You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
4.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <imgui.h>
#include "overlay_params.h"
#include "iostats.h"
#include "timing.hpp"
#include "hud_elements.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "gpu.h"
4 years ago
#include "logging.h"
3 years ago
#include "vk_enum_to_str.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include <vulkan/vk_layer.h>
#include "amdgpu.h"
#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
#include "dbus_info.h"
extern float g_overflow;
struct frame_stat {
uint64_t stats[OVERLAY_PLOTS_MAX];
static const int kMaxGraphEntries = 50;
enum EngineTypes
4 years ago
extern const char* engines[];
struct swapchain_stats {
uint64_t n_frames;
enum overlay_plots stat_selector;
double time_dividor;
struct frame_stat stats_min, stats_max;
struct frame_stat frames_stats[200];
ImFont* font1 = nullptr;
ImFont* font_text = nullptr;
4 years ago
size_t font_params_hash = 0;
std::string time;
double fps;
uint64_t last_present_time;
unsigned n_frames_since_update;
uint64_t last_fps_update;
ImVec2 main_window_pos;
struct {
int32_t major;
int32_t minor;
bool is_gles;
} version_gl;
struct {
int32_t major;
int32_t minor;
int32_t patch;
} version_vk;
std::string engineName;
std::string engineVersion;
std::string deviceName;
std::string gpuName;
std::string driverName;
enum EngineTypes engine;
struct fps_limit {
Clock::time_point frameStart;
Clock::time_point frameEnd;
Clock::duration targetFrameTime;
Clock::duration frameOverhead;
Clock::duration sleepTime;
struct benchmark_stats {
float total;
std::vector<float> fps_data;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float>> percentile_data;
struct LOAD_DATA {
ImVec4 color_low;
ImVec4 color_med;
ImVec4 color_high;
unsigned med_load;
unsigned high_load;
3 years ago
/* Mapped from VkInstace/VkPhysicalDevice */
struct instance_data {
struct vk_instance_dispatch_table vtable;
VkInstance instance;
struct overlay_params params;
uint32_t api_version;
string engineName, engineVersion;
enum EngineTypes engine;
notify_thread notifier;
int control_client;
/* Mapped from VkDevice */
struct queue_data;
struct device_data {
struct instance_data *instance;
PFN_vkSetDeviceLoaderData set_device_loader_data;
struct vk_device_dispatch_table vtable;
VkPhysicalDevice physical_device;
VkDevice device;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties;
struct queue_data *graphic_queue;
std::vector<struct queue_data *> queues;
extern struct fps_limit fps_limit_stats;
4 years ago
extern int32_t deviceID;
extern struct benchmark_stats benchmark;
extern ImVec2 real_font_size;
extern std::string wineVersion;
extern std::deque<logData> graph_data;
extern overlay_params *_params;
extern double min_frametime, max_frametime;
extern bool steam_focused;
void position_layer(struct swapchain_stats& data, struct overlay_params& params, ImVec2 window_size);
void render_imgui(swapchain_stats& data, struct overlay_params& params, ImVec2& window_size, bool is_vulkan);
void update_hud_info(struct swapchain_stats& sw_stats, struct overlay_params& params, uint32_t vendorID);
void update_hud_info_with_frametime(struct swapchain_stats& sw_stats, struct overlay_params& params, uint32_t vendorID, uint64_t frametime_ns);
void update_hw_info(struct overlay_params& params, uint32_t vendorID);
void init_gpu_stats(uint32_t& vendorID, uint32_t reported_deviceID, overlay_params& params);
void init_cpu_stats(overlay_params& params);
void check_keybinds(overlay_params& params, uint32_t vendorID);
void init_system_info(void);
void FpsLimiter(struct fps_limit& stats);
void get_device_name(int32_t vendorID, int32_t deviceID, struct swapchain_stats& sw_stats);
void calculate_benchmark_data(overlay_params* params);
void create_fonts(const overlay_params& params, ImFont*& small_font, ImFont*& text_font);
void right_aligned_text(ImVec4& col, float off_x, const char *fmt, ...);
void center_text(const std::string& text);
ImVec4 change_on_load_temp(LOAD_DATA& data, unsigned current);
float get_time_stat(void *_data, int _idx);
void stop_hw_updater();
3 years ago
extern void control_client_check(struct device_data *device_data);
extern void process_control_socket(struct instance_data *instance_data);
#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
void render_mpris_metadata(overlay_params& params, mutexed_metadata& meta, uint64_t frame_timing);