package com.fox2code.mmm; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import androidx.core.content.FileProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import java.util.Objects; import timber.log.Timber; @SuppressWarnings("UnnecessaryReturnStatement") public class UpdateActivity extends FoxActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_update); // Get the progress bar and make it indeterminate for now LinearProgressIndicator progressIndicator = findViewById(; progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(true); // get status text view MaterialTextView statusTextView = findViewById(; // set status text to please wait statusTextView.setText(R.string.please_wait); // for debug builds, set update_debug_warning to visible and return /**if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { findViewById(; progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(0, false); statusTextView.setVisibility(MaterialTextView.INVISIBLE); return; }*/ new Thread(() -> { // Now, parse the intent String extras = getIntent().getAction(); // if extras is null, then we are in a bad state or user launched the activity manually if (extras == null) { runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_no_extras); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(0, false); }); return; } // get action ACTIONS action = ACTIONS.valueOf(extras); // if action is null, then we are in a bad state or user launched the activity manually if (Objects.isNull(action)) { runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_no_action); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(0, false); }); // return return; } // For check action, we need to check if there is an update using the AppUpdateManager.peekShouldUpdate() if (action == ACTIONS.CHECK) { checkForUpdate(); } else if (action == ACTIONS.DOWNLOAD) { try { downloadUpdate(); } catch ( JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_download_update); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); }); } } else if (action == ACTIONS.INSTALL) { // ensure path was passed and points to a file within our cache directory String path = getIntent().getStringExtra("path"); if (path == null) { runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.no_file_found); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(0, false); }); return; } File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.no_file_found); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(0, false); }); // return return; } if (!Objects.equals(file.getParentFile(), getCacheDir())) { // set status text to error runOnUiThread(() -> { statusTextView.setText(R.string.no_file_found); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(0, false); }); // return return; } // set status text to installing statusTextView.setText(R.string.installing_update); // set progress bar to indeterminate progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(true); // install update installUpdate(file); } }).start(); } public void checkForUpdate() { LinearProgressIndicator progressIndicator = findViewById(; progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(true); // get status text view MaterialTextView statusTextView = findViewById(; // set status text to checking for update statusTextView.setText(R.string.checking_for_update); // set progress bar to indeterminate progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(true); // check for update boolean shouldUpdate = AppUpdateManager.getAppUpdateManager().peekShouldUpdate(); // if shouldUpdate is true, then we have an update if (shouldUpdate) { // set status text to update available statusTextView.setText(R.string.update_available); // set button text to download MaterialButton button = findViewById(; button.setText(R.string.download_update); // return } else { // set status text to no update available statusTextView.setText(R.string.no_update_available); // set progress bar to error // return } progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); return; } public void downloadUpdate() throws JSONException { LinearProgressIndicator progressIndicator = findViewById(; progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(true); // get status text view MaterialTextView statusTextView = findViewById(; byte[] lastestJSON = new byte[0]; try { lastestJSON = Http.doHttpGet(AppUpdateManager.RELEASES_API_URL, false); } catch ( Exception e) { // when logging, REMOVE the json from the log String msg = e.getMessage(); // remove everything from the first { to the last } msg = Objects.requireNonNull(msg).substring(0, msg.indexOf("{")) + msg.substring(msg.lastIndexOf("}") + 1); Timber.e(msg); progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_download_update); } // convert to JSON JSONObject latestJSON = new JSONObject(new String(lastestJSON)); // we already know that there is an update, so we can get the latest version of our architecture. We're going to have to iterate through the assets to find the one we want JSONArray assets = latestJSON.getJSONArray("assets"); // get the asset we want JSONObject asset = null; // iterate through assets until we find the one that contains Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0] while (Objects.isNull(asset)) { for (int i = 0; i < assets.length(); i++) { JSONObject asset1 = assets.getJSONObject(i); if (asset1.getString("name").contains(Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0])) { asset = asset1; break; } } } // if asset is null, then we are in a bad state if (Objects.isNull(asset)) { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_no_asset); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); // return return; } // get the download url String downloadUrl = Objects.requireNonNull(asset).getString("browser_download_url"); // get the download size long downloadSize = asset.getLong("size"); runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to downloading update statusTextView.setText(getString(R.string.downloading_update, 0)); // set progress bar to 0 progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(0, false); }); // download the update byte[] update = new byte[0]; try { update = Http.doHttpGet(downloadUrl, (downloaded, total, done) -> runOnUiThread(() -> { // update progress bar progressIndicator.setProgressCompat((int) (((float) downloaded / (float) total) * 100), true); // update status text statusTextView.setText(getString(R.string.downloading_update, (int) (((float) downloaded / (float) total) * 100))); })); } catch ( Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); runOnUiThread(() -> { progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_download_update); }); } // if update is null, then we are in a bad state if (Objects.isNull(update)) { runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_download_update); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); }); // return return; } // if update is not the same size as the download size, then we are in a bad state if (update.length != downloadSize) { runOnUiThread(() -> { // set status text to error statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_download_update); // set progress bar to error progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); }); // return return; } // set status text to installing update runOnUiThread(() -> { statusTextView.setText(R.string.installing_update); // set progress bar to 100 progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(true); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); }); // save the update to the cache File updateFile = null; try { updateFile = new File(getCacheDir(), "update.apk"); FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(updateFile); fileOutputStream.write(update); fileOutputStream.close(); } catch ( IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); runOnUiThread(() -> { progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(false); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); statusTextView.setText(R.string.error_download_update); }); } // install the update installUpdate(updateFile); // return return; } @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") private void installUpdate(File updateFile) { // get status text view runOnUiThread(() -> { MaterialTextView statusTextView = findViewById(; // set status text to installing update statusTextView.setText(R.string.installing_update); // set progress bar to 100 LinearProgressIndicator progressIndicator = findViewById(; progressIndicator.setIndeterminate(true); progressIndicator.setProgressCompat(100, false); }); // request install permissions Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSTALL_PACKAGE); Context context = getApplicationContext(); Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, context.getPackageName() + ".file-provider", updateFile); intent.setData(uri); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); // return return; } public enum ACTIONS { // action can be CHECK, DOWNLOAD, INSTALL CHECK, DOWNLOAD, INSTALL } }