an item invalidates existing iterators.
* Erasing an item which is not at the front or the back invalidates existing iterators.
template <class T>
class ring_buffer
std::unique_ptr<byte, FreeDeleter> data;
uint32 head = 0;
uint32 count = 0;
uint32 mask = (uint32)-1;
static uint32 round_up_size(uint32 size)
if (size <= 4) return 4;
uint8 bit = FindLastBit(size - 1);
return 1 << (bit + 1);
class ring_buffer_iterator_base
friend class ring_buffer;
const ring_buffer *ring = nullptr;
uint32 pos = 0;
ring_buffer_iterator_base() {}
ring_buffer_iterator_base(const ring_buffer *ring, uint32 pos)
: ring(ring), pos(pos) {}
template <class V, bool REVERSE>
class ring_buffer_iterator : public ring_buffer_iterator_base
friend class ring_buffer;
: ring_buffer_iterator_base() {}
ring_buffer_iterator(const ring_buffer *ring, uint32 pos)
: ring_buffer_iterator_base(ring, pos) {}
void next()
if (REVERSE) {
} else {
void prev()
if (REVERSE) {
} else {
void move(std::ptrdiff_t delta)
if (REVERSE) {
this->pos -= (uint32)delta;
} else {
this->pos += (uint32)delta;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = T;
using reference = V &;
using const_reference = const V &;
using pointer = V *;
using const_pointer = const V *;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
reference operator *()
return *this->ring->ptr_at_pos(this->pos);
const_reference operator *() const
return *this->ring->ptr_at_pos(this->pos);
pointer operator ->()
return this->ring->ptr_at_pos(this->pos);
const_pointer operator ->() const
return this->ring->ptr_at_pos(this->pos);
/* Increment operator (postfix) */
ring_buffer_iterator operator ++(int)
ring_buffer_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
/* Increment operator (prefix) */
ring_buffer_iterator &operator ++()
return *this;
/* Decrement operator (postfix) */
ring_buffer_iterator operator --(int)
ring_buffer_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
/* Decrement operator (prefix) */
ring_buffer_iterator &operator --()
return *this;
bool operator ==(const ring_buffer_iterator &other) const
return (this->ring == other.ring) && (this->pos == other.pos);
bool operator !=(const ring_buffer_iterator &other) const
return !operator ==(other);
ring_buffer_iterator operator +(std::ptrdiff_t delta) const
ring_buffer_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
ring_buffer_iterator &operator +=(std::ptrdiff_t delta)
return *this;
ring_buffer_iterator operator -(std::ptrdiff_t delta) const
ring_buffer_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
ring_buffer_iterator &operator -=(std::ptrdiff_t delta)
return *this;
std::ptrdiff_t operator -(const ring_buffer_iterator &other) const
dbg_assert(this->ring == other.ring);
if (REVERSE) {
return (int32)(other.pos - this->pos);
} else {
return (int32)(this->pos - other.pos);
typedef ring_buffer_iterator<T, false> iterator;
typedef ring_buffer_iterator<const T, false> const_iterator;
typedef ring_buffer_iterator<T, true> reverse_iterator;
typedef ring_buffer_iterator<const T, true> const_reverse_iterator;
ring_buffer() = default;
template <typename U>
void construct_from(const U &other)
uint32 cap = round_up_size((uint32)other.size());
this->data.reset(MallocT<byte>(cap * sizeof(T)));
this->mask = cap - 1;
this->head = 0;
this->count = (uint32)other.size();
byte *ptr = this->data.get();
for (const T &item : other) {
new (ptr) T(item);
ptr += sizeof(T);
ring_buffer(const ring_buffer &other)
if (!other.empty()) {
ring_buffer(ring_buffer &&other)
std::swap(this->head, other.head);
std::swap(this->count, other.count);
std::swap(this->mask, other.mask);
ring_buffer(std::initializer_list<T> init)
if (init.size() > 0) {
ring_buffer& operator =(const ring_buffer &other)
if (&other != this) {
if (!other.empty()) {
if (other.size() > this->capacity()) {
uint32 cap = round_up_size(other.count);
this->data.reset(MallocT<byte>(cap * sizeof(T)));
this->mask = cap - 1;
this->head = 0;
this->count = other.count;
byte *ptr = this->data.get();
for (const T &item : other) {
new (ptr) T(item);
ptr += sizeof(T);
return *this;
ring_buffer& operator =(ring_buffer &&other)
if (&other != this) {
std::swap(this->head, other.head);
std::swap(this->count, other.count);
std::swap(this->mask, other.mask);
return *this;
for (T &item : *this) {
bool operator ==(const ring_buffer& other) const
if (this->count != other.count) return false;
if (this->empty()) return true;
auto other_iter = other.begin();
for (const T &item : *this) {
if (item != *other_iter) return false;
return true;
bool operator != (const ring_buffer &other) const
return !operator ==(other);
size_t size() const
return this->count;
bool empty() const
return this->count == 0;
size_t capacity() const
return this->mask + 1;
void clear()
for (const T &item : *this) {
this->count = 0;
this->head = 0;
void reallocate(uint32 new_cap)
const uint32 cap = round_up_size(new_cap);
byte *new_buf = MallocT<byte>(cap * sizeof(T));
byte *pos = new_buf;
for (T &item : *this) {
new (pos) T(std::move(item));
pos += sizeof(T);
this->mask = cap - 1;
this->head = 0;
void *raw_ptr_at_pos(uint32 idx) const
return this->data.get() + (sizeof(T) * (idx & this->mask));
void *raw_ptr_at_offset(uint32 idx) const
return this->raw_ptr_at_pos(this->head + idx);
T *ptr_at_pos(uint32 idx) const
return static_cast<T *>(this->raw_ptr_at_pos(idx));
T *ptr_at_offset(uint32 idx) const
return static_cast<T *>(this->raw_ptr_at_offset(idx));
void *new_back_ptr()
if (this->count == this->capacity()) this->reallocate(this->count + 1);
return this->raw_ptr_at_offset(this->count - 1);
void *new_front_ptr()
if (this->count == this->capacity()) this->reallocate(this->count + 1);
return this->raw_ptr_at_offset(0);
void push_back(const T &item)
new (this->new_back_ptr()) T(item);
void push_back(T &&item)
new (this->new_back_ptr()) T(std::move(item));
template <typename... Args>
T &emplace_back(Args&&... args)
void *ptr = this->new_back_ptr();
return *(new (ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
void push_front(const T &item)
new (this->new_front_ptr()) T(item);
void push_front(T &&item)
new (this->new_front_ptr()) T(std::move(item));
template <typename... Args>
T &emplace_front(Args&&... args)
void *ptr = this->new_front_ptr();
return *(new (ptr) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
void pop_back()
void pop_front()
iterator begin()
return iterator(this, this->head);
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(this, this->head);
const_iterator cbegin() const
return const_iterator(this, this->head);
iterator end()
return iterator(this, this->head + this->count);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(this, this->head + this->count);
const_iterator cend() const
return const_iterator(this, this->head + this->count);
reverse_iterator rbegin()
return reverse_iterator(this, this->head + this->count - 1);
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(this, this->head + this->count - 1);
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(this, this->head + this->count - 1);
reverse_iterator rend()
return reverse_iterator(this, this->head - 1);
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(this, this->head - 1);
const_reverse_iterator crend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(this, this->head - 1);
T &front()
return *this->ptr_at_offset(0);
const T &front() const
return *this->ptr_at_offset(0);
T &back()
return *this->ptr_at_offset(this->count - 1);
const T &back() const
return *this->ptr_at_offset(this->count - 1);
uint32 setup_insert(uint32 pos, uint32 num)
if (this->count + num > (uint32)this->capacity()) {
/* grow container */
const uint32 cap = round_up_size(this->count + num);
byte *new_buf = MallocT<byte>(cap * sizeof(T));
byte *write_to = new_buf;
const uint32 end = this->head + this->count;
for (uint32 idx = this->head; idx != end; idx++) {
if (idx == pos) {
/* gap for inserted items */
write_to += num * sizeof(T);
T &item = *this->ptr_at_pos(idx);
new (write_to) T(std::move(item));
write_to += sizeof(T);
uint32 res = pos - this->head;
this->mask = cap - 1;
this->head = 0;
this->count += num;
return res;
} else if (pos == this->head) {
/* front */
this->count += num;
this->head -= num;
return 0;
} else if (pos == this->head + this->count) {
/* back */
uint32 ret = this->count;
this->count += num;
return ret;
} else {
/* middle, move data */
if (pos - this->head < (this->count / 2)) {
/* closer to the beginning, shuffle those backwards */
const uint32 new_head = this->head - num;
const uint32 insert_start = pos - num;
for (uint32 idx = new_head; idx != this->head; idx++) {
/* Move construct to move backwards into uninitialised region */
new (this->raw_ptr_at_pos(idx)) T(std::move(*(this->ptr_at_pos(idx + num))));
for (uint32 idx = this->head; idx != insert_start; idx++) {
/* Move assign to move backwards in initialised region */
*this->ptr_at_pos(idx) = std::move(*this->ptr_at_pos(idx + num));
for (uint32 idx = insert_start; idx != pos; idx++) {
/* Destruct to leave space for inserts */
this->head = new_head;
this->count += num;
return insert_start;
} else {
/* closer to the end, shuffle those forwards */
const uint32 after_insert = pos + num;
const uint32 last = this->head + this->count - 1;
const uint32 new_last = last + num;
for (uint32 idx = new_last; idx != last; idx--) {
/* Move construct to move forwards into uninitialised region */
new (this->raw_ptr_at_pos(idx)) T(std::move(*(this->ptr_at_pos(idx - num))));
for (uint32 idx = last; idx != after_insert; idx--) {
/* Move assign to move backwards in initialised region */
*this->ptr_at_pos(idx) = std::move(*this->ptr_at_pos(idx - num));
for (uint32 idx = after_insert; idx != pos; idx--) {
/* Destruct to leave space for inserts */
this->count += num;
return pos;
template <typename... Args>
iterator emplace(ring_buffer_iterator_base pos, Args&&... args)
dbg_assert(pos.ring == this);
uint32 new_pos = this->setup_insert(pos.pos, 1);
new (this->raw_ptr_at_pos(new_pos)) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return iterator(this, new_pos);
iterator insert(ring_buffer_iterator_base pos, const T& value)
return this->emplace(pos, value);
iterator insert(ring_buffer_iterator_base pos, T&& value)
return this->emplace(pos, std::move(value));
void reserve(size_t new_cap)
if (new_cap <= this->capacity()) return;
void resize(size_t new_size)
if (new_size < this->size()) {
for (uint32 i = (uint32)new_size; i != this->count; i++) {
} else if (new_size > this->size()) {
if (new_size > this->capacity()) {
for (uint32 i = this->count; i != (uint32)new_size; i++) {
new (this->raw_ptr_at_offset(i)) T();
this->count = (uint32)new_size;
void shrink_to_fit()
if (this->empty()) {
this->mask = (uint32)-1;
} else if (round_up_size(this->count) < this->capacity()) {
T &operator[](size_t index)
return *this->ptr_at_offset((uint32)index);
const T &operator[](size_t index) const
return *this->ptr_at_offset((uint32)index);
#endif /* RING_BUFFER_HPP */