begin improving doc and default configuration for NanoDroid Setup

Christopher Roy Bratusek 4 years ago
parent 2137a92c9a
commit 4bcb8fb9f1

@ -493,6 +493,7 @@ NanoDroid includes a variety of OpenSource applications, check full [> list](doc
* your configuration files can be the placed in the following location on your device:
* `/data/media/0` (internal storage)
* `/external_sd` (TWRP path to SD Card (if any))
* `/sdcard1` (internal storage (ORANGEFOX Recovery only!))
* directory containing the zip file
* `/data` (fallback)
* Download pre-built zip or create one from this repository

@ -1,7 +1,54 @@
# NanoDroid-Setup configuration file
# General NanoDroid installation settings
# Fileformat:
# - one setting per line
# - syntax is SETTING=VALUE
# - missing entries will be set to default value
# -
# - commented out lines (starting with #) will be ignored
# nanodroid_microg: whether to install microG
# supported packages: Full, microG
# supported values:
# 0 = don't install microG at all (Note: does not effect NanoDroid-microG package)
# 1 = install microG GmsCore, GsfProxy and DroidGuard Helper and Nominatim Geocoder Backend
# 2 = install microG GmsCore and Nominatim Geocoder Backend only
# nanodroid_fdroid: whether to install F-Droid
# supported packages: Full, F-Droid
# supported values:
# 0 = don't install F-Droid at all (Note: does not effect NanoDroid-FDroid package)
# 1 = install official F-Droid client (alongside priviledged extension)
# 2 = install unofficial Aurora F-Droid client (alongside Aurora Services addon)
# 3 = install both official and Aurora F-Droid clients (alongside their addons)
# nanodroid_apps: whether to install appliations
# supported packages: Full
# supported values:
# 0 = don't install applications
# 1 = install applications
# see:
# nanodroid_play: what app store to install
# supported packages: Full, microG
# supported values:
# 00 = install no app store
# 10 = install Google Play (patched with microG (in-)app-purchase support)
# 01 = install Fake Store
# 20 = install Aurora Store (alongside Aurora Services addon)
# 21 = install Aurora Store (alongside Aurora Services addon) and Fake Store
# 30 = install Google Play (patched with microG (in-)app-purchase support) and Aurora Store (alongside Aurora Services addon)
nanodroid_init="10_sqlite 20_fstrim 30_logcat 40_external_sd 50_logscleaner"

@ -14,115 +14,79 @@ on your device, in one of the following directories
* directory containing the zip file
* `/data` (fallback)
create it manually with the following content for the **full** package
nanodroid_init="10_sqlite 20_fstrim 30_logcat 40_external_sd 50_logscleaner"
nanodroid_utils="findfs findmnt hexdump lessecho lesskey lsblk lscpu lsipc lslocks lsns ncal whereis"
the **microG** package supports the following options
* if `nanodroid_microg=0` it will be silently treated as `1`
* not installing microG when flashing the microG package doesn't make sense, so
* if `nanodroid_play=11` or `nanodroid_play=31` it will be silently treated as `10` or `30`
* you can't install both Play Store and Fake Store at the same time
You can use the [default configuration file](.nanodroid-setup) as a starting point. Below follows the detailed information on what each setting does (also described in the file itself); also which setting is support by what package. If an required entry is missing from your configuration file, the default setting will be added to your configuration file.
## Detailed Description
the **F-Droid** package supports the following options
### nanodroid_microg
* if `nanodroid_fdroid=0` it will be silently treated as `1`
* not installing F-Droid when flashing the F-Droid package doesn't make sense, so
whether to install **microG**
* supported packages
* Full package
* microG package
the **Bromite WebView** package supports the following options
Syntax: `nanodroid_microg=1`, value can be 0, 1 or 2:
* 0 = don't install microG at all (Note: does not effect NanoDroid-microG package)
* 1 = install microG GmsCore, GsfProxy and DroidGuard Helper and Nominatim Geocoder Backend
* 2 = install microG GmsCore and Nominatim Geocoder Backend only
* note: OpenSource purists setting; this will leave you
* without Push Messaging support through GCM
* without the ability to pass SafetyNet attestation
the **Google** package supports the following options
### nanodroid_fdroid
whether to install **F-Droid**
where `1` means `on` and `0` means `off`. If no `.nanodroid-setup` is found, the [default settings](.nanodroid-setup) will be used (equals to the example above), if your `.nanodroid-setup` file exists, but is missing entries, those entries will be added, using the default values.
* supported packages
* Full package
* F-Droid package
See the [default settings](.nanodroid-setup).
Syntax: `nanodroid_fdroid=1`, value can be 0, 1, 2 or 3:
## Detailed Description
* 0 = don't install F-Droid at all (Note: does not effect NanoDroid-FDroid package)
* 1 = install official F-Droid client (alongside priviledged extension)
* 2 = install unofficial Aurora F-Droid client (alongside Aurora Services addon)
* 3 = install both official and Aurora F-Droid clients (alongside their addons)
### nanodroid_apps
whether to provide **microG**
whether to install applications
* 0 = don't install microG at all (Note: does not effect NanoDroid-microG package)
* 1 = install microG GmsCore, GsfProxy and DroidGuard Helper and Nominatim Geocoder Backend
* 2 = install microG GmsCore and Nominatim Geocoder Backend only
* note: OpenSource purists setting; this will leave you
* without Push Messaging support through GCM
* without the ability to pass SafetyNet attestation
* supported packages
* Full package
Syntax: `nanodroid_apps=1`, value can be 0 or 1:
whether to provide **F-Droid**
* 0 = don't install applications
* 1 = install applications
* 0 = don't install F-Droid at all (Note: does not effect NanoDroid-FDroid package)
* 1 = install official F-Droid client
* alongside priviledged extension
* 2 = install unofficial Aurora F-Droid client
* alongside Aurora Services addon
* 3 = install both official and Aurora F-Droid clients
* alongside their addons
whether to provide included applications [> Details](doc/
what app store to use:
* 1st item
* 0 = No App Store
* 1 = Play Store
* 2 = Aurora Store
* alongside Aurora Services addon
* 3 = Play Store and Aurora Store
* alongside Aurora Services addon
* 2nd item
* 0 = without Fake Store
* 1 = with Fake Store
* only if Play Store is not going to be installed
see [> Applications]( for detailed information
### nanodroid_play
what app store to install
* supported packages
* Full package
* microG package
Syntax: `nanodroid_play=21`, this setting is value pair, the first digit declares the app store, the second whether to install Fake store alongside:
* 00 = install no app store
* 10 = install Google Play (patched with microG (in-)app-purchase support)
* 01 = install Fake Store
* 20 = install Aurora Store (alongside Aurora Services addon)
* 21 = install Aurora Store (alongside Aurora Services addon) and Fake Store
* 30 = install Google Play (patched with microG (in-)app-purchase support) and Aurora Store (alongside Aurora Services addon)
* if `nanodroid_play=11` or `nanodroid_play=31` it will be silently treated as `10` or `30`
* you can't install both Play Store and Fake Store at the same time
### nanodroid_overlay
whether to populate the overlay to pseudo-debloat `/system` applications (Magisk-only)
