You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
4.4 KiB

### MangoHud configuration file
### Uncomment any options you wish to enable. Default options are left uncommented
### Use some_parameter=0 to disable a parameter (only works with on/off parameters)
### Everything below can be used / overridden with the environment variable MANGOHUD_CONFIG instead
################ PERFORMANCE #################
### Limit the application FPS. Comma-separated list of one or more FPS values (e.g. 0,30,60). 0 means unlimited (unless VSynced).
# fps_limit=
### VSync [0-3] 0 = adaptive; 1 = off; 2 = mailbox; 3 = on
# vsync=
### OpenGL VSync [0-N] 0 = off; >=1 = wait for N v-blanks, N > 1 acts as a FPS limiter (FPS = display refresh rate / N)
# gl_vsync=
################### VISUAL ###################
### Custom text centered useful for a header
# custom_text_center =
### Legacy layout
# legacy_layout = false
### Display the current CPU information
# cpu_temp
4 years ago
# cpu_power
# cpu_text = "CPU"
# cpu_mhz
# cpu_load_change
# cpu_load_value
# cpu_load_color
### Display the current GPU information
# gpu_temp
# gpu_core_clock
# gpu_mem_clock
# gpu_name
# gpu_power
# gpu_text = "GPU"
# vulkan_driver
# gpu_load_change
# gpu_load_value
# gpu_load_color
### Display FPS and frametime
# fps_sampling_period=
### Display loaded MangoHud architecture
# arch
### Display the frametime line graph
### Display the current system time
# time
### Display the current resolution
# resolution
### Show current fps limit
# show_fps_limit
### Display custom text
# custom_text
### Time formatting examples
# time_format = %H:%M
# time_format = [ %T %F ]
# time_format = %X # locally formatted time, because of limited glyph range, missing characters may show as '?' (e.g. Japanese)
### Change the hud font size (default is 24)
# font_scale=1.0
# font_size_text=24
# font_scale_media_player = 0.55
# no_small_font
### Change default font (set location to .TTF/.OTF file )
## Set font for the whole hud
# font_file=
## Set font only for text like media player metadata
# font_file_text=
## Set font glyph ranges. Defaults to latin-only. Don't forget to set font_file/text_font_file to font that supports these.
## Probably don't enable all at once because of memory usage and hardware limits concerns.
## If you experience crashes or text is just squares, reduce glyph range or reduce font size.
# font_glyph_ranges=korean, chinese, chinese_simplified, japanese, cyrillic, thai, vietnamese, latin_ext_a, latin_ext_b
### Change the hud position (default is top-left)
### Display the current CPU load & frequency for each core
# core_load
# core_load_change
### IO read and write for the app (not system)
# io_read
# io_write
# io_stats
4 years ago
### Display system ram / swap space / vram usage
# ram
4 years ago
# swap
# vram
### Display MangoHud, engine or Wine version
# version
# engine_version
# wine
4 years ago
### Disable / hide the hud by default
# no_display
### Hud position offset
# offset_x=
# offset_y=
### Hud dimensions
# width=
# height=
# table_columns=
# cellpadding_y=
### Hud transparency / alpha
# alpha=
### Color customization
# text_color=FFFFFF
# gpu_color=2E9762
# cpu_color=2E97CB
# vram_color=AD64C1
# ram_color=C26693
# engine_color=EB5B5B
# io_color=A491D3
# frametime_color=00FF00
# background_color=020202
# media_player_color=FFFFFF
# wine_color=732010
### Show media player metadata
# media_player
# media_player_name = spotify
# media_player_order = title,artist,album
### Specify gpu with pci bus id for amdgpu and NVML stats.
### Set to 'domain:bus:slot.function'
# pci_dev = 0:0a:0.0
### Blacklist
# blacklist =
################## INTERACTION #################
### Change toggle keybinds for the hud & logging
# toggle_hud=Shift_R+F12
# toggle_fps_limit=Shift_L+F1
# toggle_logging=Shift_L+F2
# reload_cfg=Shift_L+F4
# upload_log=Shift_L+F3
################## LOG #################
### Automatically start the log after X seconds
# autostart_log = 1
### Set amount of time in seconds that the logging will run for
# log_duration
### Set location of the output files (required for logging)
# output_folder = /home/<USERNAME>/mangologs
### Permit uploading logs directly to
# permit_upload=1
### Define a '+'-separated list of percentiles shown in the benchmark results.
### Use "AVG" to get a mean average. Default percentiles are 97+AVG+1+0.1
# benchmark_percentiles=