import numpy as np from skimage import color import warnings def qcolor2lab_1d(qc): # take 1d numpy array and do color conversion c = np.array([,,], np.uint8) return rgb2lab_1d(c) def rgb2lab_1d(in_rgb): # take 1d numpy array and do color conversion # print('in_rgb', in_rgb) return color.rgb2lab(in_rgb[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]).flatten() def lab2rgb_1d(in_lab, clip=True, dtype='uint8'): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") tmp_rgb = color.lab2rgb(in_lab[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]).flatten() if clip: tmp_rgb = np.clip(tmp_rgb, 0, 1) if dtype == 'uint8': tmp_rgb = np.round(tmp_rgb * 255).astype('uint8') return tmp_rgb def snap_ab(input_l, input_rgb, return_type='rgb'): ''' given an input lightness and rgb, snap the color into a region where l,a,b is in-gamut ''' T = 20 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") input_lab = rgb2lab_1d(np.array(input_rgb)) # convert input to lab conv_lab = input_lab.copy() # keep ab from input for t in range(T): conv_lab[0] = input_l # overwrite input l with input ab old_lab = conv_lab tmp_rgb = color.lab2rgb(conv_lab[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]).flatten() tmp_rgb = np.clip(tmp_rgb, 0, 1) conv_lab = color.rgb2lab(tmp_rgb[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]).flatten() dif_lab = np.sum(np.abs(conv_lab - old_lab)) if dif_lab < 1: break # print(conv_lab) conv_rgb_ingamut = lab2rgb_1d(conv_lab, clip=True, dtype='uint8') if (return_type == 'rgb'): return conv_rgb_ingamut elif(return_type == 'lab'): conv_lab_ingamut = rgb2lab_1d(conv_rgb_ingamut) return conv_lab_ingamut class abGrid(): def __init__(self, gamut_size=110, D=1): self.D = D self.vals_b, self.vals_a = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-gamut_size, gamut_size + D, D), np.arange(-gamut_size, gamut_size + D, D)) self.pts_full_grid = np.concatenate((self.vals_a[:, :, np.newaxis], self.vals_b[:, :, np.newaxis]), axis=2) self.A = self.pts_full_grid.shape[0] self.B = self.pts_full_grid.shape[1] self.AB = self.A * self.B self.gamut_size = gamut_size def update_gamut(self, l_in): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") thresh = 1.0 pts_lab = np.concatenate((l_in + np.zeros((self.A, self.B, 1)), self.pts_full_grid), axis=2) self.pts_rgb = (255 * np.clip(color.lab2rgb(pts_lab), 0, 1)).astype('uint8') pts_lab_back = color.rgb2lab(self.pts_rgb) pts_lab_diff = np.linalg.norm(pts_lab - pts_lab_back, axis=2) self.mask = pts_lab_diff < thresh mask3 = np.tile(self.mask[..., np.newaxis], [1, 1, 3]) self.masked_rgb = self.pts_rgb.copy() self.masked_rgb[np.invert(mask3)] = 255 return self.masked_rgb, self.mask def ab2xy(self, a, b): y = self.gamut_size + a x = self.gamut_size + b # print('ab2xy (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)' % (a, b, x, y)) return x, y def xy2ab(self, x, y): a = y - self.gamut_size b = x - self.gamut_size # print('xy2ab (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)' % (x, y, a, b)) return a, b