local M = {} -- if theme given, load given theme if given, otherwise nvchad_theme M.init = function(theme) if not theme then theme = require("core.utils").load_config().ui.theme end -- set the global theme, used at various places like theme switcher, highlights vim.g.nvchad_theme = theme local present, base16 = pcall(require, "base16") if present then -- first load the base16 theme local ok, array = pcall(base16.themes, theme) if ok then base16(array, true) -- unload to force reload package.loaded["colors.highlights" or false] = nil -- then load the highlights require "colors.highlights" else pcall(vim.cmd, "colo " .. theme) end else pcall(vim.cmd, "colo " .. theme) end end -- returns a table of colors for given or current theme M.get = function(theme) local colors = require("core.utils").load_config().ui.colors if #colors ~= 0 then return require(colors) else if not theme then theme = vim.g.nvchad_theme end return require("hl_themes." .. theme) end end return M