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synced 2024-11-18 21:25:53 +00:00
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30 lines
854 B
echo Checking library updates...
set "REQUIREMENTS=requirements.txt"
set "LAST_MODIFIED=requirements.temp"
rem Check if requirements.txt file exists
if not exist %REQUIREMENTS% (
echo "Error: requirements.txt not found"
exit /b 1
rem Check if last_modified.txt file exists
if not exist %LAST_MODIFIED% (
echo 0>"%LAST_MODIFIED%"
rem Check if requirements.txt file has been modified
for %%a in (%REQUIREMENTS%) do set "mod_date=%%~ta"
set /p last_mod_date=<%LAST_MODIFIED%
if "%mod_date%" neq "%last_mod_date%" (
pip3 install -r %REQUIREMENTS%
echo %mod_date%>"%LAST_MODIFIED%"
echo "Requirements file has been modified. Updated complete!"
) else (
echo "Requirements file has not been modified. Skipping update."
rem copy example prompt to user folder without overwrite
xcopy "example_prompt\*.*" ".user\prompt" /I /E /Y /D