#include #include #include #include "overlay.h" #include "logging.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "gpu.h" #include "memory.h" #include "timing.hpp" #include "mesa/util/macros.h" #include "string_utils.h" #include "battery.h" #ifdef HAVE_DBUS float g_overflow = 50.f /* 3333ms * 0.5 / 16.6667 / 2 (to edge and back) */; #endif bool open = false; struct benchmark_stats benchmark; struct fps_limit fps_limit_stats {}; ImVec2 real_font_size; std::vector graph_data; void update_hw_info(struct swapchain_stats& sw_stats, struct overlay_params& params, uint32_t vendorID) { Battery_Stats.update(); if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_cpu_stats] || logger->is_active()) { cpuStats.UpdateCPUData(); #ifdef __gnu_linux__ if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_core_load] || params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_cpu_mhz]) cpuStats.UpdateCoreMhz(); if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_cpu_temp] || logger->is_active() || params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_graphs]) cpuStats.UpdateCpuTemp(); if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_cpu_power]) cpuStats.UpdateCpuPower(); #endif } if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_gpu_stats] || logger->is_active()) { if (vendorID == 0x1002) getAmdGpuInfo(); if (vendorID == 0x10de) getNvidiaGpuInfo(); } // get ram usage/max #ifdef __gnu_linux__ if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_ram] || params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_swap] || logger->is_active()) update_meminfo(); if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_io_read] || params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_io_write]) getIoStats(&sw_stats.io); #endif currentLogData.gpu_load = gpu_info.load; currentLogData.gpu_temp = gpu_info.temp; currentLogData.gpu_core_clock = gpu_info.CoreClock; currentLogData.gpu_mem_clock = gpu_info.MemClock; currentLogData.gpu_vram_used = gpu_info.memoryUsed; currentLogData.gpu_power = gpu_info.powerUsage; #ifdef __gnu_linux__ currentLogData.ram_used = memused; #endif currentLogData.cpu_load = cpuStats.GetCPUDataTotal().percent; currentLogData.cpu_temp = cpuStats.GetCPUDataTotal().temp; // Save data for graphs if (graph_data.size() > 50) graph_data.erase(graph_data.begin()); graph_data.push_back(currentLogData); logger->notify_data_valid(); HUDElements.update_exec(); } void update_hud_info(struct swapchain_stats& sw_stats, struct overlay_params& params, uint32_t vendorID){ uint32_t f_idx = sw_stats.n_frames % ARRAY_SIZE(sw_stats.frames_stats); uint64_t now = os_time_get(); /* us */ double elapsed = (double)(now - sw_stats.last_fps_update); /* us */ fps = 1000000.0f * sw_stats.n_frames_since_update / elapsed; if (logger->is_active()) benchmark.fps_data.push_back(fps); if (sw_stats.last_present_time) { sw_stats.frames_stats[f_idx].stats[OVERLAY_PLOTS_frame_timing] = now - sw_stats.last_present_time; } frametime = now - sw_stats.last_present_time; if (elapsed >= params.fps_sampling_period) { std::thread(update_hw_info, std::ref(sw_stats), std::ref(params), vendorID).detach(); sw_stats.fps = fps; if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_time]) { std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr); std::stringstream time; time << std::put_time(std::localtime(&t), params.time_format.c_str()); sw_stats.time = time.str(); } sw_stats.n_frames_since_update = 0; sw_stats.last_fps_update = now; } if (params.log_interval == 0){ logger->try_log(); } sw_stats.last_present_time = now; sw_stats.n_frames++; sw_stats.n_frames_since_update++; } void calculate_benchmark_data(void *params_void){ overlay_params *params = reinterpret_cast(params_void); vector sorted = benchmark.fps_data; std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end()); benchmark.percentile_data.clear(); benchmark.total = 0.f; for (auto fps_ : sorted){ benchmark.total = benchmark.total + fps_; } size_t max_label_size = 0; for (std::string percentile : params->benchmark_percentiles) { float result; // special case handling for a mean-based average if (percentile == "AVG") { result = benchmark.total / sorted.size(); } else { // the percentiles are already validated when they're parsed from the config. float fraction = parse_float(percentile) / 100; result = sorted[(fraction * sorted.size()) - 1]; percentile += "%"; } if (percentile.length() > max_label_size) max_label_size = percentile.length(); benchmark.percentile_data.push_back({percentile, result}); } for (auto& entry : benchmark.percentile_data) { entry.first.append(max_label_size - entry.first.length(), ' '); } } float get_time_stat(void *_data, int _idx) { struct swapchain_stats *data = (struct swapchain_stats *) _data; if ((ARRAY_SIZE(data->frames_stats) - _idx) > data->n_frames) return 0.0f; int idx = ARRAY_SIZE(data->frames_stats) + data->n_frames < ARRAY_SIZE(data->frames_stats) ? _idx - data->n_frames : _idx + data->n_frames; idx %= ARRAY_SIZE(data->frames_stats); /* Time stats are in us. */ return data->frames_stats[idx].stats[data->stat_selector] / data->time_dividor; } void position_layer(struct swapchain_stats& data, struct overlay_params& params, ImVec2 window_size) { unsigned width = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.x; unsigned height = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.y; float margin = 10.0f; if (params.offset_x > 0 || params.offset_y > 0) margin = 0.0f; ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(params.background_alpha); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(window_size, ImGuiCond_Always); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowBorderSize, 0.0f); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(8,-3)); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, params.alpha); switch (params.position) { case LAYER_POSITION_TOP_LEFT: data.main_window_pos = ImVec2(margin + params.offset_x, margin + params.offset_y); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(data.main_window_pos, ImGuiCond_Always); break; case LAYER_POSITION_TOP_RIGHT: data.main_window_pos = ImVec2(width - window_size.x - margin + params.offset_x, margin + params.offset_y); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(data.main_window_pos, ImGuiCond_Always); break; case LAYER_POSITION_BOTTOM_LEFT: data.main_window_pos = ImVec2(margin + params.offset_x, height - window_size.y - margin + params.offset_y); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(data.main_window_pos, ImGuiCond_Always); break; case LAYER_POSITION_BOTTOM_RIGHT: data.main_window_pos = ImVec2(width - window_size.x - margin + params.offset_x, height - window_size.y - margin + params.offset_y); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(data.main_window_pos, ImGuiCond_Always); break; case LAYER_POSITION_TOP_CENTER: data.main_window_pos = ImVec2((width / 2) - (window_size.x / 2), margin + params.offset_y); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(data.main_window_pos, ImGuiCond_Always); break; } } void right_aligned_text(ImVec4& col, float off_x, const char *fmt, ...) { ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos(); char buffer[32] {}; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args); va_end(args); ImVec2 sz = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buffer); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(pos.x + off_x - sz.x); //ImGui::Text("%s", buffer); ImGui::TextColored(col,"%s",buffer); } void center_text(std::string& text) { ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2 )- (ImGui::CalcTextSize(text.c_str()).x / 2)); } float get_ticker_limited_pos(float pos, float tw, float& left_limit, float& right_limit) { //float cw = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth() * 3; // only table cell worth of width float cw = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax().x - ImGui::GetStyle().WindowPadding.x; float new_pos_x = ImGui::GetCursorPosX(); left_limit = cw - tw + new_pos_x; right_limit = new_pos_x; if (cw < tw) { new_pos_x += pos; // acts as a delay before it starts scrolling again if (new_pos_x < left_limit) return left_limit; else if (new_pos_x > right_limit) return right_limit; else return new_pos_x; } return new_pos_x; } #ifdef HAVE_DBUS void render_mpris_metadata(struct overlay_params& params, mutexed_metadata& meta, uint64_t frame_timing, bool is_main) { if (meta.meta.valid) { auto color = ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(params.media_player_color); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(8,0)); ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0.0f, 20.0f)); //ImGui::PushFont(data.font1); if (meta.ticker.needs_recalc) { meta.ticker.tw0 = ImGui::CalcTextSize(meta.meta.title.c_str()).x; meta.ticker.tw1 = ImGui::CalcTextSize(meta.meta.artists.c_str()).x; meta.ticker.tw2 = ImGui::CalcTextSize(meta.meta.album.c_str()).x; meta.ticker.longest = std::max(std::max( meta.ticker.tw0, meta.ticker.tw1), meta.ticker.tw2); meta.ticker.needs_recalc = false; } float new_pos, left_limit = 0, right_limit = 0; get_ticker_limited_pos(meta.ticker.pos, meta.ticker.longest, left_limit, right_limit); if (meta.ticker.pos < left_limit - g_overflow * .5f) { meta.ticker.dir = -1; meta.ticker.pos = (left_limit - g_overflow * .5f) + 1.f /* random */; } else if (meta.ticker.pos > right_limit + g_overflow) { meta.ticker.dir = 1; meta.ticker.pos = (right_limit + g_overflow) - 1.f /* random */; } meta.ticker.pos -= .5f * (frame_timing / 16666.7f) * meta.ticker.dir; for (auto order : params.media_player_order) { switch (order) { case MP_ORDER_TITLE: { new_pos = get_ticker_limited_pos(meta.ticker.pos, meta.ticker.tw0, left_limit, right_limit); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(new_pos); ImGui::TextColored(color, "%s", meta.meta.title.c_str()); } break; case MP_ORDER_ARTIST: { new_pos = get_ticker_limited_pos(meta.ticker.pos, meta.ticker.tw1, left_limit, right_limit); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(new_pos); ImGui::TextColored(color, "%s", meta.meta.artists.c_str()); } break; case MP_ORDER_ALBUM: { //ImGui::NewLine(); if (!meta.meta.album.empty()) { new_pos = get_ticker_limited_pos(meta.ticker.pos, meta.ticker.tw2, left_limit, right_limit); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(new_pos); ImGui::TextColored(color, "%s", meta.meta.album.c_str()); } } break; default: break; } } if (!meta.meta.playing) { ImGui::TextColored(color, "(paused)"); } //ImGui::PopFont(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); } } #endif void render_benchmark(swapchain_stats& data, struct overlay_params& params, ImVec2& window_size, unsigned height, Clock::time_point now){ // TODO, FIX LOG_DURATION FOR BENCHMARK int benchHeight = (2 + benchmark.percentile_data.size()) * real_font_size.x + 10.0f + 58; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_size.x, benchHeight), ImGuiCond_Always); if (height - (window_size.y + data.main_window_pos.y + 5) < benchHeight) ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(data.main_window_pos.x, data.main_window_pos.y - benchHeight - 5), ImGuiCond_Always); else ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(data.main_window_pos.x, data.main_window_pos.y + window_size.y + 5), ImGuiCond_Always); float display_time = std::chrono::duration(now - logger->last_log_end()).count(); static float display_for = 10.0f; float alpha; if(params.background_alpha != 0){ if (display_for >= display_time){ alpha = display_time * params.background_alpha; if (alpha >= params.background_alpha){ ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(params.background_alpha); }else{ ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha); } } else { alpha = 6.0 - display_time * params.background_alpha; if (alpha >= params.background_alpha){ ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(params.background_alpha); }else{ ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha); } } } else { if (display_for >= display_time){ alpha = display_time * 0.0001; ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(params.background_alpha); } else { alpha = 6.0 - display_time * 0.0001; ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(params.background_alpha); } } ImGui::Begin("Benchmark", &open, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration); static const char* finished = "Logging Finished"; ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2 )- (ImGui::CalcTextSize(finished).x / 2)); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha / params.background_alpha), "%s", finished); ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0.0f, 8.0f)); char duration[20]; snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "Duration: %.1fs", std::chrono::duration(logger->last_log_end() - logger->last_log_begin()).count()); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2 )- (ImGui::CalcTextSize(duration).x / 2)); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha / params.background_alpha), "%s", duration); for (auto& data_ : benchmark.percentile_data){ char buffer[20]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %.1f", data_.first.c_str(), data_.second); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2 )- (ImGui::CalcTextSize(buffer).x / 2)); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha / params.background_alpha), "%s %.1f", data_.first.c_str(), data_.second); } float max = *max_element(benchmark.fps_data.begin(), benchmark.fps_data.end()); ImVec4 plotColor = HUDElements.colors.frametime; plotColor.w = alpha / params.background_alpha; ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_PlotLines, plotColor); ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBg, ImVec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha / params.background_alpha)); ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0.0f, 8.0f)); if (params.enabled[OVERLAY_PARAM_ENABLED_histogram]) ImGui::PlotHistogram("", benchmark.fps_data.data(), benchmark.fps_data.size(), 0, "", 0.0f, max + 10, ImVec2(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 50)); else ImGui::PlotLines("", benchmark.fps_data.data(), benchmark.fps_data.size(), 0, "", 0.0f, max + 10, ImVec2(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 50)); ImGui::PopStyleColor(2); ImGui::End(); } ImVec4 change_on_load_temp(LOAD_DATA& data, unsigned current) { if (current >= data.high_load){ return data.color_high; } else if (current >= data.med_load){ float diff = float(current - data.med_load) / float(data.high_load - data.med_load); float x = (data.color_high.x - data.color_med.x) * diff; float y = (data.color_high.y - data.color_med.y) * diff; float z = (data.color_high.z - data.color_med.z) * diff; return ImVec4(data.color_med.x + x, data.color_med.y + y, data.color_med.z + z, 1.0); } else { float diff = float(current) / float(data.med_load); float x = (data.color_med.x - data.color_low.x) * diff; float y = (data.color_med.y - data.color_low.y) * diff; float z = (data.color_med.z - data.color_low.z) * diff; return ImVec4(data.color_low.x + x, data.color_low.y + y, data.color_low.z + z, 1.0); } } void render_imgui(swapchain_stats& data, struct overlay_params& params, ImVec2& window_size, bool is_vulkan) { HUDElements.sw_stats = &data; HUDElements.params = ¶ms; HUDElements.is_vulkan = is_vulkan; ImGui::GetIO().FontGlobalScale = params.font_scale; if(!logger) logger = std::make_unique(¶ms); static float ralign_width = 0, old_scale = 0; window_size = ImVec2(params.width, params.height); unsigned height = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.y; auto now = Clock::now(); if (old_scale != params.font_scale) { HUDElements.ralign_width = ralign_width = ImGui::CalcTextSize("A").x * 4 /* characters */; old_scale = params.font_scale; } if (!params.no_display){ ImGui::Begin("Main", &open, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration); ImGui::BeginTable("hud", params.table_columns, ImGuiTableFlags_NoClip); HUDElements.place = 0; for (auto& func : HUDElements.ordered_functions){ func.first(); HUDElements.place += 1; } ImGui::EndTable(); if(logger->is_active()) ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddCircleFilled(ImVec2(data.main_window_pos.x + window_size.x - 15, data.main_window_pos.y + 15), 10, params.engine_color, 20); window_size = ImVec2(window_size.x, ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + 10.0f); ImGui::End(); if((now - logger->last_log_end()) < 12s) render_benchmark(data, params, window_size, height, now); } }