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import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
# from skimage.measure.simple_metrics import compare_psnr
from torch.autograd import Variable
import cv2
import scipy.ndimage
import as sio
# import matplotlib as mpl
# mpl.use('Agg')
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def weights_init_kaiming(m):
classname = m.__class__.__name__
if classname.find('Conv') != -1:
nn.init.kaiming_normal(, a=0, mode='fan_in')
elif classname.find('Linear') != -1:
nn.init.kaiming_normal(, a=0, mode='fan_in')
elif classname.find('BatchNorm') != -1:
# nn.init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02), std=math.sqrt(2./9./64.)).clamp_(-0.025,0.025)
nn.init.constant(, 0.0)
# def batch_PSNR(img, imclean, data_range):
# Img =
# Iclean =
# PSNR = 0
# for i in range(Img.shape[0]):
# PSNR += compare_psnr(Iclean[i,:,:,:], Img[i,:,:,:], data_range=data_range)
# return (PSNR/Img.shape[0])
def data_augmentation(image, mode):
out = np.transpose(image, (1,2,0))
if mode == 0:
# original
out = out
elif mode == 1:
# flip up and down
out = np.flipud(out)
elif mode == 2:
# rotate counterwise 90 degree
out = np.rot90(out)
elif mode == 3:
# rotate 90 degree and flip up and down
out = np.rot90(out)
out = np.flipud(out)
elif mode == 4:
# rotate 180 degree
out = np.rot90(out, k=2)
elif mode == 5:
# rotate 180 degree and flip
out = np.rot90(out, k=2)
out = np.flipud(out)
elif mode == 6:
# rotate 270 degree
out = np.rot90(out, k=3)
elif mode == 7:
# rotate 270 degree and flip
out = np.rot90(out, k=3)
out = np.flipud(out)
return np.transpose(out, (2,0,1))
def visual_va2np(Out, mode=1, ps=0, pss=1, scal=1, rescale=0, w=10, h=10, c=3, refill=0, refill_img=0, refill_ind=[0, 0]):
if mode == 0 or mode == 1 or mode==3:
out_numpy =
elif mode == 2:
out_numpy =
if out_numpy.shape[0] == 1:
out_numpy = np.tile(out_numpy, (3, 1, 1))
if mode == 0 or mode == 1:
out_numpy = (np.transpose(out_numpy, (1, 2, 0))) * 255.0 * scal
out_numpy = (np.transpose(out_numpy, (1, 2, 0)))
if ps == 1:
out_numpy = reverse_pixelshuffle(out_numpy, pss, refill, refill_img, refill_ind)
if rescale == 1:
out_numpy = cv2.resize(out_numpy, (h, w))
return out_numpy
def temp_ps_4comb(Out, In):
def np2ts(x, mode=0): #now assume the input only has one channel which is ignored
w, h, c= x.shape
x_ts = x.transpose(2, 0, 1)
x_ts = torch.from_numpy(x_ts).type(torch.FloatTensor)
if mode == 0 or mode == 1:
x_ts = x_ts.unsqueeze(0)
elif mode == 2:
x_ts = x_ts.unsqueeze(1)
return x_ts
def np2ts_4d(x):
x_ts = x.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
x_ts = torch.from_numpy(x_ts).type(torch.FloatTensor)
return x_ts
def get_salient_noise_in_maps(lm, thre = 0., chn=3):
Description: To find out the most frequent estimated noise level in the images
a multi-channel tensor of noise map
A list of noise level value
lm_numpy =
lm_numpy = (np.transpose(lm_numpy, (0, 2, 3, 1)))
nl_list = np.zeros((lm_numpy.shape[0], chn,1))
for n in range(lm_numpy.shape[0]):
for c in range(chn):
selected_lm = np.reshape(lm_numpy[n,:,:,c], (lm_numpy.shape[1]*lm_numpy.shape[2], 1))
selected_lm = selected_lm[selected_lm>thre]
if selected_lm.shape[0] == 0:
nl_list[n, c] = 0
hist = np.histogram(selected_lm, density=True)
nl_ind = np.argmax(hist[0])
nl = ( hist[1][nl_ind] + hist[1][nl_ind+1] ) / 2.
nl_list[n, c] = nl
return nl_list
def get_cdf_noise_in_maps(lm, thre=0.8, chn=3):
Description: To find out the most frequent estimated noise level in the images
a multi-channel tensor of noise map
A list of noise level value
lm_numpy =
lm_numpy = (np.transpose(lm_numpy, (0, 2, 3, 1)))
nl_list = np.zeros((lm_numpy.shape[0], chn,1))
for n in range(lm_numpy.shape[0]):
for c in range(chn):
selected_lm = np.reshape(lm_numpy[n,:,:,c], (lm_numpy.shape[1]*lm_numpy.shape[2], 1))
H, x = np.histogram(selected_lm, normed=True)
dx = x[1]-x[0]
F = np.cumsum(H)*dx
F_ind = np.where(F>0.9)[0][0]
nl_list[n, c] = x[F_ind]
return nl_list
def get_pdf_in_maps(lm, mark, chn=1):
Description: get the noise estimation cdf of each channel
a multi-channel tensor of noise map and channel dimension
chn: the channel number for gaussian
CDF function of each sample and each channel
lm_numpy =
lm_numpy = (np.transpose(lm_numpy, (0, 2, 3, 1)))
pdf_list = np.zeros((lm_numpy.shape[0], chn, 10))
for n in range(lm_numpy.shape[0]):
for c in range(chn):
selected_lm = np.reshape(lm_numpy[n,:,:,c], (lm_numpy.shape[1]*lm_numpy.shape[2], 1))
H, x = np.histogram(selected_lm, range=(0.,1.), bins=10, normed=True)
dx = x[1]-x[0]
F = H * dx
pdf_list[n, c, :] = F
#sio.savemat(mark + str(c) + '.mat',{'F':F})
#, F)
#plt.savefig(mark + str(c) + '.png')
# plt.close()
return pdf_list
def get_pdf_matching_score(F1, F2):
Description: Given two sets of CDF, get the overall matching score for each channel
[Input] F1, F2
[Output] score for each channel
return np.mean((F1-F2)**2)
def decide_scale_factor(noisy_image, estimation_model, color=1, thre = 0, plot_flag = 1, stopping = 4, mark=''):
Description: Given a noisy image and the noise estimation model, keep multiscaling the image\\
using pixel-shuffle methods, and estimate the pdf and cdf of AWGN channel
Compare the changes of the density function and decide the optimal scaling factor
[Input] noisy_image, estimation_model, plot_flag, stopping
[Output] plot the middle vector
score_seq: the matching score sequence between the two subsequent pdf
opt_scale: the optimal scaling factor
if color == 1:
c = 3
elif color == 0:
c = 1
score_seq = []
Pre_CDF = None
flag = 0
for pss in range(1, stopping+1): #scaling factor from 1 to the limit
noisy_image = pixelshuffle(noisy_image, pss)
INoisy = np2ts(noisy_image, color)
INoisy = Variable(INoisy.cuda(), volatile=True)
EMap = torch.clamp(estimation_model(INoisy), 0., 1.)
EPDF = get_pdf_in_maps(EMap, mark + str(pss), c)[0]
if flag != 0:
score = get_pdf_matching_score(EPDF, Pre_PDF) #TODO: How to match these two
if score <= thre:
print('optimal scale is %d:' % (pss-1))
return (pss-1, score_seq)
flag = 1
return (stopping, score_seq)
def get_max_noise_in_maps(lm, chn=3):
Description: To find out the maximum level of noise level in the images
a multi-channel tensor of noise map
A list of noise level value
lm_numpy =
lm_numpy = (np.transpose(lm_numpy, (0, 2, 3, 1)))
nl_list = np.zeros((lm_numpy.shape[0], chn, 1))
for n in range(lm_numpy.shape[0]):
for c in range(chn):
nl = np.amax(lm_numpy[n, :, :, c])
nl_list[n, c] = nl
return nl_list
def get_smooth_maps(lm, dilk = 50, gsd = 10):
Description: To return the refined maps after dilation and gaussian blur
[Input] a multi-channel tensor of noise map
[Output] a multi-channel tensor of refined noise map
kernel = np.ones((dilk, dilk))
lm_numpy =
lm_numpy = (np.transpose(lm_numpy, (1, 2, 0)))
ref_lm_numpy = lm_numpy.copy() #a refined map
for c in range(lm_numpy.shape[2]):
nmap = lm_numpy[:, :, c]
nmap_dilation = cv2.dilate(nmap, kernel, iterations=1)
ref_lm_numpy[:, :, c] = nmap_dilation
#ref_lm_numpy[:, :, c] = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(nmap_dilation, gsd)
RF_tensor = np2ts(ref_lm_numpy)
RF_tensor = Variable(RF_tensor.cuda(),volatile=True)
def zeroing_out_maps(lm, keep=0):
Only Keep one channel and zero out other channels
[Input] a multi-channel tensor of noise map
[Output] a multi-channel tensor of noise map after zeroing out items
lm_numpy =
lm_numpy = (np.transpose(lm_numpy, (1, 2, 0)))
ref_lm_numpy = lm_numpy.copy() #a refined map
for c in range(lm_numpy.shape[2]):
if np.isin(c,keep)==0:
ref_lm_numpy[:, :, c] = 0.
RF_tensor = np2ts(ref_lm_numpy)
RF_tensor = Variable(RF_tensor.cuda(),volatile=True)
return RF_tensor
def level_refine(NM_tensor, ref_mode, chn=3,cFlag=False):
Description: To refine the estimated noise level maps
[Input] the noise map tensor, and a refinement mode
[0] Get the most salient (the most frequent estimated noise level)
[1] Get the maximum value of noise level
[2] Gaussian smooth the noise level map to make the regional estimation more smooth
[3] Get the average maximum value of the noise level
[5] Get the CDF thresholded value
[Output] a refined map tensor with four channels
#RF_tensor = NM_tensor.clone() #get a clone version of NM tensor without changing the original one
if ref_mode == 0 or ref_mode == 1 or ref_mode == 4 or ref_mode==5: #if we use a single value for the map
if ref_mode == 0 or ref_mode == 4:
nl_list = get_salient_noise_in_maps(NM_tensor, 0., chn)
if ref_mode == 4: #half the estimation
nl_list = nl_list - nl_list
elif ref_mode == 1:
nl_list = get_max_noise_in_maps(NM_tensor, chn)
elif ref_mode == 5:
nl_list = get_cdf_noise_in_maps(NM_tensor, 0.999, chn)
noise_map = np.zeros((NM_tensor.shape[0], chn, NM_tensor.size()[2], NM_tensor.size()[3])) #initialize the noise map before concatenating
for n in range(NM_tensor.shape[0]):
noise_map[n,:,:,:] = np.reshape(np.tile(nl_list[n], NM_tensor.size()[2] * NM_tensor.size()[3]),
(chn, NM_tensor.size()[2], NM_tensor.size()[3]))
RF_tensor = torch.from_numpy(noise_map).type(torch.FloatTensor)
if torch.cuda.is_available() and not cFlag:
RF_tensor = Variable(RF_tensor.cuda(),volatile=True)
RF_tensor = Variable(RF_tensor,volatile=True)
elif ref_mode == 2:
RF_tensor = get_smooth_maps(NM_tensor, 10, 5)
elif ref_mode == 3:
lb = get_salient_noise_in_maps(NM_tensor)
up = get_max_noise_in_maps(NM_tensor)
nl_list = ( lb + up ) * 0.5
noise_map = np.zeros((1, chn, NM_tensor.size()[2], NM_tensor.size()[3])) #initialize the noise map before concatenating
noise_map[0, :, :, :] = np.reshape(np.tile(nl_list, NM_tensor.size()[2] * NM_tensor.size()[3]),
(chn, NM_tensor.size()[2], NM_tensor.size()[3]))
RF_tensor = torch.from_numpy(noise_map).type(torch.FloatTensor)
RF_tensor = Variable(RF_tensor.cuda(),volatile=True)
return (RF_tensor, nl_list)
def normalize(a, len_v, min_v, max_v):
normalize the sequence of factors
norm_a = np.reshape(a, (len_v,1))
norm_a = (norm_a - float(min_v)) / float(max_v - min_v)
return norm_a
def generate_training_noisy_image(current_image, s_or_m, limit_set, c, val=0):
noise_level_list = np.zeros((c, 1))
if s_or_m == 0: #single noise type
if val == 0:
for chn in range(c):
noise_level_list[chn] = np.random.uniform(limit_set[0][0], limit_set[0][1])
elif val == 1:
for chn in range(c):
noise_level_list[chn] = 35
noisy_img = generate_noisy(current_image, 0, noise_level_list /255.)
return (noisy_img, noise_level_list)
def generate_ground_truth_noise_map(noise_map, n, noise_level_list, limit_set, c, pn, pw, ph):
for chn in range(c):
noise_level_list[chn] = normalize(noise_level_list[chn], 1, limit_set[0][0], limit_set[0][1]) #normalize the level value
noise_map[n, :, :, :] = np.reshape(np.tile(noise_level_list, pw * ph), (c, pw, ph)) #total number of channels
return noise_map
#Add noise to the original images
def generate_noisy(image, noise_type, noise_level_list=0, sigma_s=20, sigma_c=40):
Description: To generate noisy images of different types
image : ndarray of float type: [0,1] just one image, current support gray or color image input (w,h,c)
noise_type: 0,1,2,3
noise_level_list: pre-defined noise level for each channel, without normalization: only information of 3 channels
[0]'AWGN' Multi-channel Gaussian-distributed additive noise
[1]'RVIN' Replaces random pixels with 0 or 1. noise_level: ratio of the occupation of the changed pixels
[2]'Gaussian-Poisson' GP noise approximator, the combinatin of signal-dependent and signal independent noise
A noisy image
w, h, c = image.shape
#Some unused noise type: Poisson and Uniform
#if noise_type == *:
#vals = len(np.unique(image))
#vals = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(vals))
#noisy = np.random.poisson(image * vals) / float(vals)
#if noise_type == *:
#uni = np.random.uniform(-factor,factor,(w, h, c))
#uni = uni.reshape(w, h, c)
#noisy = image + uni
noisy = image.copy()
if noise_type == 0: #MC-AWGN model
gauss = np.zeros((w, h, c))
for chn in range(c):
gauss[:,:,chn] = np.random.normal(0, noise_level_list[chn], (w, h))
noisy = image + gauss
elif noise_type == 1: #MC-RVIN model
for chn in range(c): #process each channel separately
prob_map = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, (w, h))
noise_map = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, (w, h))
noisy_chn = noisy[: , :, chn]
noisy_chn[ prob_map < noise_level_list[chn] ] = noise_map[ prob_map < noise_level_list[chn] ]
elif noise_type == 2:
#sigma_s = np.random.uniform(0.0, 0.16, (3,))
#sigma_c = np.random.uniform(0.0, 0.06, (3,))
sigma_c = [sigma_c]*3
sigma_s = [sigma_s]*3
sigma_s = np.reshape(sigma_s, (1, 1, c)) #reshape the sigma factor to [1,1,c] to multiply with the image
noise_s_map = np.multiply(sigma_s, image) #according to x or temp_x?? (according to clean image or irradience)
#print(noise_s_map) # different from the official code, here we use the original clean image x to compute the variance
noise_s = np.random.randn(w, h, c) * noise_s_map #use the new variance to shift the normal distribution
noisy = image + noise_s
#add signal_independent noise to L
noise_c = np.zeros((w, h, c))
for chn in range(3):
noise_c [:, :, chn] = np.random.normal(0, sigma_c[chn], (w, h))
noisy = noisy + noise_c
return noisy
#generate AWGN-RVIN noise together
def generate_comp_noisy(image, noise_level_list):
Description: To generate mixed AWGN and RVIN noise together
image: a float image between [0,1]
noise_level_list: AWGN and RVIN noise level
A noisy image
w, h, c = image.shape
noisy = image.copy()
for chn in range(c):
mix_thre = noise_level_list[c+chn] #get the mix ratio of AWGN and RVIN
gau_std = noise_level_list[chn] #get the gaussian std
prob_map = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, (w, h) ) #the prob map
noise_map = np.random.uniform( 0, 1, (w, h) ) #the noisy map
noisy_chn = noisy[: ,: ,chn]
noisy_chn[prob_map < mix_thre ] = noise_map[prob_map < mix_thre ]
gauss = np.random.normal(0, gau_std, (w, h))
noisy_chn[prob_map >= mix_thre ] = noisy_chn[prob_map >= mix_thre ] + gauss[prob_map >= mix_thre]
return noisy
def generate_denoise(image, model, noise_level_list):
Description: Generate Denoised Blur Images
A blur image patch
#input images
ISource = np2ts(image)
ISource = torch.clamp(ISource, 0., 1.)
ISource = Variable(ISource.cuda(),volatile=True)
#input denoise conditions
noise_map = np.zeros((1, 6, image.shape[0], image.shape[1])) #initialize the noise map before concatenating
noise_map[0, :, :, :] = np.reshape(np.tile(noise_level_list, image.shape[0] * image.shape[1]), (6, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
NM_tensor = torch.from_numpy(noise_map).type(torch.FloatTensor)
NM_tensor = Variable(NM_tensor.cuda(),volatile=True)
#generate blur images
Res = model(ISource, NM_tensor)
Out = torch.clamp(ISource-Res, 0., 1.)
out_numpy =
out_numpy = np.transpose(out_numpy, (1, 2, 0))
return out_numpy
#TODO: two pixel shuffle functions to process the images
def pixelshuffle(image, scale):
Discription: Given an image, return a reversible sub-sampling
[Input]: Image ndarray float
[Return]: A mosic image of shuffled pixels
if scale == 1:
return image
w, h ,c = image.shape
mosaic = np.array([])
for ws in range(scale):
band = np.array([])
for hs in range(scale):
temp = image[ws::scale, hs::scale, :] #get the sub-sampled image
band = np.concatenate((band, temp), axis = 1) if band.size else temp
mosaic = np.concatenate((mosaic, band), axis = 0) if mosaic.size else band
return mosaic
def reverse_pixelshuffle(image, scale, fill=0, fill_image=0, ind=[0,0]):
Discription: Given a mosaic image of subsampling, recombine it to a full image
[Input]: Image
[Return]: Recombine it using different portions of pixels
w, h, c = image.shape
real = np.zeros((w, h, c)) #real image
wf = 0
hf = 0
for ws in range(scale):
hf = 0
for hs in range(scale):
temp = real[ws::scale, hs::scale, :]
wc, hc, cc = temp.shape #get the shpae of the current images
if fill==1 and ws==ind[0] and hs==ind[1]:
real[ws::scale, hs::scale, :] = fill_image[wf:wf+wc, hf:hf+hc, :]
real[ws::scale, hs::scale, :] = image[wf:wf+wc, hf:hf+hc, :]
hf = hf + hc
wf = wf + wc
return real
def scal2map(level, h, w, min_v=0., max_v=255.):
Change a single normalized noise level value to a map
[Input]: level: a scaler noise level(0-1), h, w
[Return]: a pytorch tensor of the cacatenated noise level map
#get a tensor from the input level
level_tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.reshape(level, (1,1))).type(torch.FloatTensor)
#make the noise level to a map
level_tensor = level_tensor.view(stdN_tensor.size(0), stdN_tensor.size(1), 1, 1)
level_tensor = level_tensor.repeat(1, 1, h, w)
return level_tensor
def scal2map_spatial(level1, level2, h, w):
stdN_t1 = scal2map(level1, int(h/2), w)
stdN_t2 = scal2map(level2, h-int(h/2), w)
stdN_tensor =[stdN_t1, stdN_t2], dim=2)
return stdN_tensor