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48 lines
682 B

use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc};
fn f(x: &mut i32) {
*x = 2;
struct TimeBomb {
countdown: Arc<Mutex<i32>>
impl Drop for TimeBomb
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut c = self.countdown.lock().unwrap();
*c -= 1;
if *c <= 0 {
fn main()
let a = 5;
let mut b = 5;
//a = 4; not valid
b = 4;
//*(&mut a) = 3; not valid
*(&mut b) = 3;
let a = 5;
let mut b = 5;
//f(&mut a); not valid
f(&mut b);
let t3 = TimeBomb {
countdown: Arc::new(Mutex::new(3))
let t2 = t3.clone();
let t1 = t2.clone();
let t0 = t1.clone();