## GIMP-ML directory structure ```plaintext |-- GIMP-ML | |-- gimp-plugins | |-- gimpenv | |-- weights | |-- ......... | |-- | |-- ......... | |-- installGimpML.sh |-- README.md |-- INSTALLATION.md ``` ## Installation Methods Clone this repository: ```git clone https://github.com/kritiksoman/GIMP-ML.git```
### Manual Setup [1] Install python 2.7 using ```sudo apt install python2-minimal``` or ```sudo apt install python-minimal``` if not already present.
[2] Download and install pip ```wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py ```, followed by ```python get-pip.py```, if not already present.
[3] Install virtualenv package with ```python -m pip install --user virtualenv```.
[4] Create a virtual environment ```gimpenv``` in the ```gimp-plugins``` folder using ```python -m virtualenv gimpenv```.
[5] Activate the environment and install ```torchvision, "opencv-python<=4.3", numpy, future, torch, scipy, typing, enum, pretrainedmodels, requests``` using pip.
[6] Open GIMP and go to Preferences -> Folders -> Plug-ins, add the folder gimp-plugins and close GIMP.
[7] Download the weights folder from [link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10IiBO4fuMiGQ-spBStnObbk9R-pGp6u8?usp=sharing) and move it inside ```gimp-plugins``` folder.
[8] Allow the python scripts to be executable using ```chmod +x *.py``` in the ```gimp-plugins``` folder.
[9] Run GIMP.
Note: See [```installGimpML.sh```](https://github.com/kritiksoman/GIMP-ML/blob/master/gimp-plugins/installGimpML.sh) if getting stuck. ### Using shell script and update tool [1] Open terminal, go to GIMP-ML/gimp-plugins and run : ```bash installGimpML.sh```
[2] Open GIMP and go to Preferences -> Folders -> Plug-ins, add the folder gimp-plugins and restart GIMP.
[3] Go to Layer->GIMP-ML->update, click on ok with "update weights" set to yes and restart GIMP. (Weights ~ 1.5GB will be downloaded)