Fox\'s Magisk Module Manager Fox\'s Mmm Could not access either Root or Magisk Root has been denied via the Magisk app Magisk is not installed on this device Loading… Upgradable Installed Online Repo The app is in lockdown mode Could not download the file Modules took too long to boot, consider disabling some modules Could not connect to the Internet Could not open system WebView SettingsActivity A new version of the app is available Update app No description found. Download module Install module Upgrade module Changelog Website Support Donate Update Install Description Uninstall Config Favourite Report bugs Sniffed modules Sniffing modules Submit a module Requires Android 6.0+ Requires Android 12+ Reboot Language @android:string/yes @android:string/no @android:string/ok @android:string/cancel Last update: Repo: by Downloads: Stars: Needs ramdisk This module need boot ramdisk to be installed Can change boot This module may change the boot image Min. Magisk "%s" Min. Android Max. Android Manage repos Lockdown mode Lockdown mode prevents the manager from carrying out actions on modules Prevent reboot Prevents unexpected reboots Settings Enable Monet Info Show licenses Licences Show incompatible modules Show modules unlikely to work on your device based on their metadata There is a new version of Magisk to install! Repos Security Appearance General The repository hosting Magisk modules An alternative to the Magisk-Modules-Repo with fewer restrictions. Delete the module files? Keep Delete Could not delete the module files Theme Theme mode Module ID: Install module from storage The selected module has an invalid format Low-quality module Local install Source code Magisk built-in module Substratum built-in module Dark terminal Your current file picker could not access the file. Remote install Your file picker returned a non-standard response. Use the \"magisk --install-module\" command During testing it caused problems to the module install error diagnosis tool, so this option behind is hidden behind developer mode.\nTurn this on at your own risk! Developer mode on Developer mode off English app language Show low-quality modules Some modules do not declare their metadata properly, causing visual glitches, and/or indicating poor module quality.\nTurn this on at your own risk! DNS over HTTPS May fix connections issues in some cases. (Does not apply to WebView.) No Mmm Turn off Fox\'s Mmm extensions, preventing modules from using terminal extensions.\nUseful if a module misuses Fox\'s Mmm extensions. Text wrapping Show text on multiple lines instead of putting all text on the same line when installing a module. Blur Disable chips in description Repo on Repo off Add Repo Remove Repo Custom url Link copied This repository may display some non-intrusive advertising to cover server and development costs. Features reviews, automatic virus scans, and more. Backup modules Restore modules This operation require an internet connection Androidacy test mode Use staging Androidacy endpoint instead of release endpoint. (Will restart app) Found %i module updates Sniffed %i module updates Click to open the app Background modules update check May increase battery usage Test Notification false 1 Some translations for the current language are not up-to-date, please consider contributing to the app translations on GitHub Translated by Fox2Code (Put your name here) Automatically report bugs and performance to the developers If you disable this, the developer will not get automatic bug reports, and this may make troubleshooting harder Androidacy API Key Use a custom API key for Androidacy. Useful for premium subscribers, to remove ads and more. Androidacy API key is empty Current Androidacy API key Could not validate API key. Please check it and try again. API key is valid. Validating API key… Validating API key… Please wait Successfully reset API key Validate Warning! You are setting the app to use a non-production endpoint for Androidacy. This may result in app instability and failure to load the online repo. Do NOT report bugs if you have this switch on. App will be restarted to reload repos. Crash the app for testing Repackaged as: Wrapped from: Restart app to apply changes? The app needs to restart to apply this setting Restart App will be restarted to disable staging endpoint Could not retrieve token from Androidacy. Please try again later. Could not validate token for Androidacy. Please try again later. Unable to contact Androidacy server. Check your connection and try again. Androidacy update blocked by Captcha API key has been changed. Restart the app to apply changes. The API key you input is the same as the one already in use. Allow notifications? We need the notifications permission to notify you on app and module updates. If you don\'t grant this permission, background update checks will not run. Grant permission Please enable notifications to enable this option. Don\'t ask again Forces AMOLED black backgrounds when using dark theme. Please be aware this may have contrast problems with some color themes. Force black theme This repo is currently disabled This build is missing client keys for the Androidacy Repo. Please download the GitHub release if you\'d like to benefit from features like module reviews, automatic security checks, and more. Download full version Some repos have failed to update Update of %1$s failed. Please try again later. Monet is not compatible with transparent themes. Blur is not compatible with transparent themes. You are setting a transparent theme Transparent themes may have some inconsistencies and may not work on all ROMs. In additon, monet and blur will be disabled. You can change back at any time. Custom repos are always on until you remove them. We encountered an error! Please help us improve the app by adding some information about the error below.\nName and email are optional but will allow us to contact you if needed for more information. Oops! Looks like the app closed unexpectedly. Your name Your email Tell us what happened Submit Could not submit feedback due to an error Submitted feedback successfully. We\'ll review it shortly Could not submit feedback as no description was provided Scroll to online repo %1$s v%2$s (%3$d) | %4$s Build Official Unofficial First time setup Welcome! This app will help you install and manage Magisk modules. To get started, please select the options below. These and more can be configured from settings later. Finish setup Background update check Allow us to check for module and app updates in the background. This feature may use more battery and data. Enable the Androidacy repo Features user reviews, automatic virus scans, fast updates, a wide selection, and is backed by Androidacy. Enable the Magisk Alt Repo Much more lax than the original. Has a lot of modules at the cost of some safety. Enable Sentry Crash reporting and performance monitoring. All reports are striclty anonymous and confidential. You can add custom repos later in settings. Repos Miscellaneous Skip Enabling blur on lower-end device You are trying to enable blur on a device that may not perform well with it.\nYou may enable it, but this may lead to a poor user experience and we recommend you don\'t. This repo has less restrictions and reviews, which may lead to lower quality modules. Pretty barebones but has a lot of modules. You are about to reboot your device. If you\'ve saved your work, hit OK to continue. Otherwise, hit cancel. Package %s is missing for module config, so we cannot launch it. Clear app data Clear app data? You\'re about to clear the app data. Please confirm this action. This is a debug build. Expect some bugs and worse performance. Androidacy Repo Magisk Alt Repo You\'ve enabled or disabled a repo. Please refresh the module list or restart the app. Finish Choose a theme Choose a theme System theme Light theme Dark theme AMOLED Black theme Transparent light theme - will disable monet and blur! Choose a theme Theme System Dark AMOLED Black Dark (transparency) Light (transparency) Light This app is outdated. Please update the app to the latest version. Your webview is outdated! Please update it. Don\'t see your language? Help us by translating it! Tap here to find out more. Commit %1$s @ %2$s No file was provided when trying to open zip. Could not load the zip file Could not load the module properties Install %s? Do you really want to install the module \"%1$s\" from the ZIP file \"%2$s\"?\n\nMake sure you trust the source of this module, as modules are very powerful and can do almost anything. Developed in part by Androidacy Huge shoutout to Androidacy for their integration and contributions to the app. And of course, thanks to all of our contributors, whether it\'s translations, code, or just being fun to hang out with! We love you all. Inspecting module… This module has indicators it may have been installed without your knowledge, or may be attempting to hide itself.\n\nUninstall is strongly recommended. I understand Choose theme Choose language Setup Wizard Settings The following repos have failed to update:\n\n%s Reset API keys Upgrade to premium Upgrading to premium will remove ads, captchas, and downloads for the Androidacy Repository, and support Androidacy and the module authors. Contributors Fox2Code is the original creator of the app. Without him, this would have never been possible. Created by Fox2Code Save logs to storage and share Could not save logs Share FoxMMM logs This app is an unofficial FoxMMM build. Uh-oh, we hit a snag!= Give us more details about what you were doing when this happened. The more, the merrier! Submit and restart Please help us out by telling us what you were trying to do when this happened. Crash reporting is disabled. Enable it to submit feedback. Name (optional) Email (optional) You didn\'t specify additional feedback. Crash icon Copy text Unknown cause More details may be found below. Copied stacktrace to clipboard! Stacktrace:\n%1$s It looks like crash reporting is disabled. Please enable it to submit feedback. Reset the app You\'re pretty awesome! Looks like you\'ve already upgraded your subscription and are supporting Androidacy. Premium active If you keep seeing this screen, resetting the app might help. This will clear app data but will not effect installed modules. This will completely remove all app data and close the app. Modules will not be uninstalled. Reset This is going to completely wipe app data, but will not effect modules. Failed to add custom repo API key is in an invalid format Comma separated list of modules to exclude from update checks Exclude modules UpdatesInvalid input The list of modules you input is invalid. Please only input valid module id\'s separated by commas