You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

259 lines
13 KiB

# Cura 5.4 JPEG Thumbnail creator
# This script has been changed for E3S1PROFORKBYTT by Thomas Toka.
# Intruduced with v008 into E3S1PROFORKBYTT.
# It is based on the modification of:
# Professional firmware for Ender3v2
# Miguel A. Risco-Castillo
# version: 1.4
# date: 2022-05-18
# Contains code from:
import base64
import math
import re
from UM.Logger import Logger
from cura.Snapshot import Snapshot
from cura.CuraVersion import CuraVersion
from ..Script import Script
9 months ago
class E3S1PROFORKBYTT_printdata_crealityslicer_thumbnail(Script):
def __init__(self):
def getSettingDataString(self):
return """{
"name": "E3S1PROFORKBYTT Thumbnail",
9 months ago
"key": "E3S1PROFORKBYTT_printdata_crealityslicer_thumbnail",
"metadata": {},
"version": 2,
"settings": {
"width": {
"label": "Width",
"description": "Width of the generated thumbnail",
"unit": "px",
"type": "int",
"default_value": 250,
"minimum_value": "250",
"maximum_value_warning": "250"
"height": {
"label": "Height",
"description": "Height of the generated thumbnail",
"unit": "px",
"type": "int",
"default_value": 250,
"minimum_value": "250",
"maximum_value_warning": "250"
"Diameter": {
"label": "Filament Diameter",
"description": "Diameter of the Used Filament",
"unit": "mm",
"type": "float",
"default_value": 1.75,
"minimum_value": "1.75",
"maximum_value_warning": "3.00"
"Density": {
"label": "Filament Density",
"description": "PLA/PETG=1.25, ABS/ASA=1.10",
"unit": "g/cm³",
"type": "float",
"default_value": 1.25,
"minimum_value": "1.10",
"maximum_value_warning": "2.00"
9 months ago
def _createSnapshot(self, width, height):
Logger.log("d", "Creating thumbnail image...")
return Snapshot.snapshot(width, height)
except Exception as e:
Logger.logException("w", "Failed to create snapshot image. Error: {}".format(str(e)))
def _encodeSnapshot(self, snapshot):
Major, Minor = 0, 0
Major = int(CuraVersion.split(".")[0])
Minor = int(CuraVersion.split(".")[1])
if Major < 5:
from PyQt5.QtCore import QByteArray, QBuffer
from PyQt6.QtCore import QByteArray, QBuffer
Logger.log("d", "Encoding thumbnail image...")
thumbnail_buffer = QBuffer()
if Major < 5:
else:, "JPG")
base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(
base64_message = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')
return base64_message
except Exception as e:
Logger.logException("w", "Failed to encode snapshot image. Error: {}".format(str(e)))
def _convertSnapshotToGcode(self, encoded_snapshot, width, height, chunk_size=58):
gcode = ["; jpg begin {}x{} {}".format(width, height, len(encoded_snapshot))]
chunks = ["; {}".format(encoded_snapshot[i:i + chunk_size]) for i in range(0, len(encoded_snapshot), chunk_size)]
gcode.append("; jpg end")
return gcode
# Get the time value from a line as a float.
def getTimeValue(self, line):
list_split = re.split(":", line)
return float(list_split[1])
def execute(self, data):
width = self.getSettingValueByKey("width")
height = self.getSettingValueByKey("height")
diameter = self.getSettingValueByKey("Diameter")
diameter_cm = diameter / 10 # Convert mm to cm
density = self.getSettingValueByKey("Density")
snapshot = self._createSnapshot(width, height)
if snapshot:
encoded_snapshot = self._encodeSnapshot(snapshot)
snapshot_gcode = self._convertSnapshotToGcode(encoded_snapshot, width, height)
layer_height_value = 0.0
filament_used_g = 0.0
filament_used_m = 0.0
layers = 0
total_time = -1
for layer_index, layer_data in enumerate(data):
lines = layer_data.split("\n")
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith(";LAYER:"):
layer_number = int(line.split(":")[1]) + 1
elif line.startswith(";Filament used:"):
filament_used_m = float(line.split(":")[1].split('m')[0].strip())
filament_used_cm = filament_used_m * 100
filament_used_m = math.ceil(filament_used_m) if filament_used_m > 0 else 0
volume_cm3 = math.pi * (diameter_cm / 2) ** 2 * filament_used_cm
filament_used_g = math.ceil(volume_cm3 * density) if volume_cm3 * density > 0 else 0
elif line.startswith(";Layer height:"):
layer_height_value = round(float(line.split(":")[1].strip()), 2)
elif line.startswith(";MAXZ:"):
maxz_value = round(float(line.split(":")[1].strip()), 2)
layers = int(maxz_value / layer_height_value)
elif line.startswith(";TIME:") and total_time == -1:
total_time = self.getTimeValue(line)
data[layer_index] = "\n".join(lines)
# Insert the snapshot thumbnail G-code
flavor_line_index = None
for layer_index, layer_data in enumerate(data):
lines = layer_data.split("\n")
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith(";FLAVOR:Marlin"):
flavor_line_index = line_index
if flavor_line_index is not None:
if flavor_line_index is not None:
lines_to_insert = snapshot_gcode + [""]
lines = lines[:flavor_line_index] + lines_to_insert + lines[flavor_line_index:]
modified_layer_data = "\n".join(lines)
data[layer_index] = modified_layer_data
# Calculate total lines so far for the snapshot
total_lines_so_far = 0
for index, layer in enumerate(data):
lines = layer.split('\n')
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith("; jpg begin"):
start_line_number = total_lines_so_far + line_index + 1
if line.startswith("; jpg end"):
end_line_number = total_lines_so_far + line_index + 1
total_lines_so_far += len(lines)
# Update the snapshot G-code with total lines and other information
for index, layer in enumerate(data):
lines = layer.split('\n')
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith("; jpg begin"):
updated_line = "; jpg begin {}x{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(
width, height, len(encoded_snapshot), start_line_number, end_line_number,
filament_used_m, filament_used_g, layer_height_value, diameter, density, layers)
lines[line_index] = updated_line
data[index] = "\n".join(lines)
# Additional time and percentage calculations
if total_time != -1:
filament_used_m_per_layer = filament_used_m / max(layers, 1) # Avoid division by zero
remaining_filament_m = filament_used_m
filament_used_g_per_layer = filament_used_g / max(layers, 1) # Avoid division by zero
remaining_filament_g = filament_used_g
m117_added_1 = False # Flag to check if M117 and M73 commands were added for Layer 0
9 months ago
#m117_added_all = False
for layer_index, layer_data in enumerate(data):
lines = layer_data.split("\n")
for line_index, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith(";LAYER:"):
layer_number = int(line.split(":")[1]) + 1
9 months ago
remaining_filament_m -= filament_used_m_per_layer
remaining_filament_g -= filament_used_g_per_layer
# Check if this is Layer 1 and M117/M73 commands have not been added yet
if layer_number == 1 and not m117_added_1:
9 months ago
# Find the first G0 move with Z0.28 for Layer 0 and add M117 and M73 commands after it
for sub_line_index, sub_line in enumerate(lines[line_index:], start=line_index):
if sub_line.startswith("G0 ") and f"Z{layer_height_value}" in sub_line:
m117_line = "M117 L{} M{} G{} Z{} Q{}".format(layer_number, math.ceil(remaining_filament_m), math.ceil(remaining_filament_g), layer_height_value, layers)
9 months ago
m73_line_r = "M73 R{}".format(total_time)
m73_line_p = "M73 P{}".format(0)
lines.insert(sub_line_index + 1, m117_line)
9 months ago
lines.insert(sub_line_index + 2, m73_line_r)
lines.insert(sub_line_index + 3, m73_line_p)
m117_added_1 = True # Set the flag to True after adding M117 and M73 commands for Layer 0
9 months ago
# For all other layers, including Layer 1 if M117/M73 commands have not been added
if layer_number != 1 and not line.startswith("M117") and not line.startswith("M73"):
m117_line = "M117 L{} M{} G{}".format(layer_number, math.ceil(remaining_filament_m), math.ceil(remaining_filament_g))
9 months ago
m73_line_r = "M73 R{}".format(int(total_time * (1 - layer_number / layers) / 60))
m73_line_p = "M73 P{}".format(int((layer_number / layers) * 100))
lines.insert(line_index, m117_line)
lines.insert(line_index + 1, m73_line_r)
lines.insert(line_index + 2, m73_line_p)
#m117_added_all = True
break # Add the commands once and then break out of the loop
9 months ago
data[layer_index] = "\n".join(lines)
if not m117_added:
Logger.log("w", "No M117 and M73 commands were added for Layer 0. Check the G-code for ';LAYER:' markers.")
Logger.log("d", "Added M117 and M73 commands for Layer 0 and subsequent layers.")
Logger.log("w", "Snapshot not created. Skipping M117 command insertion.")
except Exception as e:
Logger.logException("e", "Error in script execution: {}".format(str(e)))
9 months ago
return data