import os import time import utilities file_path = r'.user\input.txt' temp_file = r'.user\input_last-run.temp' sig_file = r'.user\input_sig.temp' def compare_time(t1, t2): return t1 == t2 def write_sig(bool): utilities.write_file(bool, sig_file) def check(): if os.path.exists(file_path): # get modification time of the file mod_time = os.path.getmtime(file_path) # convert the modification time to readable format read_mod_time = time.ctime(mod_time) if os.path.exists(temp_file): temp_info = utilities.open_file(temp_file) if compare_time(read_mod_time, temp_info): write_sig('not updated') print('File has not been updated.') else: print('File has been updated.') utilities.write_file(read_mod_time, temp_file) write_sig('updated') else: print('Temp file not exist, writing temp file...') # write to temp file utilities.write_file(read_mod_time, temp_file) write_sig('not updated') else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'File: {file_path} does not exist.') def main(): check() if __name__ == '__main__': main()