#!/system/bin/sh # Please don't hardcode /magisk/modname/... ; instead, please use $MODDIR/... # This will make your scripts compatible even if Magisk change its mount point in the future MODDIR=${0%/*} # Create private Log directory LOGDIR="${MODDIR}"/.logs [[ ! -d ${LOGDIR} ]] && mkdir -p "${LOGDIR}" # Set current date in 20170607-12.07.25 format CURDATE=$(date +%Y%m%d-%I.%M.%S) # This script will be executed in late_start service mode # More info in the main Magisk thread for init in fstrim logscleaner sqlite external_sd permissions; do "${MODDIR}/init.d/${init}" | \ tee -a "${LOGDIR}/${init}.log.${CURDATE}" & done # in Magisk Mode microG DroidGuard Helper needs to be installed as user app sleep 30 && pm list packages -f | grep -q /data.*org.microg.gms.droidguard || \ pm install -r "${MODDIR}/system/priv-app/DroidGuard/DroidGuard.apk" & "${MODDIR}/init.d/logcat" &