You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

110 lines
3.9 KiB

import streamlit as st
import os
from modules import utilities as util
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
body = st.container()
user_dir = '.user/'
prompt_dir = f'{user_dir}prompt/'
brain_memo = f'{user_dir}brain-memo.json'
def save(content, path, page=''):
save_but = st.button('💾Save')
if save_but:
util.write_file(content, path)
st.success(f'✅File saved!')
# write to json file
if page == '💽Brain Memory':
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'delimiter', delimiter)
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'append_mode', append_mode)
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'force_mode', force_delimiter)
def select_directory():
root = tk.Tk()
# make sure the dialog is on top of the main window
root.attributes('-topmost', True)
directory = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select Note Directory', master=root)
return directory
with st.sidebar:
menu ='Menu', [
'💽Brain Memory',
'🔑API Keys'
with body:
match menu:
case '📝Prompts':
st.text('Configuration of prompts.')
selected_file = st.selectbox('Prompt File', os.listdir(prompt_dir))
selected_path = prompt_dir + selected_file
mod_text = st.text_area('Prompts', value=util.read_file(selected_path), height=500)
save(mod_text, selected_path)
case '💽Brain Memory':
st.title('💽Brain Memory')
st.text('Modify your brain knowledge base.')
memory_data = util.read_file(f'{user_dir}input.txt')
note_dir = ''
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
with col2:
if st.button('📁Select Note Directory'):
note_dir = select_directory()
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'note_dir', note_dir)
note_dir = st.text_input('Note Directory', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'note_dir'),
placeholder='Select Note Directory', key='note_dir')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
delimiter_memo = util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'delimiter')
delimiter = st.text_input('Delimiter', delimiter_memo, placeholder='e.g. +++')
with col2:
append_mode = st.checkbox('Append Mode', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'append_mode'))
force_delimiter = st.checkbox('Force Delimiter', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'force_mode'))
# if note directory is selected
if note_dir != '':
note_data = util.read_files(note_dir, delimiter, force_delimiter)
if append_mode:
memory_data += note_data
memory_data = note_data
# if st.button('📝Update Brain Memory') or util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'save') == 'true':
# util.update_json(brain_memo, 'save', 'true')
# util.update_json(brain_memo, 'delimiter', delimiter)
# note_data = util.read_files(note_dir, delimiter, force_delimiter)
# if append_mode:
# memory_data += note_data
# else:
# memory_data = note_data
mod_text = st.text_area('Raw Memory Inputs', value=memory_data, height=500)
save(mod_text, f'{user_dir}input.txt', '💽Brain Memory')
case '🔑API Keys':
st.title('🔑API Keys')
st.text('Configure your OpenAI API keys.')
mod_text = st.text_input('API Keys', value=util.read_file(f'{user_dir}API-KEYS.txt'))
save(mod_text, f'{user_dir}API-KEYS.txt')