--- --- TODO: Logo # ATTENTION: GloSC is currently being rewritten, and renamed to GlosSI ([Glo]bal ([s]ystemwide) [S]team [I]nput) No ETA when it's done No support until then. **Looking for contributors!** As the past has shown, I have way to less time on hand too maintain such a project. Reach out via Discord/E-Mail (But get to the point right away, please, I get way too much spam) See: [BUILDING.md](./docs/BUILDING.md),[CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) # GlosSI GlosSI or [Glo]bal ([s]ystemwide) [S]team [I]nput, formerly knows as GloSC (Global Steam Controller), is a tool that allows one to use Steam-Input controller rebinding at a system-level alongside a system wide (borderless window) Steam overlay All complete with **per application bindings and working rumble emulation.** GlosSI can, but isn't required to, launch any of your favorite games or applications and directly add them to Steam, be it Win32 or Windows Store (UWP)! It is **the tool** to enjoy any game that has trouble with Steam and/or *add extra functionality* to your Steam-Input needs *Windows Store*, *Reshade / SweetFX*, *Origin*, *Uplay*, *Emulators* and *more* with **no hassle**™ --- GlosSI provides its [own overlay](./Overlay.md), in addition to that of Steam.