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140 lines
5.0 KiB

use buildings::{Building, getCarriageFloor};
use physics::{ElevatorState};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use termion;
use termion::{clear, cursor, style};
use termion::raw;
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode;
use termion::input::TermRead;
use termion::event::Key;
use serde_json;
pub trait DataRecorder
fn init(&mut self, esp: Box<Building>, est: ElevatorState);
fn record(&mut self, est: ElevatorState, dst: u64);
fn summary(&mut self);
struct SimpleDataRecorder<W: Write>
esp: Box<Building>,
termwidth: u64,
termheight: u64,
stdout: raw::RawTerminal<W>,
log: File,
record_location: Vec<f64>,
record_velocity: Vec<f64>,
record_acceleration: Vec<f64>,
record_force: Vec<f64>,
pub fn newSimpleDataRecorder(esp: Box<Building>) -> Box<DataRecorder>
let termsize = termion::terminal_size().ok();
Box::new(SimpleDataRecorder {
esp: esp.clone(),
termwidth:|(w,_)| w-2).expect("termwidth") as u64,
termheight:|(_,h)| h-2).expect("termheight") as u64,
stdout: io::stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap(),
log: File::create("simulation.log").expect("log file"),
record_location: Vec::new(),
record_velocity: Vec::new(),
record_acceleration: Vec::new(),
record_force: Vec::new()
impl<W: Write> DataRecorder for SimpleDataRecorder<W>
fn init(&mut self, esp: Box<Building>, est: ElevatorState)
self.esp = esp.clone();
self.log.write_all(serde_json::to_string(&esp.serialize()).unwrap().as_bytes()).expect("write spec to log");
self.log.write_all(b"\r\n").expect("write spec to log");
fn record(&mut self, est: ElevatorState, dst: u64)
let datum = serde_json::to_string(&(est.clone(), dst)).unwrap();
self.log.write_all(datum.as_bytes()).expect("write state to log");
self.log.write_all(b"\r\n").expect("write state to log");
//5.4. Print realtime statistics
print!("{}{}{}", clear::All, cursor::Goto(1, 1), cursor::Hide);
let carriage_floor = getCarriageFloor(self.esp.get_floor_heights(), est.location);
let floor_count = self.esp.get_floor_heights().len() as u64;
let mut terminal_buffer = vec![' ' as u8; (self.termwidth*self.termheight) as usize];
for ty in 0..floor_count
terminal_buffer[ (ty*self.termwidth + 0) as usize ] = '[' as u8;
terminal_buffer[ (ty*self.termwidth + 1) as usize ] =
if (ty as u64)==((floor_count-1)-carriage_floor) { 'X' as u8 }
else { ' ' as u8 };
terminal_buffer[ (ty*self.termwidth + 2) as usize ] = ']' as u8;
terminal_buffer[ (ty*self.termwidth + self.termwidth-2) as usize ] = '\r' as u8;
terminal_buffer[ (ty*self.termwidth + self.termwidth-1) as usize ] = '\n' as u8;
let stats = vec![
format!("Carriage at floor {}", carriage_floor+1),
format!("Location {:.06}", est.location),
format!("Velocity {:.06}", est.velocity),
format!("Acceleration {:.06}", est.acceleration),
format!("Force [up-down] {:.06}", est.motor_input),
for sy in 0..stats.len()
for (sx,sc) in stats[sy].chars().enumerate()
terminal_buffer[ sy*(self.termwidth as usize) + 6 + sx ] = sc as u8;
write!(self.stdout, "{}", String::from_utf8(terminal_buffer).ok().unwrap());
fn summary(&mut self)
//6 Calculate and print summary statistics
write!(self.stdout, "{}{}{}", clear::All, cursor::Goto(1, 1), cursor::Show).unwrap();
variable_summary(&mut self.stdout, "location".to_string(), &self.record_location);
variable_summary(&mut self.stdout, "velocity".to_string(), &self.record_velocity);
variable_summary(&mut self.stdout, "acceleration".to_string(), &self.record_acceleration);
variable_summary(&mut self.stdout, "force".to_string(), &self.record_force);
fn variable_summary<W: Write>(stdout: &mut raw::RawTerminal<W>, vname: String, data: &Vec<f64>) {
let (avg, dev) = variable_summary_stats(data);
variable_summary_print(stdout, vname, avg, dev);
fn variable_summary_stats(data: &Vec<f64>) -> (f64, f64)
//calculate statistics
let N = data.len();
let sum = data.iter().sum::<f64>();
let avg = sum / (N as f64);
let dev = (
.map(|v| (v - avg).powi(2))
/ (N as f64)
(avg, dev)
fn variable_summary_print<W: Write>(stdout: &mut raw::RawTerminal<W>, vname: String, avg: f64, dev: f64)
//print formatted output
writeln!(stdout, "Average of {:25}{:.6}", vname, avg);
writeln!(stdout, "Standard deviation of {:14}{:.6}", vname, dev);
writeln!(stdout, "");