import sys import time import queue import traceback import threading import collections from queue import Queue, Empty from itertools import islice from . import config from . import loghandler from onioningestor.databases import StorageDispatcher, StorageThread, StorageSync class Ingestor: """ThreatIngestor main work logic. Handles reading the config file, calling sources, maintaining state, and sending artifacts to operators. """ def __init__(self, args): # Load logger log = loghandler.LoggerHandler(args.logLevel) self.logger = log.start_logging() # Load config self.config = config.Config(args.configFile, self.logger) self.blacklist = self.config.blacklist() # Create Queues self.queue = self.config.monitorQueue() # Get asynchronously o synchronously save self.save_thread = self.config.save_thread() # Track some statistics about artifacts in a summary object. self.summary = collections.Counter() # Threads self.threads = [] try: # Load Storage Engines - ElasticSearch, Telegram, Twitter etc = StorageDispatcher(self.logger) for name, db, kwargs in self.config.database_engines(): # start the threads handling database storage if needed if self.save_thread: self.logger.debug(f"Starting daemon thread for {str(db)}") t = StorageThread(db(self.logger, **kwargs)) self.threads.append(t) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() # save onions synchronously else: s = StorageSync(db(self.logger, **kwargs)) if self.save_thread:"Onions will be saved asynchronously") else:"Onions will be saved synchronously") # Instantiate operator plugins. self.logger.debug("initializing operators") self.operators = {name: operator(self.logger, self.config.torController(), self.blacklist, **kwargs) for name, operator, kwargs in self.config.operators()} except Exception as e: # Error loading starting plugins. self.logger.error(e) self.logger.debug(traceback.print_exc()) sys.exit(1) def collect_sources(self): self.logger.debug("Initializing sources") for name, collect, kwargs in self.config.sources(): # Run the source to collect onion links from clear net."Running source '{name}'") try: # get the generator of onions source = collect(self.logger, **kwargs) source.set_onionQueue(self.queue) #priority 2 t = self.threads.append(t)'Starting of thread: {t.currentThread().name}') #t.start() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error(traceback.print_exc()) continue def process(self, onion): for operator in self.operators:"Processing found onions with operator '{operator}'") # Set CrawlQueue for every operator self.operators[operator].set_crawlQueue(self.queue) # Process list of onions self.operators[operator].process(onion) def run(self): """Run once, or forever, depending on config.""" if self.config.daemon():"Running forever, in a loop") self.run_forever() else:"Running once, to completion") self.run_once() def run_once(self): """Run each source once, passing artifacts to each operator.""" # Start collecting sources self.collect_sources() # Sources will fill various queues # MonitorQueue has priority high # OnionQueue are those found in clearnet medium # crawlQueue are those found crawling onionlinks low done = False while not done: try: onion = self.queue.get(True, 5) ## Process onions with each operator. self.process(onion) ## Save Onions for each storage[1], 30) except Empty:'Queue is empty') done = True except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error(traceback.print_exc()) break except KeyboardInterrupt: print('')"Ctrl-c received! Sending kill to threads...") for t in self.threads: t.kill_received = True'Exiting') sys.exit(0) def run_forever(self): """Run forever, sleeping for the configured interval between each run.""" while True: self.run_once() self.logger.debug(f"Sleeping for {self.config.sleep()} seconds") time.sleep(self.config.sleep())