import re import subprocess class Test: def __init__(self): self.options = {} self.error_count = 0 self.ignore_params = ["pci_dev", "mangoapp_steam", "fsr_steam_sharpness"] # self.files_changed() self.get_options() self.get_param_defaults() self.find_options_in_readme() self.find_options_in_conf() # print(self.options) if self.error_count > 0: print(f"number of errors: {self.error_count}") exit(1) def get_options(self): regex = r"\((.*?)\)" with open('../src/overlay_params.h') as f: for line in f: if ("OVERLAY_PARAM_BOOL" in line or "OVERLAY_PARAM_CUSTOM" in line) and not "#" in line: match =, line) if match: key = if key in self.ignore_params: continue else: self.options[key] = None def find_options_in_readme(self): with open("../") as f: file = for option in self.options: if not option in file: self.error_count += 1 print(f"Option: {option} is not found in") def find_options_in_conf(self): with open("../data/MangoHud.conf") as f: file = for option, val in self.options.items(): if not option in file: self.error_count += 1 print(f"Option: {option} is not found in MangoHud.conf") if option in file: option = "# " + option for line in file.splitlines(): if option in line: line = line.strip().split("=") if len(line) != 2: continue key = line[0].strip("#").strip() value = line[1].strip() if "," in value: value = value.split(",") if self.options[key] != value: self.error_count += 1 print(f"Sample config: option: {key} value is not the same as default") print(f"default: {self.options[key]}, config: {value}") print("") def get_param_defaults(self): # Open the C++ file with open('../src/overlay_params.cpp', 'r') as f: # Read the contents of the file contents = # Define the name of the function to search for function_name = 'set_param_defaults' # Define a regular expression to match the function definition function_regex = re.compile(r"void\s+" + function_name + r"\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*{(.+?)\s*}\s*\n", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) # Find the match of the regular expression in the file contents match = # If the function is found, extract the contents if match: # Extract the contents of the function function_contents = for line in function_contents.splitlines(): for option in self.options: if line.find(option) != -1: return # FIXME: Some variables get stored as string in a string if not "enabled" in line: line = line.replace("params->", "") line = line.strip().strip(";").split("=") if len(line) != 2: continue key = line[0].strip() value = line[1].strip() # convert to a list if it contains curly bracket if "{" in value: value = value.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").strip().split(", ") # If option has color in it's name we can assume it's value is # one or more colors and that they are in binary. # We want to convert this from binary because the config # will not be in this format if "color" in key: value = [hex[2:] for hex in value] value = [string.upper() for string in value] # same reasoning as above if "color" in key and type(value) is str: value = value[2:] value = value.upper() if "fps_sampling_period" in key: value = re.sub(r';\s*/\*.*?\*/', '', value) value = str(int(int(value) / 1000000)) # if value is a list, make sure we don't store str in str if type(value) == list: value = [element.strip('"') for element in value] self.options[key] = value Test()