#include "memory.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct memory_information mem_info; pthread_t memoryThread; float memused, memmax; FILE *open_file(const char *file, int *reported) { FILE *fp = nullptr; fp = fopen(file, "re"); if (fp == nullptr) { if ((reported == nullptr) || *reported == 0) { // NORM_ERR("can't open %s: %s", file, strerror(errno)); if (reported != nullptr) { *reported = 1; } } return nullptr; } return fp; } void *update_meminfo(void *) { FILE *meminfo_fp; static int reported = 0; /* unsigned int a; */ char buf[256]; /* With multi-threading, calculations that require * multple steps to reach a final result can cause havok * if the intermediary calculations are directly assigned to the * information struct (they may be read by other functions in the meantime). * These variables keep the calculations local to the function and finish off * the function by assigning the results to the information struct */ unsigned long long shmem = 0, sreclaimable = 0, curmem = 0, curbufmem = 0, cureasyfree = 0, memavail = 0; mem_info.memmax = mem_info.memdirty = mem_info.swap = mem_info.swapfree = mem_info.swapmax = mem_info.memwithbuffers = mem_info.buffers = mem_info.cached = mem_info.memfree = mem_info.memeasyfree = 0; if (!(meminfo_fp = open_file("/proc/meminfo", &reported))) { } while (!feof(meminfo_fp)) { if (fgets(buf, 255, meminfo_fp) == nullptr) { break; } if (strncmp(buf, "MemTotal:", 9) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &mem_info.memmax); } else if (strncmp(buf, "MemFree:", 8) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &mem_info.memfree); } else if (strncmp(buf, "SwapTotal:", 10) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &mem_info.swapmax); } else if (strncmp(buf, "SwapFree:", 9) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &mem_info.swapfree); } else if (strncmp(buf, "Buffers:", 8) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &mem_info.buffers); } else if (strncmp(buf, "Cached:", 7) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &mem_info.cached); } else if (strncmp(buf, "Dirty:", 6) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &mem_info.memdirty); } else if (strncmp(buf, "MemAvailable:", 13) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &memavail); } else if (strncmp(buf, "Shmem:", 6) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &shmem); } else if (strncmp(buf, "SReclaimable:", 13) == 0) { sscanf(buf, "%*s %llu", &sreclaimable); } } curmem = mem_info.memwithbuffers = mem_info.memmax - mem_info.memfree; cureasyfree = mem_info.memfree; mem_info.swap = mem_info.swapmax - mem_info.swapfree; /* Reclaimable memory: does not include shared memory, which is part of cached but unreclaimable. Includes the reclaimable part of the Slab cache though. Note: when shared memory is swapped out, shmem decreases and swapfree decreases - we want this. */ curbufmem = (mem_info.cached - shmem) + mem_info.buffers + sreclaimable; curmem = mem_info.memmax - memavail; cureasyfree += curbufmem; /* Now that we know that every calculation is finished we can wrap up * by assigning the values to the information structure */ mem_info.mem = curmem; mem_info.bufmem = curbufmem; mem_info.memeasyfree = cureasyfree; memused = (float(mem_info.memmax) - float(mem_info.memeasyfree)) / (1024 * 1024); memmax = float(mem_info.memmax) / (1024 * 1024); fclose(meminfo_fp); return NULL; }