tuberry 47e4f0361f fix: let hl_override be compatible with custom themes
load `hl_override` after the theme
2022-03-26 19:58:29 +05:30

169 lines
4.2 KiB

local cmd = vim.cmd
local colors = require("colors").get()
local ui = require("core.utils").load_config().ui
local black = colors.black
local black2 = colors.black2
local blue = colors.blue
local darker_black = colors.darker_black
local folder_bg = colors.folder_bg
local green = colors.green
local grey = colors.grey
local grey_fg = colors.grey_fg
local light_grey = colors.light_grey
local line = colors.line
local nord_blue = colors.nord_blue
local one_bg = colors.one_bg
local one_bg2 = colors.one_bg2
local pmenu_bg = colors.pmenu_bg
local purple = colors.purple
local red = colors.red
local white = colors.white
local yellow = colors.yellow
local orange = colors.orange
local one_bg3 = colors.one_bg3
-- functions for setting highlights
local fg = require("core.utils").fg
local fg_bg = require("core.utils").fg_bg
local bg = require("core.utils").bg
-- Comments
if ui.italic_comments then
fg("Comment", grey_fg .. " gui=italic")
fg("Comment", grey_fg)
-- Disable cursor line
cmd "hi clear CursorLine"
-- Line number
fg("cursorlinenr", white)
-- same it bg, so it doesn't appear
fg("EndOfBuffer", black)
-- For floating windows
fg("FloatBorder", blue)
bg("NormalFloat", darker_black)
-- Pmenu
bg("Pmenu", one_bg)
bg("PmenuSbar", one_bg2)
bg("PmenuSel", pmenu_bg)
bg("PmenuThumb", nord_blue)
fg("CmpItemAbbr", white)
fg("CmpItemAbbrMatch", white)
fg("CmpItemKind", white)
fg("CmpItemMenu", white)
-- misc
-- inactive statuslines as thin lines
fg("StatusLineNC", one_bg3 .. " gui=underline")
fg("LineNr", grey)
fg("NvimInternalError", red)
fg("VertSplit", one_bg2)
if ui.transparency then
bg("Normal", "NONE")
bg("Folded", "NONE")
fg("Folded", "NONE")
fg("Comment", grey)
-- [[ Plugin Highlights
-- Dashboard
fg("AlphaHeader", grey_fg)
fg("AlphaButtons", light_grey)
-- Git signs
fg_bg("DiffAdd", blue, "NONE")
fg_bg("DiffChange", grey_fg, "NONE")
fg_bg("DiffChangeDelete", red, "NONE")
fg_bg("DiffModified", red, "NONE")
fg_bg("DiffDelete", red, "NONE")
-- Indent blankline plugin
fg("IndentBlanklineChar", line)
fg("IndentBlanklineSpaceChar", line)
-- Lsp diagnostics
fg("DiagnosticHint", purple)
fg("DiagnosticError", red)
fg("DiagnosticWarn", yellow)
fg("DiagnosticInformation", green)
-- NvimTree
fg("NvimTreeEmptyFolderName", folder_bg)
fg("NvimTreeEndOfBuffer", darker_black)
fg("NvimTreeFolderIcon", folder_bg)
fg("NvimTreeFolderName", folder_bg)
fg("NvimTreeGitDirty", red)
fg("NvimTreeIndentMarker", one_bg2)
bg("NvimTreeNormal", darker_black)
bg("NvimTreeNormalNC", darker_black)
fg("NvimTreeOpenedFolderName", folder_bg)
fg("NvimTreeRootFolder", red .. " gui=underline") -- enable underline for root folder in nvim tree
fg_bg("NvimTreeStatuslineNc", darker_black, darker_black)
fg_bg("NvimTreeVertSplit", darker_black, darker_black)
fg_bg("NvimTreeWindowPicker", red, black2)
-- Telescope
fg_bg("TelescopeBorder", darker_black, darker_black)
fg_bg("TelescopePromptBorder", black2, black2)
fg_bg("TelescopePromptNormal", white, black2)
fg_bg("TelescopePromptPrefix", red, black2)
bg("TelescopeNormal", darker_black)
fg_bg("TelescopePreviewTitle", black, green)
fg_bg("TelescopePromptTitle", black, red)
fg_bg("TelescopeResultsTitle", darker_black, darker_black)
bg("TelescopeSelection", black2)
-- keybinds cheatsheet
fg_bg("CheatsheetBorder", black, black)
bg("CheatsheetSectionContent", black)
fg("CheatsheetHeading", white)
local section_title_colors = {
for i, color in ipairs(section_title_colors) do
vim.cmd("highlight CheatsheetTitle" .. i .. " guibg = " .. color .. " guifg=" .. black)
-- Disable some highlight in nvim tree if transparency enabled
if ui.transparency then
bg("NormalFloat", "NONE")
bg("NvimTreeNormal", "NONE")
bg("NvimTreeNormalNC", "NONE")
bg("NvimTreeStatusLineNC", "NONE")
fg_bg("NvimTreeVertSplit", grey, "NONE")
-- telescope
bg("TelescopeBorder", "NONE")
bg("TelescopePrompt", "NONE")
bg("TelescopeResults", "NONE")
bg("TelescopePromptBorder", "NONE")
bg("TelescopePromptNormal", "NONE")
bg("TelescopeNormal", "NONE")
bg("TelescopePromptPrefix", "NONE")
fg("TelescopeBorder", one_bg)
fg_bg("TelescopeResultsTitle", black, blue)