tests: params checker

This test check if the available parameters exist in the readme and if
the sample config has the same defaults as mangohud does
FlightlessMango 12 months ago
parent 744f173298
commit 0fbd55fa77

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
import re
import subprocess
class Test:
def __init__(self):
self.options = {}
self.error_count = 0
# self.files_changed()
if self.error_count > 0:
print(f"number of errors: {self.error_count}")
def get_options(self):
regex = r"\((.*?)\)"
with open('../src/overlay_params.h') as f:
for line in f:
in line) and not "#" in line:
match = re.search(regex, line)
if match:
self.options[match.group(1)] = None
def find_options_in_readme(self):
with open("../README.md") as f:
file = f.read()
for option in self.options:
if not option in file:
self.error_count += 1
print(f"Option: {option} is not found in README.md")
def find_options_in_conf(self):
with open("../data/MangoHud.conf") as f:
file = f.read()
for option, val in self.options.items():
if not option in file:
self.error_count += 1
print(f"Option: {option} is not found in MangoHud.conf")
if option in file:
option = "# " + option
for line in file.splitlines():
if option in line:
line = line.strip().split("=")
if len(line) != 2:
key = line[0].strip("#").strip()
value = line[1].strip()
if "," in value:
value = value.split(",")
if self.options[key] != value:
self.error_count += 1
print(f"Sample config: option: {key} value is not the same as default")
print(f"default: {self.options[key]}, config: {value}")
def get_param_defaults(self):
# Open the C++ file
with open('../src/overlay_params.cpp', 'r') as f:
# Read the contents of the file
contents = f.read()
# Define the name of the function to search for
function_name = 'set_param_defaults'
# Define a regular expression to match the function definition
function_regex = re.compile(r"void\s+" +
function_name + r"\s*\(([^)]*)\)\s*{(.+?)\s*}\s*\n",
# Find the match of the regular expression in the file contents
match = function_regex.search(contents)
# If the function is found, extract the contents
if match:
# Extract the contents of the function
function_contents = match.group(2)
for line in function_contents.splitlines():
# FIXME: Some variables get stored as string in a string
if not "enabled" in line:
line = line.replace("params->", "")
line = line.strip().strip(";").split("=")
if len(line) != 2:
key = line[0].strip()
value = line[1].strip()
# convert to a list if it contains curly bracket
if "{" in value:
value = value.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").strip().split(", ")
# If option has color in it's name we can assume it's value is
# one or more colors and that they are in binary.
# We want to convert this from binary because the config
# will not be in this format
if "color" in key:
value = [hex[2:] for hex in value]
value = [string.upper() for string in value]
# same reasoning as above
if "color" in key and type(value) is str:
value = value[2:]
value = value.upper()
if "fps_sampling_period" in key:
value = re.sub(r';\s*/\*.*?\*/', '', value)
value = str(int(int(value) / 1000000))
# FIXME sometimes we get a string inside a string
# which breaks comparisons
self.options[key] = value