/* Copyright 2016 Peter Repukat - FlatspotSoftware Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http ://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "GloSC.h" GloSC::GloSC(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); updateEntryList(); } void GloSC::updateEntryList() { ui.lwInstances->clear(); QDir dir(".\\"); QStringList dirNames = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs); for (auto &dirName : dirNames) { if (dirName != "." && dirName != ".." && dirName != "platforms") ui.lwInstances->addItem(dirName); } } void GloSC::writeIni(QString entryName) { QSettings settings(entryName + "\\TargetConfig.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); settings.beginGroup("BaseConf"); settings.setValue("bShowOverlay", 0 + ui.cbOverlay->isChecked()); settings.setValue("bEnableControllers", 0 + ui.cbControllers->isChecked()); settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup("LaunchGame"); settings.setValue("bLaunchGame", 0 + ui.cbLaunchGame->isChecked()); if (ui.cbLaunchGame->isChecked()) { settings.setValue("Path", ui.lePath->text()); if (ui.lePath->text().contains("\\") || ui.lePath->text().contains("/")) { settings.setValue("Type", "Win32"); } else { settings.setValue("Type", "UWP"); } } settings.setValue("bCloseWhenDone", 0 + ui.cbCloseWhenDone->isChecked()); settings.endGroup(); } void GloSC::on_pbSave_clicked() { QString name = ui.leName->text(); name.remove("\\"); name.remove("/"); name.remove(":"); name.remove("."); QString temp = name; if (temp.remove(" ") == "") return; QDir dir(name); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir("."); #ifdef NDEBUG QString fileNames[] = { "Qt5Core.dll", "Qt5Gui.dll", "Qt5Widgets.dll", "sfml-system-2.dll", "sfml-window-2.dll", "sfml-graphics-2.dll", "ViGEmUM.dll", "SteamTargetUserWindow.exe", "TargetConfig.ini" }; #else QString fileNames[] = { "Qt5Cored.dll", "Qt5Guid.dll", "Qt5Widgetsd.dll", "sfml-system-d-2.dll", "sfml-window-d-2.dll", "sfml-graphics-d-2.dll", "ViGEmUM.dll", "SteamTargetUserWindow.exe", "TargetConfig.ini" }; #endif for (auto &fileName : fileNames) { QFile::copy(fileName, dir.path() + "\\" + fileName); } QDir platformdir(name + "\\platforms"); if (!platformdir.exists()) platformdir.mkdir("."); QFile::copy("platforms\\qwindows.dll", dir.path() + "\\" + "platforms\\qwindows.dll"); QFile::copy("SteamTarget.exe", dir.path() + "\\" + name + ".exe"); writeIni(name); updateEntryList(); } void GloSC::on_pbDelete_clicked() { QString name = ui.leName->text(); name.remove("\\"); name.remove("/"); name.remove(":"); name.remove("."); QString temp = name; if (temp.remove(" ") == "") return; QDir dir(name); if (dir.exists()) { dir.removeRecursively(); } updateEntryList(); } void GloSC::on_pbAddToSteam_clicked() { //TODO } void GloSC::on_pbSearchPath_clicked() { QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Select Game", "", "*.exe"); ui.lePath->setText(filePath); } void GloSC::on_pbUWP_clicked() { QSettings *settings = new QSettings("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", QSettings::NativeFormat); QStringList childs = settings->childGroups(); QStringList packages; for (auto& child : childs) { if (child.indexOf("AppX") == 0) { packages << child; } } delete settings; QList pairs; QString AppName; QString AppUMId; QStringList AppNames; QStringList AppUMIds; for (auto &package : packages) { settings = new QSettings("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\"+package, QSettings::NativeFormat); AppName = settings->value("Application/ApplicationName").toString(); AppUMId = settings->value("Application/AppUserModelID").toString(); if (!AppNames.contains(AppName) && !AppUMIds.contains(AppUMId) && AppUMId.size() > 0) { AppNames << AppName; AppUMIds << AppUMId; if (AppName.size() == 0 || AppName.at(0) == '@') AppName = "Unknown"; UWPPair uwpPair = { AppName, AppUMId, }; pairs.push_back(uwpPair); } delete settings; } uwpPairs = pairs; UWPSelectDialog dialog(this); dialog.setUWPList(uwpPairs); int selection = dialog.exec(); if (selection > -1) { ui.lePath->setText(uwpPairs.at(selection).AppUMId); } } void GloSC::on_lwInstances_currentRowChanged(int row) { if (row < 0) return; QString entryName = ui.lwInstances->item(row)->text(); ui.leName->setText(entryName); QSettings settings(entryName + "\\TargetConfig.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); settings.beginGroup("BaseConf"); ui.cbOverlay->setChecked(settings.value("bShowOverlay").toBool()); ui.cbControllers->setChecked(settings.value("bEnableControllers").toBool()); settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup("LaunchGame"); ui.cbLaunchGame->setChecked(settings.value("bLaunchGame").toBool()); if (ui.cbLaunchGame->isChecked()) { ui.lePath->setText(settings.value("Path").toString()); } ui.cbCloseWhenDone->setChecked(settings.value("bCloseWhenDone").toBool()); settings.endGroup(); }