# 🧠 GPT Brain [![python](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.11-blue)](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3112/) > **[中文说明](./Documentation/README_CN.md)** | **[日本語説明書](./Documentation/README_JP.md)** | **[English](./README.md)** *⭐️ Like this repo? please consider a star!* *💡This project is inspired by youtuber [All About AI](https://www.youtube.com/@AllAboutAI)'s video on [Second Brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k2JpJRIoAA&ab_channel=AllAboutAI). Please consider support him!* *💡As I am not a professional programmer and am fairly new to Python, this project may contain bugs. If you encounter any issues, please suggest them in the [Issues section](https://github.com/sean1832/GPT-Brain/issues).* ### Feature - [x] Use [OpenAI GPT-3](https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/gpt-3) to generate response. - [x] Use [OpenAI embedding](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/embeddings/what-are-embeddings) for semetic comparison of question and note content for enhanced searching. - [x] Configurable prompts. - [x] Customizable personal background information for more accurate answers. - [x] Integration with [Obsidian note](https://obsidian.md/) local directory for easy note content updates. - [x] Note content preview & content modification. - [x] Section parsing using delimiters for targeted updates. - [x] [Obsidian YAML frontmatter](https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Metadata) filtering. - [x] OpenAI API key management. - [x] OpenAI Language model selection for different needs. - [x] Basic & Advanced parameter sliders for OpenAI Language model configurations. ### Todo - [x] ~~Batch script to update library.~~ - [x] ~~Versioning.~~ - [x] ~~Tooltips for parameters.~~ - [x] ~~Multilingual support for UI.~~ - [x] ~~Multilingual search support.~~ - [ ] Provide detail documentation for users. - [ ] Release for windows. ## Install ### 1. What you need - Install **[python 3.11](https://www.python.org/downloads)** | [python installation tutorial (YouTube)](https://youtu.be/HBxCHonP6Ro?t=105) - OpenAI **[API keys](https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys)** - **[GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com/)** or **[Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads)** (optional) - **[Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/)** (optional) ### 2. Set up the project for the first time 1. Download the project 2. Run `SETUP.bat` 3. Enter your OpenAI API Key ### 3. Run - Execute `RUN.bat` ## Demo ![](Documentation/images/demo_menu_en.gif) ### Main Page ![screenshot1](Documentation/images/menu_en.png) ### Brain Memory ![screenshot2](Documentation/images/memory_en.png)