added helper function to support partial plugin config overrides via tables in chadrc

zbirenbaum 2 years ago committed by siduck
parent 8f7b19f23b
commit cf7f8a557a

@ -243,21 +243,36 @@ end
-- name = name inside `default_config` / `chadrc`
-- default_req = run this if 'name' does not exist in `default_config` / `chadrc`
-- if override or default_req start with `(`, then strip that and assume override calls a function, not a whole file
-- if override is a table, mark set the override flag for the default config to true
-- override flag being true tells the plugin to call tbl_override_req as part of configuration
M.override_req = function(name, default_req)
local override = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.default_plugin_config_replace[name]
local result = default_req
if override ~= nil then
if type(override) == "string" then
result = override
if string.match(result, "^%(") then
result = result:sub(2)
result = result:gsub("%)%.", "').", 1)
if type(override) == "table" then
result = result:gsub("%(%)", "(true)", 1)
return "require('" .. result
return "require('" .. result .. "')"
-- Override parts of default config of a plugin based on the table provided in the chadrc
-- FUNCTION: tbl_override_req, use `chadrc` plugin config override to modify default config if present
-- name = name inside `default_config` / `chadrc`
-- default_table = the default configuration table of the plugin
-- returns the modified configuration table
M.tbl_override_req = function(name, default_table)
local override = require("core.utils").load_config().plugins.default_plugin_config_replace[name]
return vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", default_table, override)
return M
