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package com.fox2code.mmm.repo;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.realm.ModuleListCache;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import io.realm.Realm;
import io.realm.RealmConfiguration;
public class RepoUpdater {
private static final String TAG = "RepoUpdater";
public final RepoData repoData;
public byte[] indexRaw;
private List<RepoModule> toUpdate;
private Collection<RepoModule> toApply;
public RepoUpdater(RepoData repoData) {
this.repoData = repoData;
public int fetchIndex() {
if (!RepoManager.getINSTANCE().hasConnectivity()) {
this.indexRaw = null;
this.toUpdate = Collections.emptyList();
this.toApply = Collections.emptySet();
return 0;
if (!this.repoData.isEnabled()) {
this.indexRaw = null;
this.toUpdate = Collections.emptyList();
this.toApply = Collections.emptySet();
return 0;
try {
if (!this.repoData.prepare()) {
this.indexRaw = null;
this.toUpdate = Collections.emptyList();
this.toApply = this.repoData.moduleHashMap.values();
return 0;
this.indexRaw = Http.doHttpGet(this.repoData.getUrl(), false);
this.toUpdate = this.repoData.populate(new JSONObject(new String(this.indexRaw, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
// Since we reuse instances this should work
this.toApply = new HashSet<>(this.repoData.moduleHashMap.values());
// Return repo to update
return this.toUpdate.size();
} catch (
Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get manifest of " +, e);
this.indexRaw = null;
this.toUpdate = Collections.emptyList();
this.toApply = Collections.emptySet();
return 0;
public List<RepoModule> toUpdate() {
return this.toUpdate;
public Collection<RepoModule> toApply() {
return this.toApply;
public boolean finish() {
boolean success = this.indexRaw != null;
// If repo is not enabled we don't need to do anything, just return true
if (!this.repoData.isEnabled()) {
return true;
if (this.indexRaw != null) {
try {
// iterate over modules, using this.supportedProperties as a template to attempt to get each property from the module. everything that is not null is added to the module
// use realm to insert to
// props avail:
RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration = new RealmConfiguration.Builder().name("ModuleListCache.realm").schemaVersion(1).deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded().build();
// array with module info default values
// supported properties for a module
// extra properties only useful for the database
//installedVersionCode=<int> (only if installed)
// all except first six can be null
// this.indexRaw is the raw index file (json) and the modules can be either under the "modules" key or the "data" key
// both are arrays of modules
// try to get modules from "modules" key
JSONObject modules = new JSONObject(new String(this.indexRaw, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
try {
// get modules
modules = modules.getJSONObject("modules");
} catch (JSONException e) {
// if it fails, try to get modules from "data" key
modules = modules.getJSONObject("data");
for (JSONObject module : new JSONObject[]{modules}) {
try {
// get module id
String id = module.getString("id");
// get module name
String name = module.getString("name");
// get module version
String version = module.getString("version");
// get module version code
int versionCode = module.getInt("versionCode");
// get module author
String author = module.getString("author");
// get module description
String description = module.getString("description");
// get module min api
int minApi = module.getInt("minApi");
// get module max api
int maxApi = module.getInt("maxApi");
// get module min magisk
int minMagisk = module.getInt("minMagisk");
// get module need ramdisk
boolean needRamdisk = module.getBoolean("needRamdisk");
// get module support
String support = module.getString("support");
// get module donate
String donate = module.getString("donate");
// get module config
String config = module.getString("config");
// get module change boot
boolean changeBoot = module.getBoolean("changeBoot");
// get module mmt reborn
boolean mmtReborn = module.getBoolean("mmtReborn");
// get module repo id
String repoId =;
// get module installed
boolean installed = false;
// get module installed version code
int installedVersionCode = 0;
// insert module to realm
// first create a collection of all the properties
// then insert to realm
// then commit
// then close
Realm.getInstanceAsync(realmConfiguration, new Realm.Callback() {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull Realm realm) {
realm.executeTransactionAsync(r -> {
// create a new module
ModuleListCache moduleListCache = r.createObject(ModuleListCache.class);
// set module id
// set module name
// set module version
// set module version code
// set module author
// set module description
// set module min api
// set module max api
// set module min magisk
// set module need ramdisk
// set module support
// set module donate
// set module config
// set module change boot
// set module mmt reborn
// set module repo id
// set module installed
// set module installed version code
}, () -> {
// Transaction was a success.
Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: Transaction was a success.");
// close realm
}, error -> {
// Transaction failed and was automatically canceled.
Log.e(TAG, "onError: Transaction failed and was automatically canceled.", error);
// close realm
} catch (
JSONException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to get module info from module " + module + " in repo " + + " with error " + e.getMessage());
} catch (
Exception e) {
this.indexRaw = null;
this.toUpdate = null;
this.toApply = null;
return success;