Table of Contents ================= * [Modules](#modules) * [Extra Packages](#extra-packages) Created by [gh-md-toc]( # Modules Module packages: flash through TWRP or Magisk Manager **NanoDroid**: includes * everything mentioned in the Summary **NanoDroid-microG**: includes (only) * microG and its companions * pseudo/force-debloat feature * app store(s) * GApps and location packages auto-removal **NanoDroid-fdroid**: includes (only) * F-Droid and its privileged extension * Aurora Droid and it's privileged extension **NanoDroid-BromiteWebView**: includes (only) * [Bromite WebView]( **NanoDroid-OsmAnd**: includes (only) * [OsmAnd]( * [OsmAnd Contour Lines plugin]( **NanoDroid-Google**: includes (only) * Google Sync Adapters * Swipe libaries # Extra Packages Extra packages, flash through TWRP or Magisk Manager **NanoDroid-systest**: * system testing script which will create the logfile as `/data/media/0/nanodroid_logs/NanoDroid-SysTest-TESTDATE.log` * TESTDATE is the date of testrun in %Y%m%D_%H.%M.%S format (eg: 20180709_20.34.14). * the following data is collected: * device profile (ROM, manufacturer, device, ABI, builddate, security patch date) * detected LD_LIBRARY_PATH * DalvikVM binary and it's architecture * mounted partitions, whether device is A/B * list of installed GApps * file list of /system/app and /system/priv-app * whether the ROM has native signature spoofing support * whether the ROM supports Bromite WebView installations * more (not **no** personal information) * use this to provide additional informations when posting issues **NanoDroid-patcher**: * on-device framework-patcher for signature spoofing support * on Android up to 8.1 the Patcher will automatically deodex your services.jar * on Android 9 to 10 you need to manually deodex your services.jar * see [> Deodex Instructions]( * installs an addon.d script for automatic re-patching after ROM update * addon.d support files reside in `/data/adb/nanodroid-patcher/` * when Magisk is installed it creates the `NanoDroid_Patcher` module and install the patched `services.jar` there **NanoDroid-uninstaller**: * uninstalls *all* NanoDroid Magisk Modules * uninstalls NanoDroid installed in System Mode * uninstalls NanoDroid-Patcher addon.d environment * restores GApps and location services auto-removed during installation (System Mode) * restores `services.jar` patched by NanoDroid-Patcher (System Mode)