glslang = find_program('glslang', 'glslangValidator') if get_option('dynamic_string_tokens') ld_prefix = get_option('prefix') + '/\$LIB/' else ld_prefix = join_paths(get_option('prefix') ,get_option('libdir')) + '/' endif # Needs prefix for configure_file() if get_option('append_libdir_mangohud') libdir_mangohud = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir'), 'mangohud') ld_libdir_mangohud = ld_prefix + 'mangohud/' else libdir_mangohud = join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir')) ld_libdir_mangohud = ld_prefix endif git = find_program('git', required: false) if git.found() git_describe = run_command([git, 'describe', '--tags', '--dirty=+'], check: false) endif if git.found() and git_describe.returncode() == 0 describe_ver = git_describe.stdout().strip() else describe_ver = meson.project_version() endif conf_data = configuration_data() conf_data.set('ld_libdir_mangohud_abs', libdir_mangohud) conf_data.set('ld_libdir_mangohud', ld_libdir_mangohud) conf_data.set('cpu_family', host_machine.cpu_family()) conf_data.set('version', describe_ver) overlay_shaders = [ 'overlay.frag', 'overlay.vert', ] overlay_spv = [] foreach s : ['overlay.frag', 'overlay.vert'] overlay_spv += custom_target( s + '.spv.h', input : s, output : s + '.spv.h', command : [glslang, '-V', '-x', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) endforeach util_files = files( 'mesa/util/os_socket.c', 'mesa/util/os_time.c', ) vklayer_files = files( 'hud_elements.cpp', 'overlay.cpp', 'overlay_params.cpp', 'font.cpp', 'keybinds.cpp', 'font_unispace.c', 'logging.cpp', 'config.cpp', 'gpu.cpp', 'blacklist.cpp', 'file_utils.cpp', ) opengl_files = [] if ['windows', 'mingw'].contains(host_machine.system()) vklayer_files += files( 'file_utils_win32.cpp', 'cpu_win32.cpp', 'nvapi.cpp', 'win/dxgi.cpp', 'win/main.cpp', 'win/kiero.cpp', 'win/d3d12_hook.cpp', 'win/d3d11_hook.cpp', 'win/d3d_shared.cpp', ) endif if is_unixy vklayer_files += files( 'cpu.cpp', 'memory.cpp', 'iostats.cpp', 'notify.cpp', 'elfhacks.cpp', 'real_dlsym.cpp', 'pci_ids.cpp', 'battery.cpp', 'control.cpp', 'device.cpp', 'amdgpu.cpp', 'intel.cpp', 'msm.cpp' ) opengl_files = files( 'gl/glad.c', 'gl/gl_renderer.cpp', 'gl/gl_hud.cpp', 'gl/inject_egl.cpp', ) nvml_h_found = get_option('with_nvml') == 'enabled' if get_option('with_nvml') == 'system' nvml_h_found = cc.has_header('nvml.h') if not nvml_h_found error('nvml.h was not found. Disable with \'-Dwith_nvml=disabled\' if gpu stats by NVML are not needed.') endif pre_args += '-DUSE_SYSTEM_NVML' endif if nvml_h_found pre_args += '-DHAVE_NVML' vklayer_files += files( 'nvml.cpp', 'loaders/loader_nvml.cpp', ) endif if get_option('with_xnvctrl').enabled() if not get_option('with_x11').enabled() error('XNVCtrl also needs \'with_x11\'') endif xnvctrl_h_found = cc.has_header('NVCtrl/NVCtrl.h') if not xnvctrl_h_found error('NVCtrl.h was not found. Disable with \'-Dwith_xnvctrl=disabled\' if gpu stats by XNVCtrl are not needed.') endif pre_args += '-DHAVE_XNVCTRL' vklayer_files += files( 'loaders/loader_nvctrl.cpp', 'nvctrl.cpp', ) endif if get_option('with_x11').enabled() pre_args += '-DHAVE_X11' vklayer_files += files( 'loaders/loader_x11.cpp', 'shared_x11.cpp', ) opengl_files += files( 'loaders/loader_glx.cpp', 'gl/inject_glx.cpp', ) endif if dbus_dep.found() and get_option('with_dbus').enabled() pre_args += '-DHAVE_DBUS' vklayer_files += files( 'dbus.cpp', 'loaders/loader_dbus.cpp', ) endif endif link_args = cc.get_supported_link_arguments(['-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions', '-Wl,-z,relro', '-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL', '-lGL', '-static-libstdc++']) # meson fails to check version-script so just force add link_args += '-Wl,--version-script,@0@'.format(join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'mangohud.version')) mangohud_static_lib = static_library( 'MangoHud', mangohud_version, files('vulkan.cpp'), util_files, vk_enum_to_str, vklayer_files, overlay_spv, c_args : [ pre_args, vulkan_wsi_args ], cpp_args : [ pre_args, vulkan_wsi_args ], gnu_symbol_visibility : 'hidden', dependencies : [ mangohud_version_dep, vulkan_wsi_deps, dearimgui_dep, spdlog_dep, dbus_dep, dep_dl, dep_rt, dep_pthread, dep_vulkan, windows_deps, json_dep, implot_dep], include_directories : [inc_common], link_args : link_args, install_dir : libdir_mangohud, install : false ) mangohud_shared_lib = shared_library( 'MangoHud', objects: mangohud_static_lib.extract_all_objects(), link_with: mangohud_static_lib, link_args : link_args, install_dir : libdir_mangohud, install: true ) mangohud_opengl_shared_lib = shared_library( 'MangoHud_opengl', mangohud_version, opengl_files, vklayer_files, util_files, c_args : [ pre_args, vulkan_wsi_args ], cpp_args : [ pre_args, vulkan_wsi_args ], dependencies : [ mangohud_version_dep, vulkan_wsi_deps, dearimgui_dep, spdlog_dep, dbus_dep, dep_dl, dep_rt, dep_pthread, dep_vulkan, windows_deps, json_dep, implot_dep], include_directories : [inc_common], link_args : link_args, link_with: mangohud_static_lib, install_dir : libdir_mangohud, install: true ) if is_unixy mangohud_dlsym = shared_library( 'MangoHud_dlsym', files( 'elfhacks.cpp', 'real_dlsym.cpp', 'hook_dlsym.cpp', ), c_args : [ pre_args, ], cpp_args : [ pre_args, ], gnu_symbol_visibility : 'hidden', dependencies : [dep_dl], include_directories : [inc_common], link_args : link_args, link_with: mangohud_static_lib, install_dir : libdir_mangohud, install : true ) endif if get_option('mangoapp') pre_args += '-DIMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLEW' pre_args += '-DMANGOAPP' mangoapp = executable( 'mangoapp', files( 'app/main.cpp', ), c_args : [ pre_args, vulkan_wsi_args ], cpp_args : [ pre_args, vulkan_wsi_args ], gnu_symbol_visibility : 'hidden', dependencies : [ dearimgui_dep, dep_dl, spdlog_dep, dbus_dep, dep_x11, glfw3_dep, json_dep, glew_dep, implot_dep ], include_directories : [inc_common], install_tag : 'mangoapp', link_with: mangohud_static_lib, link_args : link_args, install : true ) endif if get_option('mangohudctl') mangoapp = executable( 'mangohudctl', files('app/control.c'), install_tag : 'mangoapp', #TODO MangoHud layer itself currently doesn't support it install : true ) endif if get_option('mangoapp_layer') mangoapp_layer = shared_library( 'MangoApp', vk_enum_to_str, files( 'app/layer.cpp', ), c_args : [ pre_args, ], cpp_args : [ pre_args, ], dependencies : [ dep_vulkan, json_dep ], gnu_symbol_visibility : 'hidden', include_directories : [inc_common], link_args : link_args, install_tag : 'mangoapp', install_dir : libdir_mangohud, install : true ) endif configure_file(input : '', output : '@0@.@1@.json'.format(meson.project_name(), host_machine.cpu_family()), configuration : conf_data, install : true, install_dir : join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'vulkan', 'implicit_layer.d'), install_tag : 'runtime', ) configure_file(input : '../bin/', output : 'mangohud', configuration : conf_data, install_dir : get_option('bindir'), install_tag : 'scripts', ) if get_option('mangoapp_layer') configure_file(input : 'app/', output : 'libMangoApp.@0@.json'.format(host_machine.cpu_family()), configuration : conf_data, install : true, install_dir : join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'vulkan', 'implicit_layer.d'), install_tag : 'mangoapp', ) endif