package com.fox2code.mmm.androidacy; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import android.webkit.CookieManager; import com.fox2code.mmm.R; import com.fox2code.mmm.manager.ModuleInfo; import com.fox2code.mmm.repo.RepoData; import com.fox2code.mmm.repo.RepoModule; import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.Http; import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.PropUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import okhttp3.Cookie; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; @SuppressWarnings("KotlinInternalInJava") public class AndroidacyRepoData extends RepoData { private static final String TAG = "AndroidacyRepoData"; private static final HttpUrl OK_HTTP_URL; static { HttpUrl.Builder OK_HTTP_URL_BUILDER = new HttpUrl.Builder().scheme("https"); // Using crash the app OK_HTTP_URL_BUILDER.setHost$okhttp(""); OK_HTTP_URL =; } private long androidacyBlockade = 0; public AndroidacyRepoData(String url, File cacheRoot, SharedPreferences cachedPreferences) { super(url, cacheRoot, cachedPreferences); if (this.metaDataCache.exists()) { this.androidacyBlockade = this.metaDataCache.lastModified() + 5_000L; if (this.androidacyBlockade - 10_000L > System.currentTimeMillis()) { this.androidacyBlockade = 0; // Don't allow time travel. Well why not??? } } } private static String getCookies() { if (Http.hasWebView()) { return CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(""); } else { Iterator cookies = Http.getCookieJar() .loadForRequest(OK_HTTP_URL).iterator(); if (!cookies.hasNext()) return ""; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { stringBuilder.append(; if (!cookies.hasNext()) return stringBuilder.toString(); stringBuilder.append(","); } } } @Override protected boolean prepare() { // Implementation details discussed on telegram long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.androidacyBlockade > time) return false; this.androidacyBlockade = time + 5_000L; String cookies = AndroidacyRepoData.getCookies(); int start = cookies == null ? -1 : cookies.indexOf("USER="); String token = null; if (start != -1) { int end = cookies.indexOf(";", start); if (end != -1) token = cookies.substring(start, end); } if (token != null) { try { Http.doHttpGet("",true); } catch (Exception e) { if ("Received error code: 419".equals(e.getMessage()) || "Received error code: 429".equals(e.getMessage())) { Log.e(TAG, "We are being rate limited!", e); this.androidacyBlockade = time + 3_600_000L; return false; } Log.w(TAG, "Invalid token, resetting..."); if (Http.hasWebView()) { CookieManager.getInstance().setCookie("", "USER=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;" + " path=/; secure;"); } else { Http.getCookieJar().saveFromResponse( OK_HTTP_URL, Collections.emptyList()); } token = null; } } if (token == null) { try { Log.i(TAG, "Refreshing token..."); token = new String(Http.doHttpPost( "", "",true), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); if (Http.hasWebView()) { CookieManager.getInstance().setCookie("", "USER=" + token + "; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT;" + " path=/; secure;"); } else { Http.getCookieJar().saveFromResponse(OK_HTTP_URL, Collections.singletonList(Cookie.parse(OK_HTTP_URL, "USER=" + token + "; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT;" + " path=/; secure;"))); } } catch (Exception e) { if ("Received error code: 419".equals(e.getMessage()) || "Received error code: 429".equals(e.getMessage()) || "Received error code: 503".equals(e.getMessage()) ) { Log.e(TAG, "We are being rate limited!", e); this.androidacyBlockade = time + 3_600_000L; } Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get a new token", e); return false; } } return true; } @Override protected List populate(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { if (!jsonObject.getString("status").equals("success")) throw new JSONException("Response is not a success!"); String name = jsonObject.optString( "name", "Androidacy Modules Repo"); String nameForModules = name.endsWith(" (Official)") ? name.substring(0, name.length() - 11) : name; JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data"); for (RepoModule repoModule : this.moduleHashMap.values()) { repoModule.processed = false; } ArrayList newModules = new ArrayList<>(); int len = jsonArray.length(); long lastLastUpdate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); String moduleId = jsonObject.getString("codename"); // Deny remote modules ids shorter than 3 chars if (moduleId.length() < 3) continue; long lastUpdate = jsonObject.getLong("updated_at") * 1000; lastLastUpdate = Math.max(lastLastUpdate, lastUpdate); RepoModule repoModule = this.moduleHashMap.get(moduleId); if (repoModule == null) { repoModule = new RepoModule(this, moduleId); repoModule.moduleInfo.flags = 0; this.moduleHashMap.put(moduleId, repoModule); newModules.add(repoModule); } else { if (repoModule.lastUpdated < lastUpdate) { newModules.add(repoModule); } } repoModule.processed = true; repoModule.lastUpdated = lastUpdate; repoModule.repoName = nameForModules; repoModule.zipUrl = filterURL( jsonObject.optString("zipUrl", "")); repoModule.notesUrl = filterURL( jsonObject.optString("notesUrl", "")); if (repoModule.zipUrl == null) { repoModule.zipUrl = // Fallback url in case the API doesn't have zipUrl "" + moduleId; } if (repoModule.notesUrl == null) { repoModule.notesUrl = // Fallback url in case the API doesn't have notesUrl "" + moduleId; } repoModule.qualityText = R.string.module_downloads; repoModule.qualityValue = jsonObject.optInt("downloads", 0); String checksum = jsonObject.optString("checksum", ""); repoModule.checksum = checksum.isEmpty() ? null : checksum; ModuleInfo moduleInfo = repoModule.moduleInfo; = jsonObject.getString("name"); moduleInfo.versionCode = jsonObject.getLong("versionCode"); moduleInfo.version = jsonObject.optString( "version", "v" + moduleInfo.versionCode); = jsonObject.optString("author", "Unknown"); moduleInfo.description = jsonObject.optString("description", ""); moduleInfo.minApi = jsonObject.getInt("minApi"); moduleInfo.maxApi = jsonObject.getInt("maxApi"); String minMagisk = jsonObject.getString("minMagisk"); try { int c = minMagisk.indexOf('.'); if (c == -1) { moduleInfo.minMagisk = Integer.parseInt(minMagisk); } else { moduleInfo.minMagisk = // Allow 24.1 to mean 24100 (Integer.parseInt(minMagisk.substring(0, c)) * 1000) + (Integer.parseInt(minMagisk.substring(c + 1)) * 100); } } catch (Exception e) { moduleInfo.minMagisk = 0; } = filterURL(jsonObject.optString("support")); moduleInfo.donate = filterURL(jsonObject.optString("donate")); String config = jsonObject.optString("config", ""); moduleInfo.config = config.isEmpty() ? null : config; PropUtils.applyFallbacks(moduleInfo); // Apply fallbacks Log.d(TAG, "Module " + + " " + + " " + moduleInfo.version + " " + moduleInfo.versionCode); } Iterator moduleInfoIterator = this.moduleHashMap.values().iterator(); while (moduleInfoIterator.hasNext()) { RepoModule repoModule =; if (!repoModule.processed) { moduleInfoIterator.remove(); } } this.lastUpdate = lastLastUpdate; = name; return newModules; } private static String filterURL(String url) { if (url == null || url.isEmpty() || PropUtils.isInvalidURL(url)) { return null; } return url; } @Override public void storeMetadata(RepoModule repoModule, byte[] data) {} @Override public boolean tryLoadMetadata(RepoModule repoModule) { if (this.moduleHashMap.containsKey( { repoModule.moduleInfo.flags &= ~ModuleInfo.FLAG_METADATA_INVALID; return true; } repoModule.moduleInfo.flags |= ModuleInfo.FLAG_METADATA_INVALID; return false; } }