#!/bin/sh _usage() { printf "%s" \ "Usage: sh ${0##*/} [ options ] -h | --help => Show this help. -i | --install => Install the config. -u | --update => Update the existing config without removing existing stuff. -b | --backup 'path' => Custom config backup path. -nb | --no-backup => Don't take existing config backup. Use with caution. " exit 0 } _check_install_dependencies() { _error_dependencies() { printf "%s\n" "Error: Install ${1} before proceeding." exit 1 } _GIT="$(command -v git)" || _error_dependencies git _SED="$(command -v sed)" || _error_dependencies sed return 0 } _check_nvim_version() { version_string="$(nvim --version | grep -Eo 'NVIM.*v[0-9.]+' -m 1 | grep -Eo '[0-9.]+')" || return 1 printf "%s\n" "${version_string}" | while IFS=. read -r num1 num2 num3; do { [ "${num1}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${num2}" -ge 5 ] && [ "${num3}" -ge 0 ]; } || return 1 done } _copy_config() { printf "%s\n" "Linking config" printf "%s\n" "Old nvim config will be changed to nvim.bak if exists! :0" # copying config if [ -d "${_CONFIG_PATH}" ]; then printf "%s\n" "Nvim Directory exists" if [ "${_NO_BACKUP}" = "true" ]; then printf "%s\n" "Skipping backup as --no-backup flag was passed.." [ "${_UPDATE}" = "false" ] && rm -rf "${_CONFIG_PATH}" else printf "%s\n" "Taking backup of existing config.." mv "${_CONFIG_PATH}" "${_BACKUP_PATH}" || { printf "\n%s\n" "Error: Cannot move ${_CONFIG_PATH} to ${_BACKUP_PATH}" printf "\n%s\n" "Take backup manually or use -b/--backup to provide non-empty path or use -nb/--no-backup to skip backup." exit 1 } fi else printf "%s\n" "Nvim Config doesn't exist so creating one" fi mkdir -p "${_CONFIG_PATH}" || { printf "%s\n" "Error: Cannot create folder ${_CONFIG_PATH}" exit 1 } { cp -r init.lua lua "${_CONFIG_PATH}"/; } || { printf "Error: Couldn't copy nvim config\n" exit 1 } return 0 } _setup_terminal_shell() { _mappings_file="${_CONFIG_PATH}/lua/mappings.lua" # only ask for shellname if running in terminal if [ -t 1 ]; then printf "%s\n: " "Which shell do you want to use ? [ Enter nothing for current shell ( $_CURRENT_SHELL ) ]" read -r shellname fi shellname="${shellname:-${_CURRENT_SHELL}}" printf "%s\n" "$shellname" # don't try to do any changes if given shellname is same as bash if ! [ bash = "$shellname" ]; then # Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4247319 if "${_SED}" -i'.bak' -e "s/bash/$shellname/g" "${_mappings_file}"; then printf "\n%s\n" "=> Shell changed to $shellname on nvim successfully!" else printf "\n%s\n" "Cannot edit with sed, edit ${_mappings_file} manually to replace bash with $shellname." fi rm -f "${_mappings_file}".bak # delete backup file created by sed else printf "\n%s\n" "=> Shell changed to $shellname on nvim successfully!" fi return 0 } _setup_arguments() { # default variables to be used _CONFIG_PATH="${HOME}/.config/nvim" _UPDATE="" _BACKUP_PATH="${_CONFIG_PATH}.bak" _NO_BACKUP="false" _CURRENT_SHELL="${SHELL##*/}" _check_longoptions() { [ -z "${2}" ] && printf '%s: %s: option requires an argument\nTry '"%s -h/--help"' for more information.\n' "${0##*/}" "${1}" "${0##*/}" && exit 1 return 0 } while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "${1}" in -h | --help) _usage ;; -i | --install) _UPDATE="false" ;; -u | --update) _UPDATE="true" ;; -b | --backup) _check_longoptions "${1}" "${2}" _BACKUP_PATH="${2}" && shift ;; -nb | --nobackup) _NO_BACKUP="true" ;; esac shift done [ -z "${_UPDATE}" ] && { printf "%s\n" "Error: Either -i/--install or -u/--update flag must be used." printf "%s\n" "See -h/--help for more info." exit 1 } printf "%s\n" \ "CONFIG PATH: ${_CONFIG_PATH} $(if [ "${_NO_BACKUP}" = "true" ]; then printf "SKIPPING CONFIG BACKUP !\n" else printf "%s\n" "CONFIG BACKUP PATH: ${_BACKUP_PATH}" fi) CURRENT SHELL: ${_CURRENT_SHELL} " return 0 } main() { [ $# = 0 ] && _usage _check_install_dependencies _setup_arguments "${@}" _copy_config [ "${_UPDATE}" = "false" ] && _setup_terminal_shell # install all plugins + compile them if _NVIM="$(command -v nvim)"; then if _check_nvim_version; then printf "\n%s\n" "=> Neovim will now open." && sleep 1 "${_NVIM}" +"autocmd User PackerComplete ++once quitall" \ +":lua require 'pluginList' vim.cmd('PackerSync')" "${_NVIM}" else printf "Error: Neovim is installed, but version is lower than 0.5.x, install Neovim >= 5.x and then run nvim & do :PackerSync\n." fi else printf "Error: Neovim is not installed, install Neovim >= 5.x and then run neovim & do :PackerSync.\n" fi } main "${@}"