cleaning more typos in ch12 :)

Victorhck 4 years ago
parent 0579dc3b1a
commit 8cb357043c

@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ Vim substitutes all pancakes with donuts in one swift command. The global comman
g Replace all matches in the line.
c Ask for substitution confirmation.
e Prevent error message from displaying when substitution fails.
i Perform case insensitive substitution
I Perform case sensitive substitution
i Perform case insensitive substitution.
I Perform case sensitive substitution.
There are more flags that I do not list above. To read about all the flags, check out `:h s_flags`.
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ let FIVE = "5";
Here is the breakdown of that command:
- `(\w+) (\w+)` captures the first two matched groups, such as "let" and "one".
- `\1` returns the value of the first group, "let"
- `\1` returns the value of the first group, "let".
- `\U\2` uppercases (`\U`) the second group (`\2`).
The trick of this command is the expression `\U\2`. `\U` instructs the following character to be uppercased.
@ -494,9 +494,9 @@ Vim Is The Greatest Text Editor In The Whole Galaxy
Here is the breakdowns:
- `:s` substitutes the current line
- `:s` substitutes the current line.
- `\<.` is comprised of two parts: `\<` to match the start of a word and `.` to match any character. `\<` operator makes the following character to be the first character of a word. Since `.` is the next character, it will match the first character of any word.
- `\u&` uppercases the subsequent symbol, `&`. Recall that `&` (or `\0`) represents the whole match. It matches the first character of nay word.
- `\u&` uppercases the subsequent symbol, `&`. Recall that `&` (or `\0`) represents the whole match. It matches the first character of any word.
- `g` the global flag. Without it, this command only substitutes the first match. You need to substitute every match on this line.
To learn more of substitution's special replace symbols like `\u` and `\U`, check out `:h sub-replace-special`.
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ bonjour vim
Here is the breakdown:
- `%s` runs the substitute command on each line in a file.
- `(hello|hola)` Matches *either* "hello" or "hola" and consider it as a group.
- `(hello|hola)` matches *either* "hello" or "hola" and consider it as a group.
- `vim` is the literal word "vim".
- `\1` is the first match group, which is either the text "hello" or "hola".
- `friend` is the literal word "friend".
@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ To substitute the third "Mississippi" with "Arkansas", run:
The breakdown:
- `:s/` the substitute command.
- `\v` is the magic keyword so you don't have to escape special keywords.
- `.` matches any single character
- `.` matches any single character.
- `{-}` performs non-greedy match of 0 or more of the preceding atom.
- `\zsMississippi` makes "Mississippi" the start of the match.
- `(...){3}` looks for the third match.
