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extern crate metaderive;
macro_rules! my_vec_macro {
( $( $x:expr ),* ) => {
let mut temp_vec = Vec::new();
macro_rules! my_macro_branch
(1 $e:expr) => (println!("mode 1: {}", $e));
(2 $e:expr) => (println!("mode 2: {}", $e));
enum DSLTerm {
TVar { symbol: String },
TAbs { param: String, body: Box<DSLTerm> },
TApp { f: Box<DSLTerm>, x: Box<DSLTerm> }
macro_rules! dsl
( ( $($e:tt)* ) ) => (dsl!( $($e)* ));
( $e:ident ) => (DSLTerm::TVar { symbol: stringify!($e).to_string() });
( fn $p:ident . $b:tt ) => (DSLTerm::TAbs { param: stringify!($p).to_string(), body: Box::new(dsl!($b)) });
( $f:tt $x:tt ) => (DSLTerm::TApp { f: Box::new(dsl!($f)), x: Box::new(dsl!($x)) });
pub trait TypeName {
fn typename() -> String;
struct MyStructA
a: u32,
b: f32
fn main()
println!("this is a macro {} {}", 1, 2);
my_vec_macro!(1, 2, 3);
my_macro_branch!(1 "abc");
my_macro_branch!(2 "def");
dsl!( a );
dsl!( fn a . a );
dsl!( f a );
dsl!( (f a) );