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#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
4 years ago
#include "kiero.h"
#include "d3d12_hook.h"
#include "d3d_shared.h"
#include "../overlay.h"
typedef long(__fastcall* PresentD3D12) (IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain, UINT SyncInterval, UINT Flags);
PresentD3D12 oPresentD3D12;
long __fastcall hkPresent12(IDXGISwapChain3* pSwapChain, UINT SyncInterval, UINT Flags){
4 years ago
update_hud_info(sw_stats, params, vendorID);
return oPresentD3D12(pSwapChain, SyncInterval, Flags);
void impl::d3d12::init()
4 years ago
printf("init d3d12\n");
auto ret = kiero::bind(140, (void**)&oPresentD3D12, reinterpret_cast<void*>(hkPresent12));
assert(ret == kiero::Status::Success);
4 years ago