# This is an example OnionIngestor config file with some preconfigured configurations # Storage Engines elasticsearch and telegram are configured general: # Run forever, check feeds once an hour. daemon: True sleep: 10 onion_validation: ([a-z2-7]{16,56}\.onion) blacklist: pedo,porn,child interestingKeywords: your,keywords,here save-thread: no # Use a separate thread to save onions monitor: filename: monitoring.txt sources: # A few threat intel blogs to get you started! - name: simple-text-file module: simplefile filename: onion_master_list.txt # - name: source-gist # module: gist # url: https://gist.github.com/search?l=Text&q=.onion # - name: source-reddit # module: reddit # url: https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/search/comment/?subreddit=onions&limit=1000000 # feed_type: messy # # - name: pastebin # module: pastebin-account # url: https://gist.github.com/search?l=Text&q=.onion # feed_type: messy # # - name: hunchly-report # module: gmail-hunchly # url: https://gist.github.com/search?l=Text&q=.onion # feed_type: messy # # - name: onionland-search # module: collect-onions # url: http://3bbaaaccczcbdddz.onion/discover # feed_type: messy # # - name: torch # module: collect-onions # url: http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion # feed_type: messy operators: - name: simple-html module: html timeout: 300 retries: 2 interestingKeywords: your,keywords,here socks5: http: 'socks5h://' https: 'socks5h://' TorController: port: 9051 password: your-tor-controller-password - name: onionscan-go module: onionscan binpath: your-onionscan-binary-path - name: simple-screenshot module: screenshot screenshots_path: null # - name: yara-rule # module: yara # filename: categories.yar # base_score: 50 # # - name: regex-match # module: regex # keywords: test,test2 # base_score: 20 database_Engines: - name: telegram-notifer #Simple Telegram notifier module: telegram chat_id: your-telegram-chat-id token: your-telegram-token - name: elasticsearch module: elasticsearch index: your-index-name port : 9200 host : # - name: email # module: send_email # alert: no # Enable/disable email alerts # from: alert@example.com # to: alert@example.com # server: # Address of the server (hostname or IP) # port: 25 # Outgoing SMTP port: 25, 587, ... # tls: no # Enable/disable tls support # username: '' # (optional) Username for authentication. Leave blank for no authentication. # password: '' # (optional) Password for authentication. Leave blank for no authentication. # subject: '[onioningestor] - {subject}' # size-limit: 1048576 # Size limit for pastie, above it's sent as attachement