import os import time import json import streamlit as st import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog from langchain.llms import OpenAI import modules.utilities as util import modules.INFO as INFO import modules as mod import GPT API_KEY = util.read_file(r'.user\API-KEYS.txt').strip() if 'SESSION_TIME' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['SESSION_TIME'] = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%H%S") _ = mod.language.set_language() SESSION_TIME = st.session_state['SESSION_TIME'] CURRENT_LOG_FILE = f'{INFO.LOG_PATH}/log_{SESSION_TIME}.log' def predict_token(query: str, prompt_core: GPT.model.prompt_core) -> (int, bool): """predict how many tokens to generate""" os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = API_KEY llm = OpenAI() prompt = GPT.query.get_stream_prompt(query, prompt_file=prompt_core.question, isQuestion=True, info_file=prompt_core.my_info) token = llm.get_num_tokens(prompt) return token, token == 0 def create_log(): if not os.path.exists(CURRENT_LOG_FILE): util.write_file(f'Session {SESSION_TIME}\n\n', CURRENT_LOG_FILE) return CURRENT_LOG_FILE def log(content, delimiter=''): log_file = create_log() if delimiter != '': delimiter = f'\n\n=============={delimiter}==============\n' util.write_file(f'\n{delimiter + content}', log_file, 'a') def clear_log(): log_file_name = f'log_{SESSION_TIME}.log' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(INFO.LOG_PATH): for file in files: if not file == log_file_name: os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) def download_as(label): # download log file with open(CURRENT_LOG_FILE, 'rb') as f: content = st.download_button( label=label, data=content, file_name=f'log_{SESSION_TIME}.txt', mime='text/plain' ) def save(content, path, page='', json_value: dict = None): if json_value is None: json_value = [] save_but = st.button(_('💾Save')) if save_but: util.write_file(content, path) st.success(_('✅File saved!')) # write to json file if page == '💽Brain Memory': for key, value in json_value.items(): util.update_json(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, key, value) time.sleep(1) # refresh page st.experimental_rerun() def match_logic(operator, filter_val, value): if operator == 'IS': return filter_val == value elif operator == 'IS NOT': return filter_val != value elif operator == 'CONTAINS': return filter_val in value elif operator == 'NOT CONTAINS': return filter_val not in value elif operator == 'MORE THAN': # check if value is float if not value.isnumeric(): return False return float(filter_val) < float(value) elif operator == 'LESS THAN': # check if value is float if not value.isnumeric(): return False return float(filter_val) > float(value) elif operator == 'MORE THAN OR EQUAL': # check if value is float if not value.isnumeric(): return False return float(filter_val) <= float(value) elif operator == 'LESS THAN OR EQUAL': # check if value is float if not value.isnumeric(): return False return float(filter_val) >= float(value) else: return False def select_directory(initial_dir=os.getcwd()): root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() # make sure the dialog is on top of the main window root.attributes('-topmost', True) directory = filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir=initial_dir, title=_('Select Note Directory'), master=root) return directory def match_fields(pages: list, filter_datas: list[dict]): filtered_contents = [] for page in pages: fields = util.extract_frontmatter(page, delimiter='---') found_data = [] for field in fields: if field == '': continue try: found_key, found_value = field.split(': ') except ValueError: continue found_key = found_key.strip() found_value = found_value.strip() found_data.append({ 'key': found_key, 'value': found_value }) found_match = [] for data in filter_datas: for found in found_data: data_key = data['key'].lower() data_val = data['value'].lower() found_key = found['key'].lower() found_val = found['value'].lower() if data_key == found_key: if match_logic(data['logic'], data_val, found_val): # found single match found_match.append(True) # if all match if found_match.count(True) == len(filter_datas): filtered_contents.append(page) combined_contents = '\n\n\n\n'.join(filtered_contents) return combined_contents def add_filter(num, val_filter_key, val_filter_logic, val_filter_val): # filters col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: filter_key = st.text_input(f'Key{num}', placeholder='Key', value=val_filter_key) with col2: options = ['CONTAINS', 'NOT CONTAINS', 'IS', 'IS NOT', 'MORE THAN', 'LESS THAN', 'MORE THAN OR EQUAL', 'LESS THAN OR EQUAL'] default_index = util.get_index(options, val_filter_logic, 0) logic_select = st.selectbox(f'Logic{num}', options, index=default_index) with col3: if isinstance(val_filter_val, int): val_filter_val = "{:02}".format(val_filter_val) filter_val = st.text_input(f'value{num}', placeholder='Value', value=val_filter_val) return filter_key, logic_select, filter_val def filter_data(pages: list, add_filter_button, del_filter_button): init_filter_infos = util.read_json_at(INFO.BRAIN_MEMO, 'filter_info') filter_datas = [] if add_filter_button: st.session_state['FILTER_ROW_COUNT'] += 1 if del_filter_button: st.session_state['FILTER_ROW_COUNT'] -= 1 if st.session_state['FILTER_ROW_COUNT'] >= 1: for i in range(st.session_state['FILTER_ROW_COUNT'] + 1): try: init_info = init_filter_infos[i - 1] init_key = init_info['key'] init_logic = init_info['logic'] init_val = init_info['value'] except IndexError: init_key = '' init_logic = 'CONTAINS' init_val = '' except KeyError: init_key = '' init_logic = 'CONTAINS' init_val = '' if i == 0: continue # add filter filter_key, logic_select, filter_val = add_filter(i, init_key, init_logic, init_val) data = {'key': filter_key, 'logic': logic_select, 'value': filter_val} filter_datas.append(data) # filter data filtered_contents = match_fields(pages, filter_datas) return filtered_contents, filter_datas def process_response(query, target_model, prompt_file: str, params: GPT.model.param): # check if exclude model is not target model file_name = util.get_file_name(prompt_file) with st.spinner(_('Thinking on ') + f"{file_name}..."): results =, target_model, prompt_file, isQuestion=False, params=params) # displaying results st.header(f'📃{file_name}')'{results}') time.sleep(1) log(results, delimiter=f'{file_name.upper()}') def process_response_stream(query, target_model, prompt_file: str, params: GPT.model.param): # check if exclude model is not target model file_name = util.get_file_name(prompt_file) with st.spinner(_('Thinking on ') + f"{file_name}..."): responses = GPT.query.run_stream(query, target_model, prompt_file, isQuestion=False, params=params) # displaying results st.header(f'📃{file_name}') response_panel = st.empty() previous_chars = '' for response_json in responses: choice = response_json['choices'][0] if choice['finish_reason'] == 'stop': break # error handling if choice['finish_reason'] == 'length': st.warning("⚠️ " + _('Result cut off. max_tokens') + f' ({params.max_tokens}) ' + _('too small. Consider increasing max_tokens.')) break if 'gpt-3.5-turbo' in target_model: delta = choice['delta'] if "role" in delta or delta == {}: char = '' else: char = delta['content'] else: char = choice['text'] response = previous_chars + char'{response}') previous_chars += char time.sleep(1) log(previous_chars, delimiter=f'{file_name.upper()}') def rebuild_brain(chunk_size: int): msg = st.warning(_('Updating Brain...'), icon="⏳") progress_bar = st.progress(0) for idx, chunk_num in progress_bar.progress((idx + 1) / chunk_num) msg.success(_('Brain Updated!'), icon="👍") time.sleep(2) def execute_brain(q, params: GPT.model.param, op: GPT.model.Operation, model: GPT.model.Model, prompt_core: GPT.model.prompt_core, prompt_dictionary: dict, question_prompt: str, stream: bool ): # log question log(f'\n\n\n\n[{str(time.ctime())}] - QUESTION: {q}') if mod.check_update.is_input_updated() or mod.check_update.is_param_updated(params.chunk_size, 'chunk_size'): rebuild_brain(params.chunk_size) # =================stream================= if stream: previous_chars = '' is_question_selected = util.contains(op.operations, question_prompt) with st.spinner(_('Thinking on Answer')): responses = GPT.query.run_stream(q, model.question_model, prompt_file=prompt_core.question, isQuestion=True, params=params, info_file=prompt_core.my_info) if is_question_selected: # displaying results st.header(_('💬Answer')) answer_panel = st.empty() for response_json in responses: choice = response_json['choices'][0] if choice['finish_reason'] == 'stop': break # error handling if choice['finish_reason'] == 'length': st.warning("⚠️ " + _('Result cut off. max_tokens') + f' ({params.max_tokens}) ' + _('too small. Consider increasing max_tokens.')) break if 'gpt-3.5-turbo' in model.question_model: delta = choice['delta'] if "role" in delta or delta == {}: char = '' else: char = delta['content'] else: char = choice['text'] answer = previous_chars + char if is_question_selected:'{answer}') previous_chars += char time.sleep(0.1) log(previous_chars, delimiter='ANSWER') if len(op.operations_no_question) > 0: for i in range(len(op.operations_no_question)): prompt_path = prompt_dictionary[op.operations_no_question[i]] other_model = model.other_models[i] process_response_stream(previous_chars, other_model, prompt_path, params) # =================stream================= else: # thinking on answer with st.spinner(_('Thinking on Answer')): responses =, model.question_model, prompt_file=prompt_core.question, isQuestion=True, params=params, info_file=prompt_core.my_info) if util.contains(op.operations, question_prompt): # displaying results st.header(_('💬Answer'))'{responses}') time.sleep(1.5) log(responses, delimiter='ANSWER') # thinking on other outputs if len(op.operations_no_question) > 0: for i in range(len(op.operations_no_question)): prompt_path = prompt_dictionary[op.operations_no_question[i]] other_model = model.other_models[i] process_response(responses, other_model, prompt_path, params) def message(msg, condition=None): if condition is not None: if condition: st.warning("⚠️" + msg) else: st.warning("⚠️" + msg)