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41 lines
780 B

# Bump versions in defconf files
# Copyright 2018-2020 FriendlyNeighborhoodShane
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3
abort() {
echo " ";
echo "!!! FATAL ERROR: $1";
echo " ";
exit 1;
quote_str() {
printf '"%s"' "$1";
echo " ";
echo "-- Minimal MicroG Test Script --";
echo "-- The Essentials only MicroG pack --";
for bin in printf sed; do
[ "$(which $bin)" ] || abort "No $bin found";
[ "$#" = "3" ] || abort "Not enough arguments";
echo " ";
echo " - Bumping defconfs: [$1] [$2] [$3]";
for i in "ver=$(quote_str "$1")" "verc=$(quote_str "$2")" "date=$(quote_str "$3")"; do
sed -i "s|${i%%=*}=.*|$i;|g" -- "$workdir/conf"/defconf-*.txt;
echo " ";
echo " - Done!";
echo " ";