# MangoHud A Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring FPS, temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more. #### Example: ![](assets/overlay_example.gif) # Installation ## Build If you wish to compile MangoHud to keep up to date with any changes - first clone this repository and cd into it: ``` git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud.git cd MangoHud ``` To build it, execute: ``` ./build.sh build ./build.sh package ``` **NOTE: If you are running an Ubuntu-based, Arch-based, Fedora-based, or openSUSE-based distro, the build script will automatically detect and prompt you to install missing build dependencies. If you run into any issues with this please report them!** Once done, proceed to the [installation](#source). ## Install ### Source If you have compiled MangoHud from source, to install it, execute: ``` ./build.sh install ``` You can then subsequently uninstall MangoHud via the following command ``` ./build.sh uninstall ``` ### Pre-packaged binaries #### GitHub releases If you do not wish to compile anything, simply download the file under [Releases](https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/releases), extract it, and from within the extracted folder in terminal, execute: ``` ./mangohud-setup.sh install ``` #### Arch-based distributions If you are using an Arch-based distribution, install [`mangohud`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mangohud/) and [`lib32-mangohud`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lib32-mangohud/) with your favourite AUR helper. [`mangohud-git`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mangohud-git/) and [`lib32-mangohud-git`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lib32-mangohud-git/) are also available on the AUR if you want the up-to-date version of MangoHud. #### Fedora If you are using Fedora, to install the [MangoHud](https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/mangohud) package, execute: ``` sudo dnf install mangohud ``` #### Solus If you are using Solus, to install [MangoHud](https://dev.getsol.us/source/mangohud/) simply execute: ``` sudo eopkg it mangohud ``` #### Flatpak If you are using Flatpaks, you will have to add the [Flathub repository](https://flatpak.org/setup/) for your specific distribution, and then, to install it, execute: ##### For Steam flatpak ``` flatpak install com.valvesoftware.Steam.Utility.MangoHud ``` To enable MangoHud for all Steam games: ``` flatpak override --user --env=MANGOHUD=1 com.valvesoftware.Steam ``` # Normal usage To enable the MangoHud overlay layer for Vulkan and OpenGL, run : `mangohud /path/to/app` For Lutris games, go to the System options in Lutris (make sure that advanced options are enabled) and add this to the `Command prefix` setting: `mangohud` For Steam games, you can add this as a launch option: `mangohud %command%` Or alternatively, add `MANGOHUD=1` to your shell profile (Vulkan only). ## OpenGL OpenGL games may also need `dlsym` hooking. Add `MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1` to your command like `MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1 mangohud %command%` for Steam. Some Linux native OpenGL games overrides LD_PRELOAD and stops MangoHud from working. You can sometimes fix this by editing LD_PRELOAD in the start script `LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/mangohud/lib/` ## Hud configuration MangoHud comes with a config file which can be used to set configuration options globally or per application. The priorities of different config files are: 1. `/path/to/application/dir/MangoHud.conf` 2. `$HOME/.config/MangoHud/{application_name}.conf` 3. `$HOME/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf` You can find an example config in /usr/share/doc/mangohud [GOverlay](https://github.com/benjamimgois/goverlay) is a GUI application that can be used to manage the config --- ### `MANGOHUD_CONFIG` and `MANGOHUD_CONFIGFILE` environment variables You can also customize the hud by using the `MANGOHUD_CONFIG` environment variable while separating different options with a comma. This takes priority over any config file. You can also specify configuration file with `MANGOHUD_CONFIGFILE=/path/to/config` for applications whose names are hard to guess (java, python etc). A partial list of parameters are below. See the config file for a complete list. Parameters that are enabled by default have to be explicitly disabled. These (currently) are `fps`, `frame_timing`, `cpu_stats` (cpu load), `gpu_stats` (gpu load). | Variable | Description | |------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `cpu_temp`
`gpu_temp` | Displays current CPU/GPU temperature | | `core_load` | Displays load & frequency per core | | `gpu_core_clock`
`gpu_mem_clock`| Displays GPU core/memory frequency | | `ram`
`vram` | Displays system RAM/VRAM usage | | `full` | Enables most of the toggleable parameters (currently excludes `histogram`) | | `font_size=` | Customizeable font size (default=24) | | `font_size_text=` | Customizeable font size for other text like media metadata (default=24) | | `font_scale=` | Set global font scale (default=1.0) | | `font_file` | Change default font (set location to .TTF/.OTF file ) | | `font_file_text` | Change text font. Otherwise `font_file` is used | | `font_glyph_ranges` | Specify extra font glyph ranges, comma separated: `korean`, `chinese`, `chinese_simplified`, `japanese`, `cyrillic`, `thai`, `vietnamese`, `latin_ext_a`, `latin_ext_b`. If you experience crashes or text is just squares, reduce font size or glyph ranges. | | `no_small_font` | Use primary font size for smaller text like units | | `width=`
`height=` | Customizeable hud dimensions (in pixels) | | `position=` | Location of the hud: `top-left` (default), `top-right`, `bottom-left`, `bottom-right`, `top-center` | | `offset_x` `offset_y` | Hud position offsets | | `no_display` | Hide the hud by default | | `toggle_hud=`
`toggle_logging=` | Modifiable toggle hotkeys. Default are `Shift_R+F12` and `Shift_L+F2`, respectively. | | `reload_cfg=` | Change keybind for reloading the config. Default = `Shift_L+F4` | | `time`
`time_format=%T` | Displays local time. See [std::put_time](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip/put_time) for formatting help. NOTE: Sometimes apps (or AMDVLK (should be fixed in latest)) may set `TZ` (timezone) environment variable to UTC/GMT | | `gpu_color`
`media_player_color` | Change default colors: `gpu_color=RRGGBB`| | `alpha` | Set the opacity of all text and frametime graph `0.0-1.0` | | `background_alpha` | Set the opacity of the background `0.0-1.0` | | `read_cfg` | Add to MANGOHUD_CONFIG as first parameter to also load config file. Otherwise only MANGOHUD_CONFIG parameters are used. | | `output_folder` | Set location of the output files (Required for logging) | | `log_duration` | Set amount of time the logging will run for (in seconds) | | `vsync`
`gl_vsync` | Set vsync for OpenGL or Vulkan | | `media_player` | Show media player metadata | | `media_player_name` | Force media player DBus service name without the `org.mpris.MediaPlayer2` part, like `spotify`, `vlc`, `audacious` or `cantata`. If none is set, MangoHud tries to switch between currently playing players. | | `media_player_order` | Media player metadata field order. Defaults to `title,artist,album`. | | `font_scale_media_player` | Change size of media player text relative to font_size | | `io_read`
`io_write` | Show non-cached IO read/write, in MiB/s | | `pci_dev` | Select GPU device in multi-gpu setups | | `version` | Shows current mangohud version | | `fps_limit` | Limit the apps framerate. Comma-separated list of one or more FPS values. `0` means unlimited. | | `toggle_fps_limit` | Cycle between FPS limits. Defaults to `Shift_L+F1`. | | `arch` | Show if the application is 32 or 64 bit | | `histogram` | Change fps graph to histogram | | `cpu_text`
`gpu_text` | Override CPU and GPU text | | `log_interval` | Change the default log interval, `100` is default | | `vulkan_driver` | Displays used vulkan driver, radv/amdgpu-pro/amdvlk | | `gpu_name` | Displays GPU name from pci.ids | | `cpu_power`
`gpu_power` | Display CPU/GPU draw in watts | | `engine_version` | Display OpenGL or vulkan and vulkan-based render engine's version | | `permit_upload` | Allow uploading of logs to Flightlessmango.com | | `upload_log` | Change keybind for uploading log | | `benchmark_percentiles` | Configure which framerate percentiles are shown in the logging summary. Default is `97,AVG,1,0.1` | | `wine` | Shows current Wine or Proton version in use | | `wine_color` | Change color of the wine/proton text | | `cpu_mhz` | Shows the CPUs current MHz | | `gpu_load_change` | Changes the color of the GPU load depending on load | | `gpu_load_color` | Set the colors for the gpu load change low,medium and high. e.g `gpu_load_color=0000FF,00FFFF,FF00FF` | | `gpu_load_value` | Set the values for medium and high load e.g `gpu_load_value=50,90` | | `cpu_load_change` | Changes the color of the CPU load depending on load | | `cpu_load_color` | Set the colors for the gpu load change low,medium and high. e.g `cpu_load_color=0000FF,00FFFF,FF00FF` | | `cpu_load_value` | Set the values for medium and high load e.g `cpu_load_value=50,90` | | `core_load_change` | Changes the colors of cpu core loads, uses the same data from `cpu_load_value` and `cpu_load_change` | | `cellpadding_y` | Set the vertical cellpadding, default is `-0.085` | | `frametime` | Display frametime next to fps text | | `table_columns` | Set the number of table columns for ImGui, defaults to 3 | | `blacklist` | Add a program to the blacklist. e.g `blacklist=vkcube,WatchDogs2.exe` | | `resolution` | Display the current resolution | Example: `MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_temp,gpu_temp,position=top-right,height=500,font_size=32` Because comma is also used as option delimiter and needs to be escaped for values with a backslash, you can use `+` like `MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=60+30+0` instead. Note: Width and Height are set automatically based on the font_size, but can be overridden. ## Vsync ### OpenGL Vsync - `-1` = Adaptive sync - `0` = Off - `1` = On - `n` = Sync to refresh rate / n. ### Vulkan Vsync - `0` = Adaptive VSync (FIFO_RELAXED_KHR) - `1` = Off (IMMEDIATE_KHR) - `2` = Mailbox (VSync with uncapped FPS) (MAILBOX_KHR) - `3` = On (FIFO_KHR) All vulkan vsync options might not be supported on your device, you can check what your device supports here [vulkan.gpuinfo.org](https://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/listsurfacepresentmodes.php?platform=linux) ## Keybindings - `Shift_L+F2` : Toggle Logging - `Shift_L+F4` : Reload Config - `Shift_R+F12`: Toggle Hud ## MangoHud FPS logging You must set a valid path for `output_folder` in your configuration to store logs in. When you toggle logging (using the keybind `Shift_L+F2`), a file is created with the game name plus a date & timestamp in your `output_folder`. Log files can be uploaded to [Flightlessmango.com](https://flightlessmango.com/games/user_benchmarks) to create graphs automatically. You can share the created page with others, just link it. #### Multiple log files It's possible to upload multiple files when using [Flightlessmango.com](https://flightlessmango.com/games/user_benchmarks). You can rename them to your preferred names and upload them in a batch. These filenames will be used as the legend in the graph. #### Log uploading walkthrough ![](assets/log_upload_example.gif)