You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

273 lines
8.3 KiB

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex};
struct LazyList<A: Clone> {
buffer: Rc<Vec<A>>,
index: usize
impl<A: Clone> LazyList<A> {
fn new(buf: Vec<A>) -> LazyList<A> {
LazyList {
buffer: Rc::new(buf),
index: 0
fn next(&self) -> Option<(LazyList<A>,A)> {
if self.index < self.buffer.len() {
let new_item = self.buffer[self.index].clone();
let new_index = self.index + 1;
Some((LazyList {
buffer: Rc::clone(&self.buffer),
index: new_index
} else {
fn effects_bind<A,B,C,F,G>(f: F, g: G) -> impl Fn(A) -> C
where F: Fn(A) -> B,
G: Fn(B) -> C {
move |a| g(f(a))
fn launch_missiles(i: i32) -> i32 {
println!("launching {} missiles", i);
struct ReactiveUnit<St,A,B> {
state: Arc<Mutex<St>>,
event_handler: Arc<Fn(&mut St,A) -> B>
impl<St: 'static,A: 'static,B: 'static> ReactiveUnit<St,A,B> {
fn new<F>(st: St, f: F) -> ReactiveUnit<St,A,B>
where F: 'static + Fn(&mut St,A) -> B
ReactiveUnit {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(st)),
event_handler: Arc::new(f)
fn bind<G,C>(&self, g: G) -> ReactiveUnit<St,A,C>
where G: 'static + Fn(&mut St,B) -> C {
let ev = Arc::clone(&self.event_handler);
ReactiveUnit {
state: Arc::clone(&self.state),
event_handler: Arc::new(move |st: &mut St,a| {
let r = ev(st,a);
let r = g(st,r);
fn plus<St2: 'static,C: 'static>(&self, other: ReactiveUnit<St2,B,C>) -> ReactiveUnit<(Arc<Mutex<St>>,Arc<Mutex<St2>>),A,C> {
let ev1 = Arc::clone(&self.event_handler);
let st1 = Arc::clone(&self.state);
let ev2 = Arc::clone(&other.event_handler);
let st2 = Arc::clone(&other.state);
ReactiveUnit {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new((st1,st2))),
event_handler: Arc::new(move |stst: &mut (Arc<Mutex<St>>,Arc<Mutex<St2>>),a| {
let mut st1 = stst.0.lock().unwrap();
let r = ev1(&mut st1, a);
let mut st2 = stst.1.lock().unwrap();
let r = ev2(&mut st2, r);
fn apply(&self, a: A) -> B {
let mut st = self.state.lock().unwrap();
(self.event_handler)(&mut st, a)
fn main()
2 + 3;
|| 2 + 3;
let ll = LazyList::new(vec![1,2,3]);
let (ll1,a1) ="expect 1 item");
println!("lazy item 1: {}", a1);
let (ll2,a2) ="expect 2 item");
println!("lazy item 2: {}", a2);
let (ll3,a3) ="expect 3 item");
println!("lazy item 3: {}", a3);
let (ll2,a2) ="expect 2 item");
println!("lazy item 2: {}", a2);
let e1 = |i| { println!("before {}", i); i };
let e2 = |i| { launch_missiles(i) };
let e3 = |i| { println!("after {}", i); i };
let s = effects_bind(effects_bind(e1,e2),e3);
6 years ago
println!("\nrender 1:");
let render1 = ReactiveUnit::new((),|(),()| {
let html = r###"$('body').innerHTML = '
<h3 data-section="1" class="active">Section 1</h3>
<h3 data-section="2">Section 2</h3>
<h3 data-section="3">Section 3</h3>
<div>page content</div>
println!("{}", render1.apply(()));
println!("\nrender 2:");
let render2 = ReactiveUnit::new((),|(),section: usize| {
let section_1 = r###"$('body').innerHTML = '
<h3 data-section="1" class="active">Section 1</h3>
<h3 data-section="2">Section 2</h3>
<h3 data-section="3">Section 3</h3>
<div>section 1 content</div>
let section_2 = r###"$('body').innerHTML = '
<h3 data-section="1">Section 1</h3>
<h3 data-section="2" class="active">Section 2</h3>
<h3 data-section="3">Section 3</h3>
<div>section 2 content</div>
let section_3 = r###"$('body').innerHTML = '
<h3 data-section="1">Section 1</h3>
<h3 data-section="2">Section 2</h3>
<h3 data-section="3" class="active">Section 3</h3>
<div>section 3 content</div>
if section==1 {
} else if section==2 {
} else if section==3 {
} else {
panic!("unknown section")
println!("{}", render2.apply(1));
println!("{}", render2.apply(2));
println!("{}", render2.apply(3));
let render3header = ReactiveUnit::new(None,|opsec: &mut Option<usize>,section: usize| {
let section_1 = r###"$('header').innerHTML = '
<h3 data-section="1" class="active">Section 1</h3>
<h3 data-section="2">Section 2</h3>
<h3 data-section="3">Section 3</h3>
let section_2 = r###"$('header').innerHTML = '
<h3 data-section="1">Section 1</h3>
<h3 data-section="2" class="active">Section 2</h3>
<h3 data-section="3">Section 3</h3>
let section_3 = r###"$('header').innerHTML = '
<h3 data-section="1">Section 1</h3>
<h3 data-section="2">Section 2</h3>
<h3 data-section="3" class="active">Section 3</h3>
let changed = if section==1 {
} else if section==2 {
} else if section==3 {
} else {
panic!("invalid section")
if let Some(sec) = *opsec {
if sec==section { "" }
else {
*opsec = Some(section);
} else {
*opsec = Some(section);
let render3content = ReactiveUnit::new(None,|opsec: &mut Option<usize>,section: usize| {
let section_1 = r###"$('div#content').innerHTML = '
section 1 content
let section_2 = r###"$('div#content').innerHTML = '
section 2 content
let section_3 = r###"$('div#content').innerHTML = '
section 3 content
let changed = if section==1 {
} else if section==2 {
} else if section==3 {
} else {
panic!("invalid section")
if let Some(sec) = *opsec {
if sec==section { "" }
else {
*opsec = Some(section);
} else {
*opsec = Some(section);
let render3 = ReactiveUnit::new((render3header,render3content), |(rheader,rcontent),section: usize| {
let header = rheader.apply(section);
let content = rcontent.apply(section);
format!("{}{}", header, content)
6 years ago
6 years ago
println!("section 1: {}", render3.apply(1));
println!("section 2: {}", render3.apply(2));
println!("section 2: {}", render3.apply(2));
println!("section 3: {}", render3.apply(3));
6 years ago
let database = ("hello world", 5, 2);
let react1 = ReactiveUnit::new((database,render3), |(database,render),evt:(&str,&str)| {
match evt {
("header button click",n) => render.apply(n.parse::<usize>().unwrap()),
("text submission",s) => { database.0 = s; format!("db.textfield1.set(\"{}\")",s) },
("number 1 submission",n) => { database.1 += n.parse::<i32>().unwrap(); format!("db.numfield1.set(\"{}\")",database.1) },
("number 2 submission",n) => { database.2 += n.parse::<i32>().unwrap(); format!("db.numfield2.set(\"{}\")",database.2) },
_ => "".to_string()
println!("react 1: {}", react1.apply(("header button click","2")));
println!("react 1: {}", react1.apply(("header button click","2")));
println!("react 1: {}", react1.apply(("text submission","abc def")));
println!("react 1: {}", react1.apply(("number 1 submission","123")));
println!("react 1: {}", react1.apply(("number 1 submission","234")));
println!("react 1: {}", react1.apply(("number 2 submission","333")));
println!("react 1: {}", react1.apply(("number 2 submission","222")));