You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
922 B

-- IMPORTANT NOTE : This is default config, so dont change anything here.
-- chadrc overrides this file
local M = {}
M.options = {
path = "", -- path to file that overrides core.options
-- NvChad options
nvChad = {
-- updater
update_url = "",
update_branch = "main",
---- UI -----
M.ui = {
hl_override = "",
colors = "", -- path of your file that contains colors
theme = "onedark", -- default theme
transparency = false,
M.plugins = {
override = {},
options = {
packer = {
init_file = "plugins.packerInit",
lspconfig = {
setup_lspconf = "", -- path of lspconfig file
statusline = {
style = "default", -- default/round/slant/block/arrow
-- add, modify, remove plugins
user = {},
-- non plugin only
M.mappings = {
misc = nil,
return M