package; import android.content.Context; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import; import; import com.fox2code.mmm.MainApplication; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import okhttp3.Interceptor; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.Response; import timber.log.Timber; public class AddCookiesInterceptor implements Interceptor { private final Context context; public AddCookiesInterceptor(Context context) { this.context = context; } @NonNull @Override public Response intercept(Interceptor.Chain chain) throws IOException { Request.Builder builder = chain.request().newBuilder(); // Cookies are stored in an encrypted file in the files directory in our app data // so we need to decrypt the file before using it // first, get our decryption key from MasterKey using the AES_256_GCM encryption scheme // then, create an EncryptedFile object using the key and the file name // finally, open the file and read the contents into a string // the string is then split into an array of cookies // the cookies are then added to the request builder String cookieFileName = "cookies"; String[] cookies = new String[0]; MasterKey mainKeyAlias; try { mainKeyAlias = new MasterKey.Builder(context).setKeyScheme(MasterKey.KeyScheme.AES256_GCM).build(); EncryptedFile encryptedFile = new EncryptedFile.Builder(context, new File(MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getFilesDir(), cookieFileName), mainKeyAlias, EncryptedFile.FileEncryptionScheme.AES256_GCM_HKDF_4KB).build(); InputStream inputStream = encryptedFile.openFileInput(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bytesRead; StringBuilder outputString = new StringBuilder(); while ((bytesRead = != -1) { outputString.append(new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead)); } cookies = outputString.toString().split("\\|"); inputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Error reading cookies from file"); } for (String cookie : cookies) { // ensure the cookie applies to the current domain if (cookie.contains("domain=")) { // match from the start of the string to the first semicolon Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("domain=([^;]+)"); String domain = pattern.matcher(cookie).group(1); if (domain != null && !chain.request().url().host().contains(domain)) { //noinspection UnnecessaryContinue continue; } else { builder.addHeader("Cookie", cookie); } } } return chain.proceed(; } }