mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 21:25:53 +00:00
143 lines
7.6 KiB
143 lines
7.6 KiB
import os
import time
import streamlit as st
import modules.INFO as INFO
import modules as mod
import GPT
import modules.utilities as util
import streamlit_toolkit.tools as st_tool
if 'SESSION_TIME' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['SESSION_TIME'] = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%H%S")
SESSION_TIME = st.session_state['SESSION_TIME']
PROMPT_PATH = f'.user/prompt/{SESSION_LANG}'
util.remove_oldest_file(INFO.LOG_PATH, 10)
header = st.container()
body = st.container()
# sidebar
with st.sidebar:
_ = mod.language.set_language()
prompt_files = util.scan_directory(PROMPT_PATH)
prompt_file_names = [util.get_file_name(file) for file in prompt_files]
prompt_dictionary = dict(zip(prompt_file_names, prompt_files))
# remove 'my-info' from prompt dictionary
operation_options = list(prompt_dictionary.keys())
operations = st.multiselect(_('Operations'),
default=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, f'operations_{SESSION_LANG}',
help=_('Combinations of operations to perform.'))
last_question_model = util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'question_model', INFO.MODELS_OPTIONS[0])
# get index of last question model
question_model_index = util.get_index(INFO.MODELS_OPTIONS, last_question_model)
question_model = st.selectbox(_('Question Model'), INFO.MODELS_OPTIONS, index=question_model_index,
help=_('Model used for answering user question.'))
operations_no_question = [op for op in operations if op != _('question')]
other_models = []
replace_tokens = []
for operation in operations_no_question:
last_model = util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, f'{operation}_model', INFO.MODELS_OPTIONS[0])
# get index of last model
model_index = util.get_index(INFO.MODELS_OPTIONS, last_model)
model = st.selectbox(f"{operation} " + _('Model'), INFO.MODELS_OPTIONS, index=model_index)
temp = st.slider(_('Temperature'), 0.0, 1.0, value=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'temp', 0.1),
help=_('What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 1. Higher values like 0.8 will make the '
'output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and '
'deterministic. \n\nIt is generally recommend altering this or `top_p` but not both.'))
max_tokens = st.slider(_('Max Tokens'), 850, 4096, value=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'max_tokens', 1000),
help=_("The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion.\n\nThe token count of "
"your prompt plus `max_tokens` cannot exceed the model's context length. Most "
"models have a context length of 2048 tokens (except for the newest models, "
"which support 4096)."))
with st.expander(label=_('Advanced Options')):
top_p = st.slider(_('Top_P'), 0.0, 1.0, value=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'top_p', 1.0),
help=_("An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the "
"model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means "
"only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered.\n\n"
"It is generally recommend altering this or `temperature` but not both."))
freq_panl = st.slider(_('Frequency penalty'), 0.0, 2.0,
value=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'frequency_penalty', 0.0),
help=_("Larger the number increasing the model's likelihood to talk about new topics. "
"Penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far."
"\n\n[See more information about frequency and presence penalties.]"
pres_panl = st.slider(_('Presence penalty'), 0.0, 1.0,
value=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'present_penalty', 0.0),
help=_("Decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. Penalize "
"new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far."
"\n\n[See more information about frequency and presence penalties.]"
chunk_size = st.slider(_('Chunk size'), 1500, 4500,
value=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'chunk_size', 4000),
help=_("The number of tokens to consider at each step. The larger this is, the more "
"context the model has to work with, but the slower generation and expensive "
"will it be."))
chunk_count = st.slider(_('Answer count'), 1, 5, value=util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'chunk_count', 1),
help=_("The number of answers to generate. The model will continue to iteratively "
"generating answers until it reaches the answer count."))
param = GPT.model.param(temp=temp,
op = GPT.model.Operation(operations=operations,
models = GPT.model.Model(question_model=question_model,
if st.button(_('Clear Log'), on_click=st_tool.clear_log):
st.success(_('Log Cleared'))
# info
st.markdown(f"# {util.read_json_at(INFO.MANIFEST, 'name')}")
st.markdown(_('Version') + f": {util.read_json_at(INFO.MANIFEST, 'version')}")
st.markdown(_('Author') + f": {util.read_json_at(INFO.MANIFEST, 'author')}")
st.markdown("[" + _('Report bugs') + "]" + f"({util.read_json_at(INFO.MANIFEST, 'bugs')})")
st.markdown("[" + _('Github Repo') + "]" + f"({util.read_json_at(INFO.MANIFEST, 'homepage')})")
with header:
st.text(_('This is my personal AI powered brain feeding my own Obsidian notes. Ask anything.'))
st_tool.message(_("This is a beta version. Please [🪲report bugs](") +
util.read_json_at(INFO.MANIFEST, 'bugs') + _(") if you find any."))
# main
with body:
question = st.text_area(_('Ask Brain: '))
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4)
with col1:
send = st.button(_('📩Send'))
with col2:
if os.path.exists(INFO.CURRENT_LOG_FILE):
# execute brain calculation
if not question == '' and send:
st_tool.execute_brain(question, param, op, models, prompt_dictionary, SESSION_LANG)