You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.3 KiB

-- plugins made by @Pocco81 =)
local M = {}
M.config = function()
local true_zen = require("true-zen")
misc = {
on_off_commands = false,
ui_elements_commands = false,
cursor_by_mode = false,
before_minimalist_mode_shown = true,
before_minimalist_mode_hidden = true,
after_minimalist_mode_shown = true,
after_minimalist_mode_hidden = true
ui = {
bottom = {
laststatus = 0,
ruler = false,
showmode = false,
showcmd = false,
cmdheight = 1
top = {
showtabline = 0
left = {
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
signcolumn = "no"
modes = {
ataraxis = {
left_padding = 37,
right_padding = 37,
top_padding = 2,
bottom_padding = 2,
just_do_it_for_me = false,
ideal_writing_area_width = 0,
keep_default_fold_fillchars = true,
custome_bg = "#1e222a"
focus = {
margin_of_error = 5,
focus_method = "experimental"
integrations = {
galaxyline = true,
nvim_bufferline = true
-- autosave.nvim plugin disabled by default
M.autoSave = function()
local autosave = require("autosave")
enabled = vim.g.auto_save, -- takes boolean value from init.lua
execution_message = "autosaved at : " .. vim.fn.strftime("%H:%M:%S"),
events = {"InsertLeave", "TextChanged"},
conditions = {
exists = true,
filetype_is_not = {},
modifiable = true
write_all_buffers = true,
on_off_commands = true,
clean_command_line_interval = 2500
return M