You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

208 lines
5.0 KiB

4 years ago
local gl = require("galaxyline")
4 years ago
local gls = gl.section
local condition = require("galaxyline.condition")
gl.short_line_list = {" "}
4 years ago
local global_theme = "themes/" .. vim.g.nvchad_theme
local colors = require(global_theme)
gls.left[1] = {
FirstElement = {
provider = function()
return ""
highlight = {colors.nord_blue, colors.nord_blue}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.left[2] = {
statusIcon = {
4 years ago
provider = function()
return ""
4 years ago
highlight = {colors.statusline_bg, colors.nord_blue},
separator = "",
separator_highlight = {colors.nord_blue, colors.lightbg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.left[3] = {
FileIcon = {
provider = "FileIcon",
condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
highlight = {colors.white, colors.lightbg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.left[4] = {
4 years ago
FileName = {
provider = {"FileName"},
condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
highlight = {colors.white, colors.lightbg},
separator = "",
separator_highlight = {colors.lightbg, colors.lightbg2}
gls.left[5] = {
current_dir = {
provider = function()
local dir_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.getcwd(), ":t")
return "" .. dir_name .. " "
highlight = {colors.grey_fg2, colors.lightbg2},
separator = "",
separator_highlight = {colors.lightbg2, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
local checkwidth = function()
4 years ago
local squeeze_width = vim.fn.winwidth(0) / 2
if squeeze_width > 30 then
4 years ago
return true
return false
4 years ago
gls.left[6] = {
4 years ago
DiffAdd = {
provider = "DiffAdd",
condition = checkwidth,
icon = "",
highlight = {colors.white, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.left[7] = {
4 years ago
DiffModified = {
provider = "DiffModified",
condition = checkwidth,
icon = "",
highlight = {colors.grey_fg2, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.left[8] = {
4 years ago
DiffRemove = {
provider = "DiffRemove",
condition = checkwidth,
icon = "",
highlight = {colors.grey_fg2, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.left[9] = {
4 years ago
DiagnosticError = {
provider = "DiagnosticError",
icon = "",
highlight = {, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.left[10] = {
4 years ago
DiagnosticWarn = {
provider = "DiagnosticWarn",
icon = "",
highlight = {colors.yellow, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.right[1] = {
lsp_status = {
provider = function()
local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients()
if next(clients) ~= nil then
return " " .. "" .. " LSP "
return ""
highlight = {colors.grey_fg2, colors.statusline_bg}
gls.right[2] = {
4 years ago
GitIcon = {
provider = function()
return ""
4 years ago
condition = require("galaxyline.condition").check_git_workspace,
highlight = {colors.grey_fg2, colors.statusline_bg},
separator = " ",
separator_highlight = {colors.statusline_bg, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
gls.right[3] = {
4 years ago
GitBranch = {
provider = "GitBranch",
condition = require("galaxyline.condition").check_git_workspace,
highlight = {colors.grey_fg2, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
gls.right[4] = {
viMode_icon = {
4 years ago
provider = function()
return ""
4 years ago
highlight = {colors.statusline_bg,},
separator = "",
separator_highlight = {, colors.statusline_bg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.right[5] = {
ViMode = {
4 years ago
provider = function()
local alias = {
n = "Normal",
i = "Insert",
c = "Command",
V = "Visual",
[""] = "Visual",
v = "Visual",
R = "Replace"
4 years ago
local current_Mode = alias[vim.fn.mode()]
if current_Mode == nil then
return " Terminal "
return " " .. current_Mode .. " "
4 years ago
highlight = {, colors.lightbg}
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.right[6] = {
some_icon = {
provider = function()
return ""
separator = "",
separator_highlight = {, colors.lightbg},
highlight = {colors.lightbg,}
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
gls.right[7] = {
line_percentage = {
4 years ago
provider = function()
local current_line = vim.fn.line(".")
local total_line = vim.fn.line("$")
if current_line == 1 then
return " Top "
elseif current_line == vim.fn.line("$") then
return " Bot "
local result, _ = math.modf((current_line / total_line) * 100)
return " " .. result .. "% "
4 years ago
highlight = {, colors.lightbg}
4 years ago
4 years ago