#include #include #include #include "logging.h" #include "overlay.h" #include "config.h" #include "file_utils.h" #include "string_utils.h" string os, cpu, gpu, ram, kernel, driver, cpusched; bool sysInfoFetched = false; double fps; uint64_t frametime; logData currentLogData = {}; std::unique_ptr logger; string exec(string command) { char buffer[128]; string result = ""; #ifdef __gnu_linux__ // Open pipe to file FILE* pipe = popen(command.c_str(), "r"); if (!pipe) { return "popen failed!"; } // read till end of process: while (!feof(pipe)) { // use buffer to read and add to result if (fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL) result += buffer; } pclose(pipe); #endif return result; } void upload_file(std::string logFile){ std::string command = "curl --include --request POST https://flightlessmango.com/logs -F 'log[game_id]=26506' -F 'log[user_id]=176' -F 'attachment=true' -A 'mangohud' "; command += " -F 'log[uploads][]=@" + logFile + "'"; command += " | grep Location | cut -c11-"; std::string url = exec(command); exec("xdg-open " + url); } void upload_files(const std::vector& logFiles){ std::string command = "curl --include --request POST https://flightlessmango.com/logs -F 'log[game_id]=26506' -F 'log[user_id]=176' -F 'attachment=true' -A 'mangohud' "; for (auto& file : logFiles) command += " -F 'log[uploads][]=@" + file + "'"; command += " | grep Location | cut -c11-"; std::string url = exec(command); exec("xdg-open " + url); } void writeFile(string filename){ auto& logArray = logger->get_log_data(); SPDLOG_DEBUG("Writing log file [{}], {} entries", filename, logArray.size()); std::ofstream out(filename, ios::out | ios::app); if (out){ out << "os," << "cpu," << "gpu," << "ram," << "kernel," << "driver," << "cpuscheduler" << endl; out << os << "," << cpu << "," << gpu << "," << ram << "," << kernel << "," << driver << "," << cpusched << endl; out << "fps," << "frametime," << "cpu_load," << "gpu_load," << "cpu_temp," << "gpu_temp," << "gpu_core_clock," << "gpu_mem_clock," << "gpu_vram_used," << "gpu_power," << "ram_used," << "elapsed" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < logArray.size(); i++){ out << logArray[i].fps << ","; out << logArray[i].frametime << ","; out << logArray[i].cpu_load << ","; out << logArray[i].gpu_load << ","; out << logArray[i].cpu_temp << ","; out << logArray[i].gpu_temp << ","; out << logArray[i].gpu_core_clock << ","; out << logArray[i].gpu_mem_clock << ","; out << logArray[i].gpu_vram_used << ","; out << logArray[i].gpu_power << ","; out << logArray[i].ram_used << ","; out << std::chrono::duration_cast(logArray[i].previous).count() << "\n"; } logger->clear_log_data(); } else { printf("MANGOHUD: Failed to write log file\n"); } } string get_log_suffix(){ time_t now_log = time(0); tm *log_time = localtime(&now_log); std::ostringstream buffer; buffer << std::put_time(log_time, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") << ".csv"; string log_name = buffer.str(); return log_name; } void logging(){ logger->wait_until_data_valid(); while (logger->is_active()){ logger->try_log(); this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(_params.log_interval)); } } Logger::Logger(overlay_params* in_params) : m_logging_on(false), m_values_valid(false), m_params(in_params) { SPDLOG_DEBUG("Logger constructed!"); } void Logger::start_logging() { if(m_logging_on) return; m_values_valid = false; m_logging_on = true; m_log_start = Clock::now(); if((!_params.output_folder.empty()) && (_params.log_interval != 0)){ std::thread(logging).detach(); } } void Logger::stop_logging() { if(!m_logging_on) return; m_logging_on = false; m_log_end = Clock::now(); calculate_benchmark_data(); if(!_params.output_folder.empty()) { std::string program = get_wine_exe_name(); if (program.empty()) program = get_program_name(); m_log_files.emplace_back(_params.output_folder + "/" + program + "_" + get_log_suffix()); std::thread(writeFile, m_log_files.back()).detach(); } } void Logger::try_log() { if(!is_active()) return; if(!m_values_valid) return; auto now = Clock::now(); auto elapsedLog = now - m_log_start; currentLogData.previous = elapsedLog; currentLogData.fps = fps; currentLogData.frametime = frametime; m_log_array.push_back(currentLogData); if(_params.log_duration && (elapsedLog >= std::chrono::seconds(_params.log_duration))){ stop_logging(); } } void Logger::wait_until_data_valid() { std::unique_lock lck(m_values_valid_mtx); while(! m_values_valid) m_values_valid_cv.wait(lck); } void Logger::notify_data_valid() { std::unique_lock lck(m_values_valid_mtx); m_values_valid = true; m_values_valid_cv.notify_all(); } void Logger::upload_last_log() { if(m_log_files.empty()) return; std::thread(upload_file, m_log_files.back()).detach(); } void Logger::upload_last_logs() { if(m_log_files.empty()) return; std::thread(upload_files, m_log_files).detach(); } void autostart_log(int sleep) { os_time_sleep(sleep * 1000000); logger->start_logging(); }