# uqmi Downloading file to your router: Go to the file, right click on Download button and select Copy link addess.\ Then paste the link in your router after wget. Install with opkg. ``` wget https://github.com/mrhaav/openwrt/raw/master/21.02.2/uqmi_2022-03-15-0.4_mipsel_24kc.ipk opkg install uqmi_2022-03-15-0.4_mipsel_24kc.ipk ``` \ \ uqmi version 2022-04-22-0.4 includes a daemon that will check the connection every 30sec. If the connection is released from the network, the daemon will re-connect the interface. This daemon will also send the rssi value to /usr/bin/uqmi_led.sh for trigger signal strength LEDs. When the daemon is stoped it will send rssi value = -200 to turn off all LEDs. uqmi version 2022-04-22-0.5 includes a SMS receiver. It will store received SMS in /var/sms folder. The daemon will send the file name to /usr/bin/uqmi_sms.sh. The first row in the SMS file is the senders phone number and the following rows are the text message. uqmi_led.sh and uqmi_sms.sh are not included in the ipk file. You need to create the files your self and make them executable, `chmod +x `. \ uqmi_led.sh example for MR200v4 ``` #!/bin/sh rssi=$1 LED1=$(readlink -f /sys/class/leds/mr200v4:white:signal1) LED2=$(readlink -f /sys/class/leds/mr200v4:white:signal2) LED3=$(readlink -f /sys/class/leds/mr200v4:white:signal3) if [ "${rssi}" -eq -200 ] then echo none > $LED1/trigger echo none > $LED2/trigger echo none > $LED3/trigger elif [ "${rssi}" -le -90 ] then echo default-on > $LED1/trigger echo none > $LED2/trigger echo none > $LED3/trigger elif [ "${rssi}" -le -70 ] then echo default-on > $LED1/trigger echo default-on > $LED2/trigger echo none > $LED3/trigger else echo default-on > $LED1/trigger echo default-on > $LED2/trigger echo default-on > $LED3/trigger fi ``` \ uqmi_sms.sh example ``` #!/bin/sh receivedSMS=$1 Anumber=$(sed -n '1p' $receivedSMS) if [ $Anumber = '+46123456' ] then first_row=$(sed -n '2p' $receivedSMS) second_row=$(sed -n '3p' $receivedSMS) # Execute your commands rm $receivedSMS else logger -t SMS Unauthorized Anumber rm $receivedSMS fi