package com.fox2code.mmm.androidacy; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.widget.Toast; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import com.fox2code.mmm.BuildConfig; import com.fox2code.mmm.MainApplication; import com.fox2code.mmm.R; import com.fox2code.mmm.manager.ModuleInfo; import com.fox2code.mmm.repo.RepoData; import com.fox2code.mmm.repo.RepoManager; import com.fox2code.mmm.repo.RepoModule; import; import; import; import; import com.topjohnwu.superuser.Shell; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; import timber.log.Timber; @SuppressWarnings("KotlinInternalInJava") public final class AndroidacyRepoData extends RepoData { public static String token = MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getSharedPreferences("androidacy", 0).getString("pref_androidacy_api_token", null); static { HttpUrl.Builder OK_HTTP_URL_BUILDER = new HttpUrl.Builder().scheme("https"); // Using crash the app OK_HTTP_URL_BUILDER.setHost$okhttp("");; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public final String ClientID = BuildConfig.ANDROIDACY_CLIENT_ID; private final boolean testMode; private final String host; public SharedPreferences cachedPreferences = MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getSharedPreferences("androidacy", 0); public String memberLevel; // Avoid spamming requests to Androidacy private long androidacyBlockade = 0; public AndroidacyRepoData(File cacheRoot, SharedPreferences cachedPreferences, boolean testMode) { super(testMode ? RepoManager.ANDROIDACY_TEST_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT : RepoManager.ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_ENDPOINT, cacheRoot, cachedPreferences); this.defaultName = "Androidacy Modules Repo"; this.defaultWebsite = RepoManager.ANDROIDACY_MAGISK_REPO_HOMEPAGE; this.defaultSupport = ""; this.defaultDonate = ""; this.defaultSubmitModule = ""; = testMode ? "" : ""; this.testMode = testMode; } public static AndroidacyRepoData getInstance() { return RepoManager.getINSTANCE().getAndroidacyRepoData(); } private static String filterURL(String url) { if (url == null || url.isEmpty() || PropUtils.isInvalidURL(url)) { return null; } return url; } // Generates a unique device ID. This is used to identify the device in the API for rate // limiting and fraud detection. public static String generateDeviceId() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Try to get the device ID from the shared preferences SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getSharedPreferences("androidacy", 0); String deviceIdPref = sharedPreferences.getString("device_id", null); if (deviceIdPref != null) { return deviceIdPref; } else { // AAAA we're fingerprintiiiiing // Really not that scary - just hashes some device info. We can't even get the info // we originally hashed, so it's not like we can use it to track you. String deviceId = null; // Get ro.serialno if it exists // First, we need to get an su shell Shell.Result result = Shell.cmd("getprop ro.serialno").exec(); // Check if the command was successful if (result.isSuccess()) { // Get the output String output = result.getOut().get(0); // Check if the output is valid if (output != null && !output.isEmpty()) { deviceId = output; } } // Now, get device model, manufacturer, and Android version originally from String deviceModel = android.os.Build.MODEL; String deviceManufacturer = android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER; String androidVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE; // Append it all together deviceId += deviceModel + deviceManufacturer + androidVersion; // Hash it MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); byte[] hash = digest.digest(deviceId.getBytes()); // Convert it to a hex string StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder(); for (byte b : hash) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & b); if (hex.length() == 1) { hexString.append('0'); } hexString.append(hex); } // Save it to shared preferences SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit(); editor.putString("device_id", hexString.toString()); editor.apply(); // Return it return hexString.toString(); } } public boolean isValidToken(String token) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { String deviceId = generateDeviceId(); try { byte[] resp = Http.doHttpGet("https://" + + "/auth/me?token=" + token + "&device_id=" + deviceId, false); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(new String(resp)); memberLevel = jsonObject.getString("role"); String status = jsonObject.getString("status"); if (status.equals("success")) { return true; } else { Timber.w("Invalid token, resetting..."); // Remove saved preference SharedPreferences.Editor editor = MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getSharedPreferences("androidacy", 0).edit(); editor.remove("pref_androidacy_api_token"); editor.apply(); return false; } } catch ( HttpException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == 401) { Timber.w("Invalid token, resetting..."); // Remove saved preference SharedPreferences.Editor editor = MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getSharedPreferences("androidacy", 0).edit(); editor.remove("pref_androidacy_api_token"); editor.apply(); return false; } throw e; } catch ( JSONException e) { // response is not JSON throw new IOException(e); } } @SuppressLint("RestrictedApi") @Override protected boolean prepare() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { // If ANDROIDACY_CLIENT_ID is not set or is empty, disable this repo and return if (Objects.equals(BuildConfig.ANDROIDACY_CLIENT_ID, "")) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = MainApplication.getSharedPreferences().edit(); editor.putBoolean("pref_androidacy_repo_enabled", false); editor.apply(); return false; } if (Http.needCaptchaAndroidacy()) return false; // Implementation details discussed on telegram // First, ping the server to check if it's alive try { HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("https://" + + "/ping").openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setReadTimeout(5000); connection.connect(); if (connection.getResponseCode() != 200 && connection.getResponseCode() != 204) { // If it's a 400, the app is probably outdated. Show a snackbar suggesting user update app and webview if (connection.getResponseCode() == 400) { // Show a dialog using androidacy_update_needed string new MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(MainApplication.getINSTANCE()).setTitle(R.string.androidacy_update_needed).setMessage(R.string.androidacy_update_needed_message).setPositiveButton(R.string.update, (dialog, which) -> { // Open the app's page on the Play Store Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(Uri.parse("")); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); MainApplication.getINSTANCE().startActivity(intent); }).setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null).show(); } return false; } } catch ( Exception e) { Timber.e(e, "Failed to ping server"); return false; } String deviceId = generateDeviceId(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.androidacyBlockade > time) return true; // fake it till you make it. Basically, // don't fail just becaue we're rate limited. API and web rate limits are different. this.androidacyBlockade = time + 30_000L; try { if (token == null) { token = this.cachedPreferences.getString("pref_androidacy_api_token", null); if (token != null && !this.isValidToken(token)) { token = null; } else { Timber.i("Using cached token"); } } else if (!this.isValidToken(token)) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid token: " + token); } token = null; } } catch ( IOException e) { if (HttpException.shouldTimeout(e)) { Timber.e(e, "We are being rate limited!"); this.androidacyBlockade = time + 3_600_000L; } return false; } if (token == null) { try { Timber.i("Requesting new token..."); // POST json request to https://produc/ token = new String(Http.doHttpPost("https://" + + "/auth/register", "{\"device_id\":\"" + deviceId + "\"}", false)); // Parse token try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(token); token = jsonObject.getString("token"); memberLevel = jsonObject.getString("role"); } catch ( JSONException e) { Timber.e(e, "Failed to parse token"); // Show a toast Toast.makeText(MainApplication.getINSTANCE(), R.string.androidacy_failed_to_parse_token, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } // Ensure token is valid if (!isValidToken(token)) { Timber.e("Failed to validate token"); // Show a toast Toast.makeText(MainApplication.getINSTANCE(), R.string.androidacy_failed_to_validate_token, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } // Save token to shared preference SharedPreferences.Editor editor = MainApplication.getINSTANCE().getSharedPreferences("androidacy", 0).edit(); editor.putString("pref_androidacy_api_token", token); editor.apply(); } catch ( Exception e) { if (HttpException.shouldTimeout(e)) { Timber.e(e, "We are being rate limited!"); this.androidacyBlockade = time + 3_600_000L; } Timber.e(e, "Failed to get a new token"); return false; } } //noinspection SillyAssignment // who are you calling silly? token = token; return true; } @Override protected List populate(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { Timber.d("AndroidacyRepoData populate start"); if (!jsonObject.getString("status").equals("success")) throw new JSONException("Response is not a success!"); String name = jsonObject.optString("name", "Androidacy Modules Repo"); String nameForModules = name.endsWith(" (Official)") ? name.substring(0, name.length() - 11) : name; JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data"); for (RepoModule repoModule : this.moduleHashMap.values()) { repoModule.processed = false; } ArrayList newModules = new ArrayList<>(); int len = jsonArray.length(); long lastLastUpdate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); String moduleId = jsonObject.getString("codename"); // Normally, we'd validate the module id here, but we don't need to because the server does it for us long lastUpdate = jsonObject.getLong("updated_at") * 1000; lastLastUpdate = Math.max(lastLastUpdate, lastUpdate); RepoModule repoModule = this.moduleHashMap.get(moduleId); if (repoModule == null) { repoModule = new RepoModule(this, moduleId); repoModule.moduleInfo.flags = 0; this.moduleHashMap.put(moduleId, repoModule); newModules.add(repoModule); } else { if (repoModule.lastUpdated < lastUpdate) { newModules.add(repoModule); } } repoModule.processed = true; repoModule.lastUpdated = lastUpdate; repoModule.repoName = nameForModules; repoModule.zipUrl = filterURL(jsonObject.optString("zipUrl", "")); repoModule.notesUrl = filterURL(jsonObject.optString("notesUrl", "")); if (repoModule.zipUrl == null) { repoModule.zipUrl = // Fallback url in case the API doesn't have zipUrl "https://" + + "/magisk/info/" + moduleId; } if (repoModule.notesUrl == null) { repoModule.notesUrl = // Fallback url in case the API doesn't have notesUrl "https://" + + "/magisk/readme/" + moduleId; } repoModule.zipUrl = this.injectToken(repoModule.zipUrl); repoModule.notesUrl = this.injectToken(repoModule.notesUrl); repoModule.qualityText = R.string.module_downloads; repoModule.qualityValue = jsonObject.optInt("downloads", 0); String checksum = jsonObject.optString("checksum", ""); repoModule.checksum = checksum.isEmpty() ? null : checksum; ModuleInfo moduleInfo = repoModule.moduleInfo; = jsonObject.getString("name"); moduleInfo.versionCode = jsonObject.getLong("versionCode"); moduleInfo.version = jsonObject.optString("version", "v" + moduleInfo.versionCode); = jsonObject.optString("author", "Unknown"); moduleInfo.description = jsonObject.optString("description", ""); moduleInfo.minApi = jsonObject.getInt("minApi"); moduleInfo.maxApi = jsonObject.getInt("maxApi"); String minMagisk = jsonObject.getString("minMagisk"); try { int c = minMagisk.indexOf('.'); if (c == -1) { moduleInfo.minMagisk = Integer.parseInt(minMagisk); } else { moduleInfo.minMagisk = // Allow 24.1 to mean 24100 (Integer.parseInt(minMagisk.substring(0, c)) * 1000) + (Integer.parseInt(minMagisk.substring(c + 1)) * 100); } } catch ( Exception e) { moduleInfo.minMagisk = 0; } moduleInfo.needRamdisk = jsonObject.optBoolean("needRamdisk", false); moduleInfo.changeBoot = jsonObject.optBoolean("changeBoot", false); moduleInfo.mmtReborn = jsonObject.optBoolean("mmtReborn", false); = filterURL(jsonObject.optString("support")); moduleInfo.donate = filterURL(jsonObject.optString("donate")); String config = jsonObject.optString("config", ""); moduleInfo.config = config.isEmpty() ? null : config; PropUtils.applyFallbacks(moduleInfo); // Apply fallbacks } Iterator moduleInfoIterator = this.moduleHashMap.values().iterator(); while (moduleInfoIterator.hasNext()) { RepoModule repoModule =; if (!repoModule.processed) { moduleInfoIterator.remove(); } else { repoModule.moduleInfo.verify(); } } this.lastUpdate = lastLastUpdate; = name; = jsonObject.optString("website"); = jsonObject.optString("support"); this.donate = jsonObject.optString("donate"); this.submitModule = jsonObject.optString("submitModule"); return newModules; } @Override public void storeMetadata(RepoModule repoModule, byte[] data) { } @Override public boolean tryLoadMetadata(RepoModule repoModule) { if (this.moduleHashMap.containsKey( { repoModule.moduleInfo.flags &= ~ModuleInfo.FLAG_METADATA_INVALID; return true; } repoModule.moduleInfo.flags |= ModuleInfo.FLAG_METADATA_INVALID; return false; } @Override public String getUrl() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { return token == null ? this.url : this.url + "?token=" + token + "&v=" + BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE + "&c=" + BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME + "&device_id=" + generateDeviceId() + "&client_id=" + BuildConfig.ANDROIDACY_CLIENT_ID; } private String injectToken(String url) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { // Do not inject token for non Androidacy urls if (!AndroidacyUtil.isAndroidacyLink(url)) return url; if (this.testMode) { if (url.startsWith("")) { Timber.e("Got non test mode url: %s", AndroidacyUtil.hideToken(url)); url = "" + url.substring(38); } } else { if (url.startsWith("")) { Timber.e("Got test mode url: %s", AndroidacyUtil.hideToken(url)); url = "" + url.substring(35); } } String token = "token=" + AndroidacyRepoData.token; String deviceId = "device_id=" + generateDeviceId(); if (!url.contains(token)) { if (url.lastIndexOf('/') < url.lastIndexOf('?')) { return url + '&' + token; } else { return url + '?' + token; } } if (!url.contains(deviceId)) { if (url.lastIndexOf('/') < url.lastIndexOf('?')) { return url + '&' + deviceId; } else { return url + '?' + deviceId; } } return url; } @NonNull @Override public String getName() { return this.testMode ? super.getName() + " (Test Mode)" : super.getName(); } public void setToken(String token) { if (Http.hasWebView()) { AndroidacyRepoData.token = token; } } }