add feature: advanced metadata filter mode (Obsidian user only)

sean1832 1 year ago
parent d288b35df3
commit 901ad1458c

@ -1,45 +1,58 @@
import json
import os
def extract_string(text, delimiter):
# Extract string between delimiters
start_index = text.index(delimiter) + len(delimiter)
end_index = text.index(delimiter, start_index)
return text[start_index:end_index]
# def extract_string(text, delimiter):
# # Extract string between delimiters
# start_index = text.index(delimiter) + len(delimiter)
# end_index = text.index(delimiter, start_index)
# return text[start_index:end_index]
def extract_string(text, delimiter, force=False):
def extract_string(text, delimiter, force=False, join=True, split_mode=False):
if not delimiter in text:
if force:
return ''
return text
substring = text.split(delimiter)
result = []
for i in range(1, len(substring), 2):
return ''.join(result)
if split_mode:
return text.split(delimiter)
substring = text.split(delimiter)
result = []
for i in range(1, len(substring), 2):
if join:
return ''.join(result)
return result
def create_not_exist(path):
dir = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.path.exists(dir):
def create_file_not_exist(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
write_file('', path)
def read_file(filepath, delimiter='', force=False):
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
data =
if delimiter != '':
data = extract_string(data, delimiter, force)
return data
return parse_data(data, delimiter, force)
def parse_data(data, delimiter='', force=False):
if delimiter != '':
data = extract_string(data, delimiter, force)
return data
def read_files(file_dir, delimiter='', force=False):
def read_files(file_dir, delimiter='', force=False, single_string=True):
contents = []
# Read all files in a directory
@ -54,40 +67,62 @@ def read_files(file_dir, delimiter='', force=False):
file_data = read_file(filepath, delimiter, force)
if force and file_data == '':
content = [f'[{filename}]', file_data]
result = '\n\n\n\n'.join(contents)
if single_string:
result = '\n\n\n\n'.join(contents)
result = contents
return result
def write_file(content, filepath, mode='w'):
with open(filepath, mode, encoding='utf-8') as file:
def create_json_not_exist(filepath, initial_value={}):
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
write_json_file(initial_value, filepath)
def write_json_file(content, filepath, mode='w'):
with open(filepath, mode) as file:
json.dump(content, file, indent=2)
def read_json_file(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
except FileNotFoundError:
return {}
def read_json_at(filepath, key):
def read_json_at(filepath, key, default_value=''):
data = read_json_file(filepath)
if data[key] == 'True' or data[key] == 'true':
return True
elif data[key] == 'False' or data[key] == 'false':
return False
# if key is string, check if it is boolean or numeric
if isinstance(data[key], str):
if data[key] in ['true', 'false']:
return data[key] == 'true'
elif data[key].isnumeric():
return int(data[key])
elif data[key].replace('.', '', 1).isnumeric():
return float(data[key])
return data[key]
return data[key]
except KeyError:
# if key not found, create key with default value
data[key] = default_value
write_json_file(data, filepath)
return data[key]
def update_json(filepath, key, value):
data = read_json_file(filepath)
data[key] = value

@ -15,16 +15,22 @@ prompt_dir = f'{user_dir}prompt/'
brain_memo = f'{user_dir}brain-memo.json'
def save(content, path, page=''):
def save(content, path, page='', json_value: dict = None):
if json_value is None:
json_value = []
save_but = st.button('💾Save')
if save_but:
util.write_file(content, path)
st.success(f'✅File saved!')
# write to json file
if page == '💽Brain Memory':
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'delimiter', delimiter)
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'append_mode', append_mode)
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'force_mode', force_delimiter)
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'delimiter', json_value['delimiter'])
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'append_mode', json_value['append_mode'])
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'force_mode', json_value['force_mode'])
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'advanced_mode', json_value['advanced_mode'])
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'filter_keys', json_value['filter_keys'])
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'filter_logics', json_value['filter_logics'])
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'filter_values', json_value['filter_values'])
def select_directory():
@ -36,65 +42,143 @@ def select_directory():
return directory
with st.sidebar:
menu ='Menu', [
'💽Brain Memory',
'🔑API Keys'
with body:
match menu:
case '📝Prompts':
st.text('Configuration of prompts.')
selected_file = st.selectbox('Prompt File', os.listdir(prompt_dir))
selected_path = prompt_dir + selected_file
mod_text = st.text_area('Prompts', value=util.read_file(selected_path), height=500)
save(mod_text, selected_path)
case '💽Brain Memory':
st.title('💽Brain Memory')
st.text('Modify your brain knowledge base.')
memory_data = util.read_file(f'{user_dir}input.txt')
note_dir = ''
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
with col2:
if st.button('📁Select Note Directory'):
note_dir = select_directory()
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'note_dir', note_dir)
note_dir = st.text_input('Note Directory', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'note_dir'),
placeholder='Select Note Directory', key='note_dir')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
delimiter_memo = util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'delimiter')
delimiter = st.text_input('Delimiter', delimiter_memo, placeholder='e.g. +++')
with col2:
append_mode = st.checkbox('Append Mode', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'append_mode'))
force_delimiter = st.checkbox('Force Delimiter', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'force_mode'))
# if note directory is selected
if note_dir != '':
note_data = util.read_files(note_dir, delimiter, force_delimiter)
if append_mode:
memory_data += note_data
memory_data = note_data
mod_text = st.text_area('Raw Memory Inputs', value=memory_data, height=500)
save(mod_text, f'{user_dir}input.txt', '💽Brain Memory')
case '🔑API Keys':
st.title('🔑API Keys')
st.text('Configure your OpenAI API keys.')
mod_text = st.text_input('API Keys', value=util.read_file(f'{user_dir}API-KEYS.txt'))
save(mod_text, f'{user_dir}API-KEYS.txt')
def match_logic(logic, filter_key, filter_val, key, value):
if logic == 'IS':
return filter_key == key and filter_val == value
elif logic == 'IS NOT':
return filter_key == key and filter_val != value
def match_fields(contents: list, logic_select, filter_key, filter_val):
filtered_contents = []
for content in contents:
# extract metadata
yaml = util.extract_string(content, '---', True, join=False, split_mode=True)[1]
except IndexError:
yaml = ''
fields = yaml.split('\n')
for field in fields:
if field == '':
key, value = field.split(':')
key = key.strip()
value = value.strip()
if match_logic(logic_select, filter_key, filter_val, key, value):
return filtered_contents
def filter_data(contents: list, append=True):
# filters
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
filter_key = st.text_input('Key', placeholder='Key', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'filter_keys'))
with col2:
options = ['IS', 'IS NOT']
default_value = util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'filter_logics')
logic_select = st.selectbox('Logic', options, index=options.index(default_value))
with col3:
value = util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'filter_values')
if isinstance(value, int):
value = "{:02}".format(value)
filter_val = st.text_input('value', placeholder='Value', value=value)
# filter data
filtered_contents = match_fields(contents, logic_select, filter_key, filter_val)
result = filtered_contents
if append:
return '\n\n\n\n'.join(result), filter_key, logic_select, filter_val
return result, filter_key, logic_select, filter_val
def main():
with st.sidebar:
menu ='Menu', [
'💽Brain Memory',
'🔑API Keys'
with body:
match menu:
case '📝Prompts':
st.text('Configuration of prompts.')
selected_file = st.selectbox('Prompt File', os.listdir(prompt_dir))
selected_path = prompt_dir + selected_file
mod_text = st.text_area('Prompts', value=util.read_file(selected_path), height=500)
save(mod_text, selected_path)
case '💽Brain Memory':
st.title('💽Brain Memory')
st.text('Modify your brain knowledge base.')
memory_data = util.read_file(f'{user_dir}input.txt')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
with col2:
if st.button('📁Select Note Directory'):
note_dir = select_directory()
util.update_json(brain_memo, 'note_dir', note_dir)
note_dir = st.text_input('Note Directory', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'note_dir'),
placeholder='Select Note Directory', key='note_dir')
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
delimiter_memo = util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'delimiter')
delimiter = st.text_input('Delimiter', delimiter_memo, placeholder='e.g. +++')
with col2:
append_mode = st.checkbox('Append Mode', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'append_mode'))
force_delimiter = st.checkbox('Force Delimiter', value=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'force_mode'))
with col3:
advanced_mode ='Advanced Mode (Obsidian only)', ['Off', 'On'],
index=util.read_json_at(brain_memo, 'advanced_mode', 0))
advanced_mode_index = 1 if advanced_mode == 'On' else 0
# if note directory is selected
if note_dir != '':
filter_key = ''
filter_logic = ''
filter_val = ''
# if advanced mode enabled
if advanced_mode_index == 1:
note_datas = util.read_files(note_dir, single_string=False)
note_datas, filter_key, filter_logic, filter_val = filter_data(note_datas, True)
modified_data = util.parse_data(note_datas, delimiter, force_delimiter)
modified_data = util.read_files(note_dir, single_string=True, delimiter=delimiter,
if append_mode:
memory_data += modified_data
memory_data = modified_data
mod_text = st.text_area('Raw Memory Inputs', value=memory_data, height=500)
save(mod_text, f'{user_dir}input.txt', '💽Brain Memory', {
'delimiter': delimiter,
'append_mode': append_mode,
'force_mode': force_delimiter,
'advanced_mode': advanced_mode_index,
'filter_keys': filter_key,
'filter_logics': filter_logic,
'filter_values': filter_val
case '🔑API Keys':
st.title('🔑API Keys')
st.text('Configure your OpenAI API keys.')
mod_text = st.text_input('API Keys', value=util.read_file(f'{user_dir}API-KEYS.txt'))
save(mod_text, f'{user_dir}API-KEYS.txt')
if __name__ == '__main__':
