package com.fox2code.mmm; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.AttrRes; import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes; import androidx.annotation.StringRes; import; import com.fox2code.mmm.installer.InstallerInitializer; import com.fox2code.mmm.module.ModuleViewListBuilder; import com.fox2code.mmm.repo.RepoManager; import com.fox2code.mmm.utils.IntentHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import timber.log.Timber; interface NotificationTypeCst { } public enum NotificationType implements NotificationTypeCst { DEBUG(R.string.debug_build, R.drawable.ic_baseline_bug_report_24, R.attr.colorSecondary, R.attr.colorOnSecondary) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return !BuildConfig.DEBUG; } }, SHOWCASE_MODE(R.string.showcase_mode, R.drawable.ic_baseline_lock_24, R.attr.colorPrimary, R.attr.colorOnPrimary) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return !MainApplication.isShowcaseMode(); } }, NO_MAGISK(R.string.fail_magisk_missing, R.drawable.ic_baseline_numbers_24, v -> IntentHelper.openUrl(v.getContext(), "")) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return InstallerInitializer.getErrorNotification() != this; } }, NO_ROOT(R.string.fail_root_magisk, R.drawable.ic_baseline_numbers_24) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return InstallerInitializer.getErrorNotification() != this; } }, ROOT_DENIED(R.string.fail_root_denied, R.drawable.ic_baseline_numbers_24) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return InstallerInitializer.getErrorNotification() != this; } }, MAGISK_OUTDATED(R.string.magisk_outdated, R.drawable.ic_baseline_update_24, v -> IntentHelper.openUrl(v.getContext(), "")) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return InstallerInitializer.peekMagiskPath() == null || InstallerInitializer.peekMagiskVersion() >= Constants.MAGISK_VER_CODE_INSTALL_COMMAND; } }, NO_INTERNET(R.string.fail_internet, R.drawable.ic_baseline_cloud_off_24) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return RepoManager.getINSTANCE().hasConnectivity(); } }, REPO_UPDATE_FAILED(R.string.repo_update_failed, R.drawable.ic_baseline_cloud_off_24) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return RepoManager.getINSTANCE().isLastUpdateSuccess(); } }, NEED_CAPTCHA_ANDROIDACY(R.string.androidacy_need_captcha, R.drawable.ic_baseline_refresh_24, v -> IntentHelper.openUrlAndroidacy(v.getContext(), "https://" + Http.needCaptchaAndroidacyHost() + "/", false)) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return !RepoManager.isAndroidacyRepoEnabled() || !Http.needCaptchaAndroidacy(); } }, NO_WEB_VIEW(R.string.no_web_view, R.drawable.ic_baseline_android_24) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return Http.hasWebView(); } }, UPDATE_AVAILABLE(R.string.app_update_available, R.drawable.ic_baseline_system_update_24, R.attr.colorPrimary, R.attr.colorOnPrimary, v -> IntentHelper.openUrl(v.getContext(), ""), false) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return !AppUpdateManager.getAppUpdateManager().peekShouldUpdate(); } }, INSTALL_FROM_STORAGE(R.string.install_from_storage, R.drawable.ic_baseline_storage_24, R.attr.colorBackgroundFloating, R.attr.colorOnBackground, v -> { FoxActivity compatActivity = FoxActivity.getFoxActivity(v); final File module = new File(compatActivity.getCacheDir(), "installer" + File.separator + ""); IntentHelper.openFileTo(compatActivity, module, (d, u, s) -> { if (s == IntentHelper.RESPONSE_FILE) { try { if (needPatch(d)) { Files.patchModuleSimple(, new FileOutputStream(d)); } if (needPatch(d)) { if (d.exists() && !d.delete()) Timber.w("Failed to delete non module zip"); Toast.makeText(compatActivity, R.string.invalid_format, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { IntentHelper.openInstaller(compatActivity, d.getAbsolutePath(), compatActivity.getString( R.string.local_install_title), null, null, false, BuildConfig.DEBUG && // Use debug mode if no root InstallerInitializer.peekMagiskPath() == null); } } catch (IOException ignored) { if (d.exists() && !d.delete()) Timber.w("Failed to delete invalid module"); Toast.makeText(compatActivity, R.string.invalid_format, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } else if (s == IntentHelper.RESPONSE_URL) { IntentHelper.openInstaller(compatActivity, u.toString(), compatActivity.getString( R.string.remote_install_title), null, null, false, BuildConfig.DEBUG && // Use debug mode if no root InstallerInitializer.peekMagiskPath() == null); } }); }, false) { @Override public boolean shouldRemove() { return !BuildConfig.DEBUG && (MainApplication.isShowcaseMode() || InstallerInitializer.peekMagiskPath() == null); } }; public static boolean needPatch(File target) { try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(target)) { boolean validEntries = zipFile.getEntry("module.prop") != null; // ensure there's no validEntries &= zipFile.getEntry("") == null; if (validEntries) { // Ensure id of module is not empty and matches ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$ regex // We need to get the module.prop and parse the id= line ZipEntry moduleProp = zipFile.getEntry("module.prop"); // Parse the module.prop if (moduleProp != null) { // Find the line with id=, and check if it matches the regex try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(zipFile.getInputStream(moduleProp)))) { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("id=")) { String id = line.substring(3); return id.isEmpty() || !id.matches("^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$"); } } } } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } catch (IOException e) { return true; } return false; } @StringRes public final int textId; @DrawableRes public final int iconId; @AttrRes public final int backgroundAttr; @AttrRes public final int foregroundAttr; public final View.OnClickListener onClickListener; public final boolean special; NotificationType(@StringRes int textId, int iconId) { this(textId, iconId, R.attr.colorError, R.attr.colorOnPrimary); } NotificationType(@StringRes int textId, int iconId, View.OnClickListener onClickListener) { this(textId, iconId, R.attr.colorError, R.attr.colorOnPrimary, onClickListener); } NotificationType(@StringRes int textId, int iconId, int backgroundAttr, int foregroundAttr) { this(textId, iconId, backgroundAttr, foregroundAttr, null); } NotificationType(@StringRes int textId, int iconId, int backgroundAttr, int foregroundAttr, View.OnClickListener onClickListener) { this(textId, iconId, backgroundAttr, foregroundAttr, onClickListener, false); } NotificationType(@StringRes int textId, int iconId, int backgroundAttr, int foregroundAttr, View.OnClickListener onClickListener, @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") boolean special) { this.textId = textId; this.iconId = iconId; this.backgroundAttr = backgroundAttr; this.foregroundAttr = foregroundAttr; this.onClickListener = onClickListener; this.special = special; } public boolean shouldRemove() { // By default, remove the notification` return false; } public final void autoAdd(ModuleViewListBuilder moduleViewListBuilder) { if (!shouldRemove()) moduleViewListBuilder.addNotification(this); } }